USENIX ATC '24 Activities

To enhance your conference experience, several attendee events are planned throughout the week. They are open to all USENIX ATC '24 and OSDI '24 attendees. Check back here for the latest additions to the activities schedule.

Conference Luncheon

Wednesday, 12:25 pm–2:00 pm
Santa Clara Ballroom

OSDI '24 Poster Session and Reception

Wednesday, 6:00 pm–7:30
Santa Clara Ballroom
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Would you like to share a provocative opinion, interesting preliminary work, or a cool idea that will spark discussion at this year's OSDI? The poster session is the perfect venue to introduce such new or ongoing work. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their work, get exposure, and receive feedback from other attendees during the in-person evening reception. All USENIX ATC and OSDI conference attendees are invited to attend.

Student Meet-Up

Wednesday, 7:30 pm–8:30 pm
Bayshore Room

All student attendees from both USENIX ATC and OSDI are invited to an informal mixer following the OSDI '24 Poster Session and Reception. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Conference Luncheon

Thursday, 12:25 pm–2:00 pm
Santa Clara Ballroom

USENIX ATC '24 Poster Session and Reception

Thursday, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm
Santa Clara Ballroom

The USENIX ATC '24 poster session and reception will feature posters by authors presenting their work in person at the conference. All USENIX ATC and OSDI conference attendees are invited to attend.

Sponsor Events

Wednesday, July 10
7:30 pm–9:30 pm

Thursday, July 11
7:30 pm–9:30 pm

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs)

Wednesday, July 10
7:30 pm–10:30 pm

Thursday, July 11
7:30 pm–10:30 pm

Registered attendees may schedule Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) and reserve meeting rooms for them in one-hour increments via the BoFs schedule grid posted outside the badge pickup area. The Attendee Guide, which will be sent to registered attendees shortly before the event, contains more details for scheduling a BoF. Each room will be set with a projector and screen.