National Scale Cyber Security

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017 - 3:30pm4:00pm

Dr Ian Levy, National Cyber Security Centre, UK


In October 2016, the UK National Cyber Security Centre was formally launched, charged with better defending the UK at large from all forms of cyberattack. The National Cyber Security Strategy was launched shortly afterwards and—strangely for a government strategy—talked about some of the national scale technical things that the Centre would lead. The NCSC is determined to get objective evidence and data to better inform cybersecurity decisions and investments, as well as making people’s lives better by reducing both the number of attacks they see and the impact of those that succeed. Ian will talk about some of these interventions and what the NCSC has learned on the way—all supported by real data and analysis.

Dr Ian Levy, National Cyber Security Centre, UK

Ian Levy is the Technical Director of the UK’s new National Cyber Security Centre, and was previously Technical Director Cyber Security and Resilience at GCHQ. He is the UK Government’s "chief cyber security geek." Together, the NCSC and the new National Cyber Security Strategy mark a fundamental change in the UK’s approach to cybersecurity. That approach isn’t just about protecting Government or critical infrastructure or big industry. It’s about a national scale approach to cybersecurity brining unique challenges but, more importantly, opportunities to do things differently.

@conference {202512,
author = {Dr Ian Levy},
title = {National Scale Cyber Security},
year = {2017},
address = {Oakland, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = jan

Presentation Video