Thanks for joining us in Baltimore for the Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2018). We hope you enjoyed the event.
As part of our commitment to open access to research, the full Proceedings are free and open to the public on the technical sessions page. Presentation slides are posted as we receive them and the audio recordings will be available soon.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, July 23, 2018
See the Registration Information page for details.
Speakers and Program Committee Members
Please contact the Conference Department for registration information.
Information for Participants
If you are presenting in the Technical Sessions or the Poster Session at SOUPS 2018, please see the Instructions for Participants page for important information.
Consent to Publish
All presenters must sign a consent to publish form, which allows USENIX to publish any slides, audio, and/or video of the presentations. USENIX makes these freely available as part of our commitment to open access.
- Refereed Paper authors: Please review and e-sign the form. If you are the lead author, please be sure all of your co-authors sign a form.
- Poster authors: Please review and e-sign the form. If you are the lead author, please be sure all of your co-authors sign a form.
- Lightning Talks speakers: Please review and e-sign the form.
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna St
Baltimore, MD 21202
+1 800.228.9290
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Monday, July 23, 2018.
Hotel Discount Deadline Extended! Book your room by Monday, July 30, 2018 and save!
USENIX has negotiated a special room rate of $199 per night plus tax for single/double occupancy for conference attendees. To receive this special rate, book your room online or call +1 800.228.9290 and mention USENIX or SOUPS 2018. The group rate will be available until the hotel reservation deadline, or until the block sells out, whichever occurs first.
See the Venue, Hotel, and Travel page for more information.
SOUPS 2018 Awards
Distinguished Paper Award
“I’ve Got Nothing to Lose”: Consumers’ Risk Perceptions and Protective Actions after the Equifax Data Breach
Yixin Zou, Abraham H. Mhaidli, Austin McCall, and Florian Schaub, School of Information, University of Michigan
Honorable Mention
When is a Tree Really a Truck? Exploring Mental Models of Encryption
Justin Wu and Daniel Zappala, Brigham Young University
IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award
“Privacy is not for me, it’s for those rich women”: Performative Privacy Practices on Mobile Phones by Women in South Asia
Nithya Sambasivan and Garen Checkley, Google; Amna Batool, Information Technology University; Nova Ahmed, North South University; David Nemer, University of Kentucky; Laura Sanely Gaytán-Lugo, Universidad de Colima; Tara Matthews, Independent Researcher; Sunny Consolvo and Elizabeth Churchill, Google
John Karat Usable Privacy and Security Student Research Award
Yasemin Acar, Leibniz University Hannover, and Elissa Redmiles, University of Maryland
Review our Conference FAQs, and send direct queries via email:
Student Grants:
Proceedings Papers:
About SOUPS 2018
Symposium Organizers
Vice General Chair
Invited Talks Chair
Technical Papers Committee
Lightning Talks and Demos Chair
Karat Award Chair
Posters Co-Chairs
Tutorials and Workshops Co-Chairs
Publicity Co-Chairs
Sponsorship Chair
Email List Chair
USENIX Liaison
Steering Committee
USENIX welcomes support for our events. Your sponsorship exposes your brand to highly qualified and targeted attendees, funds our student grant award program, supports the USENIX Open Access Policy, and keeps USENIX conferences affordable.
For details on how you can help, please contact the Sponsorship Department via email or call +1 510.528.8649.