January 22-26, 1996
San Diego, California

If you work with UNIX and advanced computing systems and want to learn about the latest technology and practical techniques you can implement immediately, plan to attend the 1996 USENIX Technical Conference. Technology advances at a breakneck pace, and USENIX's goal is to bring you the information you need to keep up, all in one place.
The San Diego Marriott has sold out. Additional rooms now are available at the Clarion Hotel (3 blocks from Marriott) - 619-696-0234). Complete details below.
This posting contains:


Monday Tutorials, January 22

M1: Advanced UNIX Security: Threats and Solutions
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis

M2: IP version 6: An Introduction - New
Richard Stevens, Consultant

M3: Creating a Web Site with HTML and CGI - New
Dave Taylor, Intuitive Systems

M4: UNIX Kernel Internals: Data Structures and Algorithms
Dr. Marshal Kirk McKusick, Consultant and Author

M5: An Introduction to Tcl and Tk
John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems

M6: The Kerberos Approach to Network Security - Updated
Dan Geer, Open Market, Inc. and John Rochlis, BBN Planet

M7: Sendmail Inside and Out Version 8 - Updated
Eric Allman, Pangaea Reference Technologies

M8: An Introduction to System Performance Tuning - New
Marcus Ranum, Information Warehouse!, Inc.

M9: Windows 95 for UNIX Jocks - New
Doug Hamilton, Hamilton Laboratories

M10: Topics in System Administration
Trent Hein, XOR Engineering and Evi Nemeth, University of Colorado, Boulder

M11: The Law and Individual Rights on the Net
Dan Appelman, Heller, Ehrman, White and McAuliffe

Tuesday Tutorials, January 23

T1: UNIX Security Tools: Use and Comparison - New
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis

T2: Joining the Internet Safely using UNIX and Firewalls
Tina Darmohray and Marcus Ranum, Information Warehouse!, Inc.

T3: UNIX Network Programming
Richard Stevens, Consultant

T4: What's New in Networking - New
Rik Farrow, Consultant

T5: BSD Network Internals: Data Structures and Algorithms - New
Michael Karels, Berkeley Software Design, Inc.

T6: Advanced Tcl/Tk - New
Stephen Uhler and Brent Welch, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

T7: Java - New
Jim Waldo, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

T8: Beginning Perl Programming for UNIX Programmers -
Updated for v5.
Tom Christiansen, Consultant

T9: Linux Inside and Out - New
Michael K. Johnson, Linux Journal

T10: IP Network Administration
William LeFebvre, Argonne National Laboratory

TECHNICAL PROGRAM, Wednesday - Friday, January 24-26


Robert Gray, U S West Advanced Technologies

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Nature and Nurture - The Interplay of UNIX and Networking
Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

11:00-12:30 FILE SYSTEMS
Session Chair: John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Scalability in the XFS File System
Adam Sweeney, Silicon Graphics

A Comparison of FFS Disk Allocation Policies
Keith A. Smith and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University

AFRAID - A Frequently Redundant Array of Independent Disks
Stefan Savage, University of Washington and John Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

Invited Talk: Linux: Architecture, Experiences, and Future
Linus Torvalds, University of Helsinki

Session Chair: Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz

A Comparison of OS Extension Technologies
Christopher Small and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University

An Extensible Protocol Architecture for Application- Specific Networking
Marc E. Fiuczynski and Brian N. Bershad, University of Washington

Linux Device Driver Emulation in Mach
Shantanu Goel and Dan Duchamp, Columbia University

Invited Talk Panel Discussion: Opinions on Recent Legal Decisions
Moderator: Ed Gould, Digital Equipment Corporation Panelists: Dan Appelman, Partner, Heller, Ehrman, White, and McAuliffe; Mitch Dembin, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Chief, Financial Fraud Section; Philip R. Karn Qualcomm, Inc.

4:00-5:00 MULTIMEDIA
Session Chair: Brent Welch, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Calliope: A Distributed, Scalable Multimedia Server
Andrew Heybey, Mark Sullivan, and Paul England, Bellcore

Simple Continuous Media Storage Server on Real-Time Mach
Hiroshi Tezuka and Tatsuo Nakajima, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Invited Talk: Cryptography in the 21st Century
Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Systems


9:00-10:30 NETWORKS
Session Chair: John Kohl, Atria Software

Eliminating Receive Livelock in an Interrupt-driven Kernel
Jeffrey Mogul, Digital Equipment Corporation, Western Research Laboratory; K. K. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Implementation of IPv6 in 4.4 BSD
Randall Atkinson, Daniel McDonald, and Bao Phan, Naval Research Laboratory; Craig Metz, Kaman Sciences Corporation; Kenneth Chin, Naval Research Laboratory

Supporting Mobility in MosquitoNet
Mary Baker, Xinhua Zhao, Stuart Cheshire, and Jonathan Stone, Stanford University

Invited Talk: Why Threads Are A Bad Idea (for most purposes)
John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

11:00-12:30 WEB
Session Chair: Christopher Small, Harvard University

World Wide Web Cache Consistency
James Gwertzman and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University

A Hierarchical Internet Object Cache
Anawat Chankhunthod, Peter Danzig, and Chuck Neer daels, University of Southern California; Michael F. Schwartz and Kurt J. Worrell, University of Colorado, Boulder

Tracking and Viewing Changes on the Web
Fred Douglis and Thomas Ball, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Invited Talk: Vmalloc: The Search Ends?
Kiem-Phong Vo, AT&T Bell Laboratories


Invited Talk: Forming a More Perfect Net Governance
Carey Eugene Heckman, Adjunct Professor of Law, Stan ford Law School and Co-Director, Stanford Law and Tech nology Policy Center

Session Chair: David Black, Opens Software Foundation Research Institute

Implementation of a Reliable Remote Memory Pager
Evangelos P. Markatos and George Dramitinos, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Crete

Solaris MC: A Multi Computer OS
Yousef A. Khalidi, Jose M. Bernabeu, Vlada Matena, Ken Shirriff, and Moti Thadani, Sun Microsystems Laboratories

A New Approach to Distributed Memory Management in the Mach Microkernel
Stephan Zeisset, Stefan Tritscher, and Martin Mairandres, Intel GmbH

Fault Tolerance in a Distributed CHORUS/MiX System
Sunil Kittur, Online Media; Francois Armand, Chorus Systemes; Douglas Steel, ICL High Performance Systems; Jim Lipkis, Chorus Systemes

Invited Talk Panel Discussion: Selling Stuff That's Free - The Commercial Side of Free Software
Moderator: Mary Baker, Stanford University; Panelists: Bob Bruce, Walnut Creek CD-ROM; William H. Davidow, Mohr, Davidow Ventures; Michael Tiemann, Cygnus Support; Linus Torvalds, University of Helsinki


9:00-10:30 PROTOCOLS
Session Chair: Jonathan Smith, University of Pennsylvania

FLIPC: A Low Latency Messaging System for Distributed Real Time Environments
David L. Black, Randall D. Smith, Steven J. Sears, and Randall W. Dean, Open Software Foundation Research Institute

An Analysis of Process and Memory Models to Support High-Speed Networking in a UNIX Environment
B. Murphy, University of Cambridge; S. Zeadally and C. J. Adams, University of Buckingham

Zero-Copy TCP in Solaris
H. K. Jerry Chu, SunSoft, Inc.

Invited Talk: Highlights from 1995 USENIX Conferences

11:00-2:30 PERFORMANCE
Session Chair: Miche Baker-Harvey, Digital Equipment Corporation

A Performance Comparison of UNIX Operating Systems on the Pentium
Kevin Lai and Mary Baker, Stanford University

lmbench: Portable Tools for Performance Analysis
Larry McVoy, Silicon Graphics; Carl Staelin, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

Process Labeled Kernel Profiling: A New Facility to Profile System Activities
Shingo Nishioka, Atsuo Kawaguchi, and Hiroshi Motoda, Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory

Invited Talk: CitySpace: Come Build It Yourself - A User-Extensible Virtual Environment for Real-time Play
Coco Conn and Zane Vella, Digital Circus Productions

2:00-4:00 POT POURRI
Session Chair: Matt Blaze, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Cut-and-Paste File-Systems: Integrating Simulators and File-Systems
Peter Bosch and Sape J. Mullender, Universiteit Twente

Predicting Future File-System Actions From Prior Events
Tom M. Kroeger and Darrell D. E. Long, University of California, Santa Cruz

Transparent Fault Tolerance for Parallel Applications on Networks of Workstations
Daniel J. Scales, Digital Equipment Corporation, Western Research Laboratory; Monica S. Lam, Stanford University

Why Use a Fishing Line When you Have a Net? An Adaptive Multicast Data Distribution Protocol
Steve Kotsopoulos and Jeremy Cooperstock, University of Toronto

Invited Talk Panel Discussion: Technical Executive

Summary - 90 Minutes, 6 Talks, No Regrets
Moderator: Keith Bostic, Berkeley Software Design, Inc. Panelists: TBA

4:30-5:30 Joint Closing Session - USENIX Quiz Show
Hosted by Rob Kolstad and Dan Klein


Pre-Registration Savings Deadline:   Friday, December 15, 1995
Hotel Discount Reservation Deadline:  Wednesday, January 3, 1996
Tutorial Program:
Monday-Tuesday, Jan 22-23       9:00am-5:00pm
Technical Sessions:
Wednesday, Jan 24		9:00am-5:00pm
Thursday, Jan 25		9:00am-6:00pm
Friday, Jan 26			9:00am-5:30pm
On-Site Conference Registration Hours:
Sunday, Jan 21                  4:00pm-9:00pm
Monday-Thursday, Jan 22-25      7:30am-6:00pm
Vendor Display:
Wednesday, Jan 24               12:00pm-7:00pm
Thursday, Jan 25                10:00am-4:00pm
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions:
Tuesday & Thursday, Jan 23 & 25	6:00pm-10:00pm
Wednesday, Jan 24               9:00pm-11:00pm
USENIX Conference Reception:
Wednesday, Jan 24               7:00pm-9:00pm

PROGRAM CHAIR: Robert Gray, US WEST Advanced Technologies

Eric Allman		Pangaea Reference Systems
Miche Baker-Harvey	Digital Equipment Corporation
David Black		Open Software Foundation Research Institute
Matt Blaze		AT&T Bell Laboratories
John Kohl		Atria Software
Darrell Long		University of California, Santa Cruz
John Ousterhout		Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Christopher Small	Harvard University
Jonathan Smith		University of Pennsylvania
Carl Staelin		Hewlett-Packard
Brent Welch		Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Invited Talks and Guru-Is-In Co-ordinators:
Mary Baker		Stanford University
Ed Gould		Digital Equipment Corporation 


Do you have a topic that you'd like to discuss with others? BoFs
may be perfect for you. BoFs are very interactive and informal
gatherings for attendees interested in a particular topic.
Schedule your BOF in advance or on-site. Telephone the USENIX
Conference Office at 714.588.8649 or send email to
conference@usenix.org. Topics are announced at the conference.

Have a question that's been bothering you? Try asking a USENIX
guru! Noted experts from the USENIX community will be available to
spark controversy and answer questions. These are informal
discussions among participants, one more way at the conference to
transmit information. Please contact the IT Coordinators via email
to ITusenix@usenix.org if you would like to volunteer your

Weds, Jan 24, 12:00pm-6:00pm, & Thurs, Jan 25, 10:00am-4:00pm 

Ask serious questions and get serious answers at the Vendor
Display. You can talk seriously with technically savvy vendor
representatives. You can discuss how something will work with what
you've already got. Plus, you can review the newest releases from
technical and professional publishers.

Exhibitors:  This is an unusual opportunity to get feedback on
your products and ideas from our exceptional attendees -- the
system administrators, technical staff and managers, programmers,
developers, and engineers who use your products daily. They attend
USENIX because it's the authoritative place to find out what's new
and its unsurpassed technical program and tutorials.

To reserve your booth, please contact:
Cynthia Deno
Phone: 408-335-9445	Fax: 408-335-5327
Email: display@usenix.org

Short, pithy, and fun, Work-in-Progress Reports (WIPs) introduce
interesting new or ongoing work. If you have work you would like
to share or a cool idea that is not quite ready to be published, a
WIP Report is for you! We are particularly interested in
presenting student work. To reserve your presentation slot,
contact Peg Schafer via email to wips@usenix.org. A list of topics
is announced on-site.

WELCOMING RECEPTION AND KICKOFF Sunday, Jan 21, 6:00pm-9:00pm

The Welcoming Reception offers you a chance to say hello over soft
drinks and snacks. The Kickoff introduces attendees to conference
events and to San Diego. The Kickoff immediately follows the
Welcoming Reception at 8:00 pm.

RECEPTION  Wednesday, Jan 24, 7:00-9:00pm
Join the fun, mingle with old friends and make new friends at our
reception. It's free when you register for the technical sessions.
Additional tickets may be purchased on site.

Internet and dial-out access are provided in the Terminal Room.
Copying facilities will be available to create tapes of
miscellaneous GNU and public domain software. The Terminal Room
will be open all week. Look for details posted to

Email message service will be available Monday, January 22 through
Friday, January 26. Email to conference attendees should be
addressed:   first_lastname@conference.usenix.org. 

Telephone messages may be left by telephoning the Marriott Hotel
at 619-234-1500 and asking for the USENIX Message Desk. The
Message Desk will be open Sunday, January 21, 4:00-9:00 pm, and
during conference hours until Friday, January 26 at 3:00 pm.

Tutorials: A limited number of seats in each tutorial are reserved
for full-time students at the very special rate of $70.00 per
tutorial. To take advantage of this, you must telephone the
conference office to confirm availability and make a reservation.
You will receive a reservation code number which must appear on
your registration form. Your registration form with full payment
and a photocopy of your current student ID card must arrive within
14 days from the date of your reservation. If they do not arrive
by that date, your reservation will be canceled. This special fee
is non-transferable.

Technical Sessions: USENIX offers a discount rate of $75 for
technical sessions for full-time students. You must include a copy
of your current student I.D. card with your registration. This fee
is not transferable.

USENIX provides CEUs for a small administrative fee.  The CEU is 
a nationally recognized standard unit of measurement for continuing
education and training and is used by thousands of organizations
across the United States.

Completion of any full-day tutorial qualifies you for 0.6 CEUs.
For CEU credit, just check the box on the registration form.
USENIX provides a certificate and maintains transcripts for each
attendee who wants CEU credits.  CEUs are not the same as college
credits.  Consult your employer or school to determine their

USENIX is the UNIX and Advanced Computing Systems Technical and
Professional Association. Since 1975 the USENIX Association has
brought together the community of engineers, scientists, system
administrators, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the
computing world.

The USENIX technical conferences have become the essential meeting
grounds for the presentation and discussion of the most advanced
information on new developments in all aspects of advanced
computing systems.

SAGE, The System Administrators Guild
SAGE, a Special Technical Group within the USENIX Association, is
dedicated to the recognition and advancement of system administration 
as a profession. 

To join or renew your membership, use the convenient check-off box
on the registration form.  You must be a current member of USENIX
to join SAGE. For more membership information, call 510-528-8649,
send email to office@usenix.org, or view our World Wide Web
Site at:  https://www.usenix.org.

The San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina, the Conference Headquarters,
has SOLD OUT of rooms.  USENIX has reserved additional hotel rooms at 
the following property:

Clarion Hotel - Bay View (3 blocks from the Marriott, adjacent to Gaslamp Qtr)

660 K Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Telephone # 619-696-0234
Toll Free # 1-800-766-0234
Room Rate: $ 95 - Single
           $105 - Double

You must mention that you are attending the USENIX Conference
to get the special rate.  To CANCEL your reservation, you
must notify the hotel AT LEAST 48 hours before your
planned arrival date.

**333 West Harbor Drive
**San Diego, CA 92101-7700
**Phone: 619-234-1500	
**Tollfree: 800.228.9290
**Reservation Fax: 619.230.8978 

**RATES:		 	City view	Bay view
**Single/Double		$129.00		$149.00

NEED A ROOMMATE? Usenet facilitates room sharing. If you wish to
share a room, post to and check comp.org.usenix.roomshare.

The San Diego Airport is 7-8 miles from the hotel. The Cloud 9
Shuttle costs $4 one way. Use the courtesy phone in the baggage
claim area to request service within 10 minutes. Taxi service is

Amtrak is only 2 miles from the hotel. Taxi service is available.
If you are driving a car, parking at the Marriott costs $11/day
for the valet and $8 if you park it yourself. Directly across from
the Marriott, Allright Parking provides parking at $3/day without
in and out privileges.

Special discounted air fares are available only through JNR, Inc.,
a full service travel agency. All restrictions apply. Please call
JNR for details. Call toll free 800-343-4546 in the USA, or
telephone 714-476-2788.

For more information, contact: 
USENIX Conference Office
22672 Lambert St., Suite 613
Lake Forest, CA USA 92630
Phone: 714.588.8649	Fax: 714.588.9706
Email: conference@usenix.org
Office Hours: M-F, 8:30am-5:00pm Pacific Time

========================cut here====================================

                    January 22-26, 1996, San Diego, CA

Please complete the form below and return with full payment to:

22672 Lambert St., Suite 613, Lake Forest, CA 92630
Telephone: (714) 588-8649 / FAX Number (714) 588-9706
Electronic Mail Address:  conference@usenix.org
Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm Pacific Time

         (first)                                 (last)

FIRST NAME FOR BADGE____________________________

USENIX Member ID____________________

COMPANY OR INSTITUTION______________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS_____________________________________________________
						(mail stop)



TELEPHONE NO:_________________________FAX NO._________________________

NETWORK ADDRESS______________________________________________________
                          (one only please)

The address you provide will be used for all future USENIX
mailings unless you notify us in writing.

Please help us serve you better.  By answering the following
questions, you help us plan our activities to meet members'
needs.  All information is confidential.

[ ] I do not want to be on the attendee list
[ ] I do not want my address made available for other than USENIX
[ ] I do not want USENIX to email me notices of Association activities.

What is your affiliation? [ ]academic  [ ]commercial  [ ]gov't  [ ]R&D

What is your role in purchase decision?
1.[] final  2.[] specify  3.[] recommend 4.[] influence 5.[] no role

What is your job function? (check one)
1.[] system/network administrator    2.[] consultant 
3.[] academic/research   4.[] developer/programmer/architect 
5.[] system engineer    6.[] technical manager  7.[] student

How did you hear about this meeting:
1.[] USENIX mailing  2.[] newsgroup/bulletin board 3.[] ;login:  
4.[] World Wide Web  5.[] from a colleague  6.[] magazine

What publications or newgroups do you read releated to advanced 
computing systems?_____________________________________________


Select only one full-day tutorial per day - 9:00am-5:00pm

Monday, January 22, 1996
[ ] M1:  Advanced UNIX Security: Threats and Solutions  
[ ] M2:  IP version 6  (New)
[ ] M3:  Creating a Web Site with HTML and CGI  (New)
[ ] M4:  UNIX Kernel Internals
[ ] M5:  An Introduction to Tcl and Tk
[ ] M6:  Kerberos Approach to Network Security  (Updated)
[ ] M7:  Sendmail Inside and Out - Version 8  (Updated)
[ ] M8:  Introduction to System Performance Tuning  (New)
[ ] M9:  Windows 95 and Windows NT for UNIX Programmers  (New)
[ ] M10: Topics in System Administration 
[ ] M11: The Law and Individual Rights on the Internet  (New)

    Second Choice of first is filled:____________________________

Tuesday, January 23, 1996
[ ] T1:  UNIX Security Tools  (New)
[ ] T2:  UNIX and Firewalls
[ ] T3:  UNIX Network Programming
[ ] T4:  What's New in Networking  (New)
[ ] T5:  BSD Network Internals  (New)
[ ] T6:  Advanced Tcl/Tk  (New)
[ ] T7:  Java  (New)
[ ] T8:  Beginning Perl Programming  (Updated)
[ ] T9:  Linux Inside and Out  (New)
[ ] T10: IP Network Administration

    Second Choice of first is filled:____________________________

	Two full-day tutorials.................$590	$_________
	CEU credit (optional)..................$ 30	$_________
	One full-day tutorial..................$320	$_________
	CEU credit (optional)..................$ 15	$_________

	Late fee applies if postmarked after 
	  Friday, December 15, 1995........Add $ 50	$_________

	Full-Time Students
	CODE NO:______________________         $ 70	$_________
	CODE NO:______________________         $ 70	$_________


	Current Member Fee.....................$330	$________
        (Applies to current USENIX, EurOpen, JUS 
	 and AUUG members)

	Non-Member or Renewing Member Fee*.....$400	$________
	*Join or renew your USENIX membership 
	and attend the conference for same low price 
                                         -Check here [ ]

	Join or renew your SAGE membership...Add $ 25	$_________
	(You must be a member of USENIX)

	Late fee applies if postmarked after 
	  Friday, December 15, 1995.........Add $ 50	$_________

	Full-Time Student Fee: pre-registered  
	                       or on-site......$ 75	$_________
	(Students must include photocopy of current 
	 student I.D.)

                       TOTAL ENCLOSED...................$_________

Payment in US Dollars must accompany this form.  Purchase orders,
vouchers, telephone or email registrations cannot be accepted.  

[ ] Payment Enclosed (Make check payable to USENIX Conference)


ACCOUNT NO.______________________________________ EXP. DATE___________

 Print Cardholder's Name                 Cardholder's Signature

You may fax your registration form if paying by credit card to 
USENIX Conference Office, fax:  714 588 9706.  (To avoid duplicate 
billing, please DO NOT mail an additional copy.)

REFUND CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you must cancel, all refund
requests must be in writing and postmarked no later than January
12, 1996.  Telephone cancellations cannot be accepted.  You may
telephone to substitute another in your place.