What If We Ask Linux to Do Cryptography for Us?

Wednesday, 30 October, 2024 - 16:0016:40 GMT

Oxana Kharitonova, Cloudflare


It's difficult to imagine the modern world without cryptography. We use cryptography to encrypt data before transmitting it over the Internet or storing it on a disk. But we don't think much about how it works, we just pick the most popular cryptographic user space library for our next application and let it do the work for us. What if it's not as secure as we hope? There is another way to do it with the Linux Kernel itself. It can encrypt & decrypt data in the same way as user space libraries do it but in a much more secure way. Through the talk we will explore how to integrate this feature in user space applications written in Golang and Rust languages. You don’t need to be a Linux kernel ninja to start using it.