Election Results
The results of the elections for Board of Directors of the USENIX Association for the 20002002 term are as follows:
Not elected for Director: Total number of ballots cast: 1,385 Total number of invalid ballots: 1 Newly elected directors will take office at the conclusion of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, which will be held June 20, 2000, in San Diego, California.
Ellie Young
So long, and thanks for all the fish
by Andrew Hume
President, USENIX Association By about the time you read this, I will have finished my thralldom as President of USENIX. After four years as President, I will become Vice President, supporting our new President, Dan Geer. I have quite enjoyed my role as President. In many ways, watching the organisation evolve and grow is similiar to watching my twins grow: astonishment at how fast they grow, pride at their achievements, and most of all, finding out how much fun they are. You, too, should be proud, and here are a few examples why:
* Membership continues to grow at an impressive 15% annually (our sister
societies, such as ACM and IEEE/CS, have essentially static membership * We are renowned for the quality and diversity of our conferences and workshops, and the exemplary work of our staff, in particular Judy DesHarnais, in running these events. * We have a large and effective program for funding undergraduate and postgraduate research programs. * We are achieving recognition as a major technical society; at a recent Computing Research Association meeting, I kept hearing phrases like "when associations like ACM, USENIX, and IEEE/CS." The most important ingredient in all of this is, of course, you, the members. You keep paying your dues, coming to conferences, and sharing your experiences. In particular, I salute those of you who volunteer for running for the Board, being Program Chairs, and just helping out at conferences. A close second, though, are the USENIX staff. Make no mistake, you elect officers and directors and they guide the organisation. But the staff runs it, and in USENIX's case, runs it extremely well. I, and the rest of the Board, rely heavily on Ellie Young, our Executive Director; I cannot overstate how well she does her job. Ellie is ably supported by Gale Berkowitz (Deputy Executive Director), Jane-Ellen Long (Production/IS Director) and Monica Ortiz (Marketing Manager). And the whole organisation depends on Judy DesHarnais for her superb work in planning and running our various events. The rest of the staff are Bleu Castañeda, Moun Chau, Peter Collinson, Vanessa Fonseca, Dana Geffner, Dan Klein, Jim Lawson, Jennifer Radtke, Becca Sibrack, and Toni Veglia. A final thanks goes to my family. My work with USENIX has involved a lot of travel; this used to be just inconvenient, but nowadays it means my wife has to look after Nicole and Jason, our 15-month-old twins, on her own. Many of you will understand what a load that is. So thank you very much, Karen.
The twins, Nicole and Jason Karen
by Peter H. Salus USENIX Historian Last column I quoted Ted Dolotta on System IV and on the 7"x9" manuals. Here are a few more notes from Ted to keep you all amused.
When INTERACTIVE Systems was porting UNIX to the PC AT (PC/IX) and to VM/360 (VM/IX) under contract with IBM, we ran into IBM's "standard practices" folks. Note: In 1985 the USENIX Association held its 10th Anniversary blast in Portland, OR, with a salmon roast sponsored by Tektronix. It is not at all clear to me how this number was arrived at. If we're memorializing the first meeting of the UNIX Users' Group, that was May 1974. If it's the meeting at which the name was changed to USENIX, that was July 1977. If it's the organizational meeting to consider the bylaws for the new Association, that was November 1978. A few years ago, Evi Nemeth suggested to me that 1974 was year 0 and thus 1995 was 20. It works for me. The USENIX Association's Annual Meeting with the membership and the Board of Directors will be held during the 2000 USENIX Annual Technical Conference in San Diego. The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 22, from 4 to 5:30 PM, in a room to be announced on-site. Everyone is welcome!
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