Linux Performance Monitoring with BPF

Garden Room
Half Day Morning
9:00 am–12:30 pm
LISA17: Engineering

eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filters) is a modern kernel technology that can be used to introduce dynamic tracing into a system that wasn't prepared or instrumented in any way. The tracing programs run in the kernel, are guaranteed to never crash or hang your system, and can probe every module and function—from the kernel to user-space frameworks such as Node and Ruby.

In this workshop, you will experiment with Linux dynamic tracing first-hand. First, you will explore BCC, the BPF Compiler Collection, which is a set of tools and libraries for dynamic tracing. Many of your tracing needs will be answered by BCC, and you will experiment with memory leak analysis, generic function tracing, kernel tracepoints, static tracepoints in user-space programs, and the "baked" tools for file I/O, network, and CPU analysis. You'll be able to choose between working on a set of hands-on labs prepared by the instructors, or trying the tools out on your own test system.

Next, you will hack on some of the bleeding edge tools in the BCC toolkit, and build a couple of simple tools of your own. You'll be able to pick from a curated list of GitHub issues for the BCC project, a set of hands-on labs with known "school solutions", and an open-ended list of problems that need tools for effective analysis. At the end of this workshop, you will be equipped with a toolbox for diagnosing issues in the field, as well as a framework for building your own tools when the generic ones do not suffice.

Who should attend: 

Developers, SRE, ops engineers

Take back to work: 

Low-overhead, production-ready tools based on the BPF kernel technology for CPU sampling, memory leak analysis, I/O and file issues, and many other performance and troubleshooting scenarios.

Topics include: 

Performance, Monitoring, Tracing, BPF, Kernel

Presentation Type: 