Computing Systems 1996
A quarterly publication of the USENIX Association
Volume 9 • Number 3 • Summer 1996
USENIX Association and Editorial Board
The Expected Lifetime of Single-Address-Space Operating Systems by David Kotz and Preston Crow, Dartmouth College
Optimized Memory-Based Messaging: Leveraging the Memory System for High-Performance Communication by David R. Cheriton and Robert A. Kutter, Stanford University
Achieving Predictable Response Time with an Intelligent File System Updater by Li-Chi Feng and Ruei-Chuan Chang, National Chiao Tung University
A Tool for Building Firewall-Router Configurations by Christopher J. Calabrese, Novell Information Services and Technology
Rejoinder: Independent One-Time Passwords by John Adams, Security Dynamics
Response: Independent One-Time Passwords by Aviel D. Rubin, Bellcore