All sessions will be held in The Jefferson Room unless otherwise noted.
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Tuesday, December 6
7:30 am–9:00 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am–10:30 am
Session 1
Program Co-Chairs: Kyrre Begnum, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, and Charles Border, Rochester Institute of Technology
Keynote Address: How DevOps Is Transforming IT and What It Should Do to Sysadmin Education
Nicole Forsgren, DORA
Developing Relevant Academic Programs
S.K Bhashkar, University of Maryland University College
This presentation will discuss the approach used by UMUC, in keeping with its mission, to develop practical and useful educational programs, which provide the flexibility that students need and which are responsive to market needs. The continuing evolution of the Computer Networking & Cybersecurity undergraduate program will be used to illustrate our approach.
10:30 am–11:00 am
Break with Refreshments
11:00 am–12:30 pm
Session 2: Developing Course Material
Outcome-Based Training: A Simple Approach
Eric Sorbo, Science Applications International Corporation
Organizations expend funds on new and improved IT systems with the hopes users will gain efficiency when performing their tasks using it. This presentation will explain a method an organization could use to increase the chances of realizing that efficiency by implementing a simple outcome-based training approach, including a case study of the steps, processes, and experiences used by one trainer to develop an enterprise-wide training program for an IT Service Management software system.
Balancing Education and Training Goals for the U.S. Air Force
Jason Abshire, Air Force Institute of Technology
Delivering relevant education and training in a highly dynamic professional studies area is challenging. The discussion of education vs. training can be highly contentious, with some thinking education is over-rated and training and certification is most important. Both are key to delivering capable cyberspace professionals. Training is necessary to ensure learners have specific understanding of systems or software, and education is necessary to prepare learners for novel situations. To meet this need, educators must be forward-thinking to develop courses quickly and adapt quickly, as needed, incorporating an appropriate amount of education and training.
Sysadmin Should Be Taught Top-Down, Not Bottom-Up
Tom Limoncelli, StackOverflow, and Christina Hogan, Independent Consultant
12:30 pm–1:30 pm
Summit Luncheon
1:30 pm–3:00 pm
Session 3
Panel: Future of Education
Panelists: Carolyn Rowland, NIST; Ski Kacoroski, LOPSA;
More panelists TBA
DevOps and the Future of System Administration Education
Charles Border, Rochester Institute of Technology
System administration is an applied field in computing that has changed rapidly in response to the changing architectures used in modern applications. This has lead those of us who teach future system administrators to change our curriculum in an attempt to keep the education our students receive relevant in the marketplace. While this has never been an easy thing to do it has become much more difficult over the last several years as more and more organizations have adapted their architectures and the workflows that support them to the scale of growth available through the internet. The topics that should be included in a modern system administration curriculum can be organized into the following areas: DevOps, Configuration as code, System Architectures, and Information Assurance. In this paper I will discuss these four areas and topics I am attempting to bring into our curriculum in my attempt to keep our students relevant in the marketplace.
Lightning Talks
Moderator: Charles Wiseman, Wentworth Institute of Technology
3:00 pm–3:30 pm
Break with Refreshments
3:30 pm–5:00 pm
Session 4: Lab Environments
Session Chairs: Scott Orr, Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis, and Niels Sijm, University of Amsterdam
Designing a New Cyber Security Course by Dissecting Recent Cyber Breaches
Yu Cai, Michigan Technological University
Recent high-profile cyber breaches such as the Target breach (2014) and the Anthem breach (2015) indicate that cyberattack is a clear threat nationwide. However, there are growing mismatches between industry needs and education provided by universities and colleges. In this paper, we present a newly designed cybersecurity course by dissecting recent cyber security breaches. This is a case-study based course, where cases come from the recent real-world cyber security attacks including the Target breach, the Anthem breach, a 300Gbps DDoS attack and others. Students will look into the details of these attacks and learn how these attacks happened from the beginning to the end. For each case study, students are expected to analyze the case study materials and prepare for the in-class discussion. Through guided discussion and hands-on lab assignments, students will explore various cyber security attack techniques, defense mechanisms and best practices. The evaluation results show that the course is very popular among students and received high evaluation results.
An Introductory Lab for Information Security
Suzanna Schmeelk, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Columbia University
This talk presents an introductory lab for Information Security topics. The lab is designed as an introductory information security course to introduce cyber security and system administration concepts to novices of any age group. The talk is interlaced with practitioner advice from executing this lab multiple times with different age ranges in a corporate environment where we had less than an hour to introduce concepts to cyber security novices. The uniqueness of the lab is that it can be widened or narrowed to match time constraints and required topics.
Cloud Computing Systems Administration in an IS Program: Solving Both Sides of the 50/50 Equation
Ronald E. Pike, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
A recent decision to move our IS curriculum into cloud computing at Cal Poly Pomona raises many questions. Of specific concern at the start of this process was the training required for students in a cybersecurity track in the program. A decision was made that students must be not only users of cloud technologies but also purveyors as only through providing cloud services could students practice the full range of tasks and activities related to operating and securing cloud systems. This commitment led to the creation of a small data center that is operated and maintained entirely by students using cloud technologies. The dearth of published academic materials on systems administration, and specifically systems administration in a cloud context, sent faculty and students on a quest to understand what should be covered. This report follows more than a year of work and at what we believe is a mid-point in our endeavor.
Closing Remarks
Program Co-Chairs: Kyrre Begnum, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, and Charles Border, Rochester Institute of Technology