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MobiSys 2010 Program and Registration Now Available

The 8th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys 2010) is taking place June 15-18, 2010, in San Francisco, CA. The conference will be held at JW Marriott San Francisco Union Square. Workshops will be held on June 15, 2010, and the technical program will take place June 16-18, 2010.

The conference is jointly sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE and the USENIX Association, in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS.

MobiSys 2010 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services.

The full program is available here and registration is now open. Register by May 15 and save!

Don't miss the co-located workshops taking place June 15, 2010:

  • NSDR 2010: 4th ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for Developing Regions
  • MCS 2010: The 1st International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Services: Social Networks and Beyond
  • HotPlanet 2010: The 2nd International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-scale Measurement
  • PhD Forum