Personal Time Management: The Basics for Sysadmins That Are Overloaded

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Fairfax Room

Half Day Afternoon
1:30 pm5:00 pm
LISA16: Culture

Whether you are a sysadmin, dev, or web ops, time management can be more difficult than any technology issue. This class is for new and junior system admins that have found themselves over their head, overloaded, and looking for a better way to survive the tech world.

This tutorial presents fundamental techniques for eliminating interruptions and distractions so you have more time for projects, prioritization techniques so the projects you do work on have the most impact, plus "The Cycle System," which is the easiest and most effective way to juggle all your tasks without dropping any.

Who should attend: 

Sysadmins, devs, operations, and their managers

Take back to work: 

By the end of this class, you will be able to schedule and prioritize your work (rather than be interruption-driven), have perfect follow-through (never forget a request), and limit your work-time to 40 hours a week (have a life).

Topics include: 
  • Why typical “time management” strategies don’t work for sysadmins
  • What makes “to-do” lists fail, and how to make them work
  • How to eliminate “I forgot” from your vocabulary
  • How to manage interruptions: preventing them, managing the ones you get
  • Delegating to coworkers without them knowing
  • Achieving perfect follow-through
  • The Cycle System for recording and processing to-do lists
  • Prioritization techniques
  • Task grouping: batching, sharding, and multitasking
  • Handling situations like a big outage disrupting your perfectly planned day
Presentation Type: 