DevOps Ten Years After: Review of a Failure with John Allspaw and Paul Hammond

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Wednesday, 13 October, 2021 - 14:0014:55

Thomas Depierre, Liveware Problems; John Allspaw, Adaptive Capacity Labs; Paul Hammond


Ten years after a talk that started the DevOps movement, we are bringing John Allspaw and Paul Hammond for a discussion with old men yelling at clouds.

Thomas Depierre, Liveware Problems

From EE to launching a company focused on dev tools, Thomas Depierre's journey has been wide. French, CEO, freelancer sometimes, in general, a lover of cats and tea. Particularly interested in system thinking, incidents, and Resilience Engineering, Thomas loves to listen to war stories. He is now trying to bring Cognitive System Engineering to dev tools.

John Allspaw, Adaptive Capacity Labs

John Allspaw has worked in software systems engineering and operations for over twenty years in many different environments. John's publications include the books The Art of Capacity Planning (2009) and Web Operations (2010) as well as the forward to "The DevOps Handbook." John served as CTO at Etsy, and holds an MSc in Human Factors and Systems Safety from Lund University.

Paul Hammond

Paul Hammond is a software engineer, manager, and advisor. His career has spanned twenty years at companies including Slack, Adobe, Typekit, Flickr, and the BBC. His recent work has focused on how software is developed and operated, including building Slack’s continuous deployment pipeline, development environments, and test infrastructure.

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