I had learned about The Unix Heritage Society (tuhs.org) while reading Brian Kernighan's book of recollections of working in Bell Labs [1]. TUHS is a site you could visit to find early Unix artifacts, including source code for multiple Unix versions. I had never met Warren, but thought I'd find him interesting to interview.
RF: In your blog about starting TUHS, you mention starting a petition to get the older Unix versions released under some form of hobbyist license [2] in 1997. The Santa Cruz Operation, then the copyright owner for the Unix source code, responded the next year with hobbyists license for US$100. Two years later, they changed the terms making the license free for non-commercial use, and included Unix Editions 1 to 7, and 32V. You also mentioned that when you first encountered Unix in 1982, you were intrigued, and even felt like you had missed something significant. In one manner, you had, as the USENIX Association had been meeting for years, exchanging tips, information, and source code patches between folks who worked at universities or companies with Unix source code licenses.
So, given that I didn't have a Unix system at home, I translated the Xinu book into 6502 assembly code, built an interrupt generator with a 555 timer chip [3], and rewrote Xinu for the Apple II. By the end of the year I had a basic shell and I could multitask on the Apple II with a Unix-like command line.
I went back to do Honours at university in 1988. The IT school had bought a copy of Minix 1.1 (a Unix-like system that ran on the IBM PC). I really had no money, but my first 10MHz IBM XT clone was purchased specifically to run Minix, not DOS 3.3 :-) Why would I run some crappy system when I could have an environment with a shell, pipes and multitasking!
I was very fortunate as, it seems, I was born to be a teacher. I remember explaining the concepts of trigonometry to my classmates at lunch-time in high school. Along the way, I've received a bunch of teaching awards including a national teaching award [https://minnie.tuhs.org/Eportfolio/Awards/carrick_award.pdf ] in 2007. Now that I've retired, one thing that I really miss is standing in front of a whiteboard with a class, explaining stuff to them, and the banter and repartee that you get with a good class.
RF: You also built an eight bit CPU out of simple chips and some ROM. Did you use that as a teaching tool? I've sometimes wondered if having an emulator of an old-style computer, complete with front panel switches and address and data displays as a teaching tool, might help students.