USENIX ATC '19 Instructions for Presenters

Website Maintenance Alert

Due to scheduled maintenance, the USENIX website may not be available on Monday, March 17, from 10:00 am–6:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7). We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

If you would like to register for NSDI '25, SREcon25 Americas, or PEPR '25, please complete your registration before or after this time period.

These instructions are for presenters at the 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '19). If you wish to submit a paper or deliver a talk at another upcoming USENIX event, please review the open Calls for Papers and Calls for Participation for our upcoming USENIX conferences.


If you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please contact the Conference Department as soon as possible. Visa applications can take at least 30 working days to process. Please identify yourself as a presenter and include your mailing address in your email.


If you have questions, please contact the USENIX ATC '19 Program Co-Chairs, Dahlia Malkhi and Dan Tsafrir, or the Production Department.

Instructions for Authors of Refereed Papers

  1. Final Papers: A printable PDF of your paper is due on or before Thursday, May 30, 2019. Final papers should be no longer than 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for short papers, excluding references.
  2. Papers should be typeset in two-column format using 10-point type on 12-point (single-spaced) leading, in a text block 7" wide x 9" deep, with .33" inter-column space, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.
  3. Templates and sample first pages (two-column format) for Microsoft Word and LaTeX are available on the USENIX templates page.
  4. At your earliest convenience, you should agree with your shepherd on a timeline that: allows you to complete the revision based on the reviews; allows the shepherd to read and consider your edits; allow the shepherd and you enough time to discuss; and allows for a final round of text polishing if necessary. All of these steps must be completed comfortably before the camera ready deadline.
  5. Upload your final paper to the submissions system by May 30, 2019. If you have questions, please contact the Production Department.
  6. Production Requirements:
    • Title, author, and abstract certification: The final PDF's title and author information, including author order and affiliation, and the abstract, must exactly match the information entered into the HotCRP submission system. Please update the information in HotCRP as necessary, then check the certification checkbox. Please note: if you make any changes after you check the certification checkbox, you will need to check the box again.
    • Please embed all fonts and make sure that your final paper PDF is searchable.
    • Page numbers must be suppressed on the final PDF.
  7. Consent Form: Each author must sign a consent to publish form, which allows USENIX to publish the paper as well as any slides, audio, and/or video of your presentation. USENIX makes these freely available as part of our commitment to open access. Please review and e-sign the form. If you are the lead author, please be sure all of your co-authors sign a form.
  8. Registration: Registration information will be available online in May. Please note: If the conference registration fee poses a financial hardship for the presenter of the refereed paper, contact the Conference Department with a description of your circumstances.
  9. Presentations: USENIX provides projection screen and projector, plus the following:
    • 1 wireless microphone
    • Cables and extension cords: HDMI and VGA are provided for connecting your laptop to the projection system. Please check your device ahead of time and bring any special adapters you might need, including for Mini-Displayport or USB-C.
    Laptops are not provided.
    Slides should set up for a 16:9 aspect ratio. In order to make your presentation available on the USENIX website immediately after the conference, please email a PDF of your slides to as soon as possible after your presentation.
  10. All papers will be available online to registered attendees before the conference. If your accepted paper should not be published prior to the event, please notify the Production Department. The papers will be available online to everyone beginning on the first day of the conference.

Instructions for Invited Speakers and Panelists

  1. Registration: The Conference Department will contact you with instructions for registering online.
  2. Presentations: USENIX provides projection screen and projector, plus the following:
    • 1 wireless microphone
    • Cables and extension cords: HDMI and VGA are provided for connecting your laptop to the projection system. Please check your device ahead of time and bring any special adapters you might need, including for Mini-Displayport or USB-C.
    Laptops are not provided. If you will be unable to bring a laptop and need to arrange to borrow one, or if you wish to discuss any special A/V needs, please contact the Conference Department +1 510.528.8649).
  3. Consent Form: All presenters must sign a consent to publish form, which allows USENIX to publish any slides, audio, and/or video of your presentation. USENIX makes these freely available as part of our commitment to open access. Please review and e-sign the form.
  4. Presentation slides: Slides should set up for a 16:9 aspect ratio. In order to make your talk available on the USENIX website immediately after the conference, please email a PDF of your slides to as soon as possible after your presentation.