Avleen Vig, Facebook
July 30, 2020
SREcon Conversations are short, interactive, online discussions about Site Reliability Engineering, hosted on Zoom. SREcon Conversations maintain and celebrate the values, goals, and culture of SREcon.
Avleen Vig, Facebook
Thursday, July 30, 2020
10:30 am–12:00 pm PDT

Avleen is a Production Engineer at Facebook, where he helps scale Facebook’s infrastructure. Before joining Facebook he worked at several large tech companies, including EarthLink, Google, and Etsy.
Distributed Teams and Successful
Remote Engineering
Since early 2020 work environments around the world have changed dramatically. People who had never before considered working from home have found themselves in that situation. Transitioning to a workforce which has a large presence working remotely is a challenge for both individuals and organisations. Avleen is a WFH veteran having spent nearly 10 years practicing it as an IC and building successful remote teams. He will present lessons for individuals, leaders and groups on how to make a successful transition to working from home, and how to make it viable for the long term.
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