
Search results

    NSDI '25PRED: Performance-oriented Random Early Detection for Consistently Stable Performance in Datacenters
    NSDI '25Enabling Silent Telemetry Data Transmission with InvisiFlow
    NSDI '25Learnings from Deploying Network QoS Alignment to Application Priorities for Storage Services
    NSDI '25Quicksand: Harnessing Stranded Datacenter Resources with Granular Computing
    NSDI '25On Temporal Verification of Stateful P4 Programs
    NSDI '25Smart Casual Verification of the Confidential Consortium Framework
    NSDI '25Enhancing Network Failure Mitigation with Performance-Aware Ranking
    NSDI '25Pyrrha: Congestion-Root-Based Flow Control to Eliminate Head-of-Line Blocking in Datacenter
    NSDI '25Minder: Faulty Machine Detection for Large-scale Distributed Model Training
    NSDI '25Dissecting and Streamlining the Interactive Loop of Mobile Cloud Gaming
    NSDI '25Efficient Direct-Connect Topologies for Collective Communications
    NSDI '25SuperServe: Fine-Grained Inference Serving for Unpredictable Workloads
    NSDI '25Pineapple: Unifying Multi-Paxos and Atomic Shared Registers
    NSDI '25HA/TCP: A Reliable and Scalable Framework for TCP Network Functions
    NSDI '25State-Compute Replication: Parallelizing High-Speed Stateful Packet Processing
    NSDI '25MTP: Transport for In-Network Computing
    NSDI '25Eden: Developer-Friendly Application-Integrated Far Memory
    NSDI '25Achieving Wire-Latency Storage Systems by Exploiting Hardware ACKs
    NSDI '25ODRP: On-Demand Remote Paging with Programmable RDMA
    NSDI '25When P4 Meets Run-to-completion Architecture
    NSDI '25Mutant: Learning Congestion Control from Existing Protocols via Online Reinforcement Learning
    NSDI '25ONCache: A Cache-Based Low-Overhead Container Overlay Network
    NSDI '25Large Network UWB Localization: Algorithms and Implementation
    NSDI '25Towards Energy Efficient 5G vRAN Servers
    NSDI '25Everything Matters in Programmable Packet Scheduling
