;login:, the USENIX magazine, is published 6 times per year and is the number-one USENIX membership benefit. Online issues of ;login: over a year old are freely available to everyone, as are a number of pieces in each issue, including book reviews, conference reports, and standards reports.
Short Topics in System Administration Series
SAGE presents these booklets to the system administration community. They are intended to fill a void in the current information structure, presenting topics in a thorough, refereed fashion but staying small enough and flexible enough to grow with the community.
Computing Systems Journal
Computing Systems, 1988–1996, was a journal dedicated to the analysis and understanding of the theory, design, art, engineering, and implementation of advanced computing systems, with an emphasis on systems inspired or influenced by the UNIX tradition. The journal's content concerns operating systems, architecture, networking, programming languages, and sophisticated applications.
Selected Papers in Network and System Administration
Edited by Eric Anderson, Mark Burgess, and Alva Couch, this book
includes key contributions to the discipline of network and system
administration originally presented at LISA and in Computing Systems.
Ordering Publications
Order copies of our proceedings, Short Topics booklets, and more.
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