
Thanks to everyone who joined us in Santa Clara, CA, for SREcon16.

SREcon16 took place on April 7–8, 2016, in Santa Clara, CA. The program included:

  • Thursday keynote address from Rachel Kroll, Facebook, on "The Realities of the Job of Delivering Reliability"
  • Thursday closing address from Charity Majors, Hound, on "A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer to Technical Decision-Making"
  • Friday keynote address from Kripa Krishnan, Google, on "Putting Together Great SRE Teams"
  • Closing address from Brendan Gregg, Netflix, on "Performance Checklists for SREs"

Video and audio recordings of the talks and presentation slides from the speakers are available on the program page. You can follow us on Twitter or visit the SREcon page for more news and updates on all of our global SREcons.

Save the Date!

March 13–14, 2017
San Francisco, CA

Conference Organizers

Program Co-Chairs

Liz Fong-Jones, Google
Melita Mihaljevic, Facebook
Coburn Watson, Netflix

USENIX Liaisons

David N. Blank-Edelman, Apcera
Daniel V. Klein, Google