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Call for Research Papers and Posters
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association in cooperation with LOPSA
LISA15 will take place November 8–13, 2015, at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Important Dates
- Submissions due: April 20, 2015, 11:59 pm PDT Deadline Extended!
- Author response period: May 11, 2015–May 17, 2015
- Notification to authors: June 5, 2015
- Final papers and poster abstracts due: August 27, 2015, 11:59 pm PDT
Conference Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Academic Co-Chairs
Invited Talks Co-Chairs
Lightning Talks Coordinator
Workshops Chair
Content Recruitment Team
LISA Lab Co-Chairs
LISA Build Coordinators
USENIX Liaisons
USENIX Tutorials Staff
Publishing at USENIX LISA Means Industry Impact and Recognition
Papers published at LISA receive visibility and recognition from a unique audience that fundamentally builds and operates the systems that run the world. For a researcher, publishing at LISA proves that your work is relevant and applicable to industry and has the potential to transform the profession’s approach to systems engineering.
USENIX Stands for Open Access and Advancing the State of the Computing World
USENIX strongly believes that research is meant for the community as a whole and maintains a clear stance advocating open access. Your poster abstract or paper and presentation will be available online at no charge, where it can have the most impact and reach the broadest possible audience. Papers and poster abstracts will also be part of the conference proceedings, which has its own ISBN.
Topics of Interest
LISA is interested in research related to the fields of system administration and engineering. We welcome papers and posters in areas including but not limited to:
Systems and Network Engineering
Monitoring and Metrics
SRE/Software Engineering
Refereed papers accepted to LISA describe new techniques, tools, theories, and inventions, and present case histories that extend our understanding of system and network administration. They present new ideas, backed by rigorous and repeatable methodology, in the context of previous related work, and can have a broad impact on operations and future research.
Accepted papers will be published in the LISA15 proceedings and conference web pages, and all accepted papers will be given a presentation and Q&A slot in the LISA15 academic research track. After acceptance, paper authors should also create a companion poster to present during the poster session to further engage with the conference attendees. Cash prizes will be awarded at the conference for the best refereed paper.
The LISA juried posters session is a great opportunity to present your work visually, either as a companion to a refereed paper or as a standalone submission displaying work in progress. Posters present the core of your research to a wide audience, providing you with the ability to gain valuable feedback from both industry and academic audiences. Poster abstracts of 500 words or less will be published in the LISA15 Proceedings, and a link to your research website will be included in the conference web page. Additionally, cash prizes will be awarded at the conference for the best juried poster.
We hope that you will consider sharing your ongoing research with the LISA community. All paper and poster abstract submissions are due by April 17, 2015. If you have any questions beyond this CFP, please contact lisa15research@usenix.org.
Submission and Acceptance Information 
For more information on submitting a paper or poster, please see the Submitting Papers and Posters page.
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