USENIX Technical Program - Paper - Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
[Technical Program]
Pp. 73–86 of the Proceedings |  |
Self-Paging in the Nemesis Operating System
Steven M. Hand
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
New Museums Site, Pembroke St.,
Cambridge CB2 3QG, ENGLAND
In contemporary operating systems, continuous media (CM) applications
are sensitive to the behaviour of other tasks in the system. This is
due to contention in the kernel (or in servers) between these
applications. To properly support CM tasks, we require
``Quality of Service Firewalling'' between different applications.
This paper presents a memory management system supporting Quality
of Service (QoS) within the Nemesis operating system. It combines
application-level paging techniques with isolation, exposure and
responsibility in a manner we call self-paging. This enables
rich virtual memory usage alongside (or even within) continuous
media applications.
Researchers now recognise the importance of providing support for
continuous media applications within operating systems.
This is evinced by the
Nemesis [1,2,3] and
Rialto [4,5,6] operating
systems and, more recently, work on the
Scout [7] operating system and the SMART
scheduler [8]. Meanwhile there
has been continued interest in the area of
memory management, with a particular focus on
extensibility [9,10,11].
While this work is valid, it is insufficient:
- Work on continuous media support in operating systems tends to focus
on CPU scheduling only.
The area of memory management is either totally ignored (Scout,
SMART) or considered in practice to be a
protection mechanism (Rialto). In fact, the implementation
of the Rialto virtual memory system
described in [12] explicitly excludes
paging since it ``introduces unpredictable latencies''.
- Work on memory management does not support (or try
to support) any concept of Quality of Service.
While support for extensibility is a laudable goal, the behaviour
of user-level pagers or application-provided code is hardly
any more predictable or isolated than kernel-level
implementations. The ``unpredictable latencies'' remain.
This paper presents a scheme whereby each application is responsible for
all of its own paging (and other virtual memory activities). By
providing applications with guarantees for physical memory and disk
bandwidth, it is possible to isolate time-sensitive applications from
the behaviour of others.
Quality of Service in Operating Systems
In recent years, the application mix on general purpose computers
has shifted to include ``multimedia'' applications. Of particular
interest are continuous media (CM) applications -- those
which handle audio and/or video -- since the presentation
(or processing) of the information must be done in a timely manner.
Common difficulties encountered include ensuring low
latency (especially for real-time data) and minimising jitter
(viz. the variance in delay).
Clearly not all of today's applications have these temporal
constraints. More traditional tasks such as formatting a document,
compiling a program, or sending e-mail are unlikely to be banished by
emerging continuous media applications.
Hence there is a requirement for multi-service operating systems
which can support both types of application simultaneously.
Unfortunately, most current operating systems conspicuously fail
to support this mix of CM and non-CM applications:
- CPU scheduling is usually implemented via some form of
priority scheme, which specifies who
but not when or how much.
This is unfortunate since many continuous media applications
do not require a large fraction of the CPU resource (i.e. they are not
necessarily more important than other applications),
but they do need to be scheduled in a timely fashion.
- Other resources on the data path, such as the disk
or network, are generally not explicitly scheduled at all.
Instead, the proportion of each resource
granted to an application results from a complex set of
unpredictable interactions between the kernel (or
user-level servers) and the CPU scheduler.
- The OS performs a large number of (potentially) time-critical
tasks on behalf of applications.
The performance of any particular application is hence heavily
dependent on the execution of other supposedly ``independent''
A greedy, buggy or even pathological application can effect
the degradation of all other tasks in the system.
This means that while most systems can support CM applications in
the case of resource over-provisioning, they tend to exhibit poor
behaviour when contention is introduced.
A number of operating systems researchers are now attempting to
provide support for continuous media applications. The Rialto
system, for example, hopes to provide modular real-time resource
management [4] by means of arbitrarily
composable resource interfaces collectively managed by
a resource planner. A novel real-time CPU scheduler has
been presented in [5,6], while an
implementation of a simple virtual memory system for set-top boxes
is described in [12].
The Scout operating system uses the path abstraction
to ensure that continuous media streams can be processed in a
timely manner. It is motivated by multimedia network streams, and
as such targets itself at sources (media servers) and sinks (set-top
boxes) of such traffic. Like Rialto, the area of virtual memory
management is not considered a high-priority; instead there is
a rudimentary memory management system which focuses upon buffer
management and does not support paging.
Most other research addresses the problem of Quality of Service
within a specific domain only.
This has lead to the recent interest in soft real-time
scheduling [13,8,14,15] of the CPU and other resources.
The work has yet to be widely applied to multiple resources,
or to the area of memory management.
Extensible Memory Management
Memory management systems have a not undeserved reputation for being
complex. One successful method of simplifying the implementation has
been the microkernel approach: move some or all of the memory
management system out of the kernel into ``user-space''. This
mechanism, pioneered by work on Mach [16] is still
prevalent in many modern microkernels such as V++ [17],
Spring [18]
and L4 [19].
Even operating systems which eschew the microkernel approach still
view the extensibility of the memory management system as important:
- the SPIN operating system provides for user-level
extension of the memory management code via the registration of
an event handler for memory management.
events [10].
- the VINO operating system [20, pp 1-6]
enables applications to override some or all operations within
MemoryResource objects, to specialise behaviour.
- the V++ Cache Kernel allows ``application kernels'' to cache
address-space objects and to subsequently handle memory faults
on these [21].
- the Aegis experimental exokernel enables ``library operating
systems'' to provide their own page-table structures and TLB miss
handlers [9].
This is not surprising.
Many tasks are ill-served by default operating system abstractions and
policies, including database management
(DBMS) [22],
garbage collection [23] and multi-media
applications [24].
Furthermore, certain optimisations are possible when
application-specific knowledge can be brought to bear, including
improved page replacement and prefetching [17],
better buffer cache management [25],
and light-weight signal handling [26].
All of these may be realised by providing user-level control over
some of the virtual memory system.
Unfortunately, none of the above-mentioned operating systems
provide QoS in their memory management:
- No Isolation: applications which fault repeatedly will still
degrade the overall system performance. In particular, they will
adversely affect the operation of other applications.
In microkernel systems, for example, a single external pager
may be shared among an arbitrary number of processes, but there
is no scheduling regarding fault resolution. This indirect
contention has been referred to as QoS
crosstalk [2]. Other
extensible systems allow the application to specify,
for example, the page replacement policy, but similarly
fail to arbitrate between multiple faulting applications.
- Insufficient Exposure: most of the above operating
abstract away from the underlying hardware; memory faults are
presented as some abstract form of exception and memory
translation as an array of virtual to physical mappings.
Actual hardware features such as multiple TLB page sizes,
additional protection bits, address space numbers, physical
address encoding, or cache behaviour tend to be lost as a
result of this abstraction.
- No Responsibility: while the many of the above operating
systems allow applications some form of ``extensibility''
for performance or other reasons, they do not by any
means enforce its use.
Indeed, they provide a ``default'' or ``system'' pager to deal
with satisfying faults in the general case. The use of this means
that most applications fail to pay for their own faults; instead
the system pager spends its time and resources processing them.
What is required is a system whereby applications benefit from the
ability to control their own memory management, but do not gain at
the expense of others.
The Nemesis operating system has been designed and implemented at the
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in recent years.
Nemesis is a multi-service operating system --
that is, it strives to support a mix of conventional and time-sensitive
applications. One important problem it addresses is that
of preventing QoS crosstalk. This can occur when the
operating system kernel (or a shared server) performs a significant
amount of work on behalf of a number of applications.
For example, an application which plays a motion-JPEG video from
disk should not be adversely affected by a compilation started in
the background.
One key way in which Nemesis supports this isolation is by having
applications execute as many of their own tasks as possible. This is
achieved by placing much traditional operating system
functionality into user-space modules, resulting in a
vertically integrated system (as shown in
Figure 1). This vertical structure is
similar to that of the Cache Kernel [21]
and the Aegis Exokernel [27], although
the motivation is different.
Figure 1:
Vertical Structuring in Nemesis
The user-space part of the operating system is comprised of
a number of distinct modules, each of which
exports one or more strongly-typed interfaces. An interface
definition language called MIDDL is used to specify the
types, exceptions and procedures of an interface, and a run-time
typesystem allows the narrowing of types and the marshaling of
parameters for non-local procedure invocations.
A name-space scheme
(based on Plan-9 contexts) allows implementations of interfaces to
be published and applications to pick and choose between them.
This may be termed ``plug and play extensibility''; we note
that it is implemented above the protection boundary.
Given that applications are responsible for executing
traditional operating system functions themselves, the must
be sufficiently empowered to perform them.
Nemesis handles this by providing explicit low-level
resource guarantees or reservations to applications.
This is not limited simply to the CPU: all resources -- including
disks [14], network interfaces [28] and
physical memory -- are treated in the same way.
Hence any given application has a set of guarantees for all
the resources it requires. Other applications cannot interfere.
Self-paging provides a simple solution to memory system crosstalk:
require every
application to deal with all its own memory faults using its own
concrete resources. All paging operations are removed from the
kernel; instead the kernel is simply responsible for dispatching
fault notifications.
More specifically, self-paging involves three principles:
- 1.
- Control: resource access is multiplexed in both
space and time. Resources are guaranteed over medium-term
- 2.
- Power: interfaces are sufficiently expressive to allow
applications the flexibility they require. High-level abstractions
are not imposed.
- 3.
- Responsibility: each application is directly responsible
for carrying out its own virtual memory operations. The system
does not provide a ``safety net''.
The idea of performing virtual memory tasks at application-level
may at first sound similar to the ideas pioneered in
Mach [16] and subsequently used in
microkernel systems such as L4 [19].
However while microkernel systems allow the use of one or
more external (i.e. non-kernel) pagers in order to provide
extensibility and to simplify the kernel, several applications
will typically still share an external pager, and hence the
problem of QoS crosstalk remains.
In Nemesis we require that every application
is self-paging. It must deal with any faults that it incurs.
This, along with the use of the single address space and
widespread sharing of text, ensures that the execution of each
domain2 is completely independent to that of
other domains save when interaction is desired.
The difference between microkernel approaches and
Nemesis' is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2:
External Paging versus Self Paging
The left-hand side on the figure shows the microkernel approach, with an
external pager. Three applications are shown, with two of them causing
page faults (or, more generally, memory faults). The third application
has a server performing work on its behalf, and this server is also
causing a memory fault. The kernel notifies the external pager and it
must then deal with the three faults.
This causes two problems:
- 1.
- Firstly, the process which caused the fault does not use any of its own
resources (in particular, CPU time) in order to satisfy the fault.
There is no sensible way in which the external pager (or the
microkernel itself) can account for this. A process which faults
repeatedly thus degrades the overall system performance but bears
only a fraction of the cost.
- 2.
- Secondly, multiplexing happens in the server --
i.e. the external pager
needs some way to decide how to `schedule' the handling of the
faults. However it will generally not be aware of any absolute (or
even relative) timeliness constraints on the faulting clients.
A first-come first-served approach is probably the best it can do.
On the right-hand side we once again have three applications, but no
servers. Each application is causing a memory fault of some sort,
which is trapped by the kernel. However rather than sending a
notification to some external pager, the kernel simply notifies the
faulting domain. Each domain will itself be responsible for handling
the fault. Furthermore, the latency with which the fault will be
resolved (assuming it is resolvable) is dependent on the guarantees
held by that domain.
Rather closer to the self-paging ideal are ``vertically structured''
systems such as the Aegis & Xok
exokernels [9,29].
Like Nemesis, these systems dispatch memory faults to user-space
and expect unprivileged library operating system code to
handle them. In addition, exokernels expose sufficient
low-level detail to allow applications access to
hardware-specific resources.
However exokernels do not fully cope with the
aspect of control: resources are multiplexed in
space (i.e. there is protection), but not in time.
For example, the Xok exokernel allows library filing systems
to download untrusted metadata translation functions. Using these
in a novel way, the exokernel can protect disk blocks without
understanding file systems [29]. Yet there is
no consideration given
to partitioning access in terms of time: library filing
systems are not guaranteed a proportion of disk bandwidth.
A second problem arises with crosstalk within the exokernel itself.
Various device drivers coexist within the kernel execution environment
and hence an application (or library operating system) which is paging
heavily will impact others who are using orthogonal resources
such as the network. This problem is most readily averted by
pushing device driver functionality outside the kernel, as
is done with microkernel architectures.
System Design
A general overview of the virtual memory architecture is shown
in Figure 3. This is necessarily simplified,
but does illustrate the basic abstractions and their relationships.
Figure 3:
VM System Architecture
The basic virtual memory abstractions shown are the stretch
and the stretch driver.
A stretch merely represents a range of virtual addresses with
a certain accessibility. It does not own -- nor is it
guaranteed -- any physical resources.
A stretch driver is responsible for providing the backing for the
stretch; more generally, a stretch driver is responsible for
dealing with any faults on a stretch.
Hence it is only via its association with a stretch
driver that it becomes possible to talk meaningfully about the
``contents'' of a stretch. Stretch
drivers are unprivileged, application-level objects, instantiated
by user-level creator modules and making use only of the resources
owned by the application.
The stretch driver is shown as potentially
having a connection to a backing store. This is necessarily vague: there
are many different sorts of stretch driver, some of which do not
deal with non-volatile storage at all. There are also potentially
many different kinds of backing store. The most important of these
is the User-Safe Backing Store (USBS). This draws on the
work described in [14] to provide per-application
guarantees on paging bandwidth, along with isolation between paging and
file-system clients.
Allocation is performed in a centralised way by the system domain,
for both virtual and physical memory resources. The high-level
part of the translation system is also
in the system domain: this is machine-dependent code responsible
for the construction of page tables, and the setting up of ``NULL''
mappings for freshly allocated virtual addresses. These mappings are
used to hold the initial protection information, and by default
are set up to cause a page fault on the first access. Placing this
functionality within the system domain means that the low-level
translation system does not need to be concerned with the allocation
of page-table memory. It also allows protection faults, page faults and
``unallocated address'' faults to be distinguished and
dispatched to the faulting application.
Memory protection operations are carried out by the application
through the stretch interface. This talks directly to the low-level
translation system via simple system calls; it is not necessary
to communicate with the system domain. Protection can be carried
out in this way due to the protection model chosen which includes
explicit rights for ``change permissions'' operations. A light-weight
validation process checks if the caller is authorised to perform
an operation.
The following subsections explain relevant parts of this architecture
in more detail.
Virtual Address Allocation
Any domain
may request a stretch from a stretch allocator, specifying the desired
size and (optionally) a starting address and attributes. Should the
request be successful, a new stretch will be created and returned to
the caller. The caller is now the owner of the stretch.
The starting address and length of the returned stretch
may then be queried; these will always be a multiple of the
machine's page size3.
Protection is carried out at stretch granularity -- every
protection domain provides a mapping from the set of
valid stretches to a subset of
read, write, execute, meta .
A domain which holds the meta right is authorised to
modify protections and mappings on the relevant stretch.
When allocated, a stretch need not in general be backed by physical
resources. Before the virtual address may be referred to the
stretch must be associated with a stretch driver -- we say
that a stretch must be bound to a stretch driver. The stretch
driver is the object responsible for providing any backing (physical
memory, disk space, etc.) for the stretch.
Stretch drivers are covered in Section 6.6.
Physical Memory Management
As with virtual memory, the allocation of physical memory is
performed centrally, in this case by the frames
allocator. The frames
allocator allows fine-grained control over the
allocation of physical memory, including I/O space if appropriate.
A domain may request specific physical frames, or frames
within a ``special'' region4. This allows an application
with platform knowledge to make use of page
colouring [30], or to take advantages of
superpage TLB mappings, etc.
A default allocation policy is also provided for domains
with no special requirements.
Unlike virtual memory, physical memory is generally a scarce
resource. General purpose operating systems tend to deal with
contention for physical memory by performing system-wide load
balancing. The operating system attempts to (dynamically) share
physical memory between competing processes. Frames are
revoked from one process and granted to another.
The main motivation is global system performance, although some
systems may consider other factors (such as the estimated
working set size or process class).
Since in Nemesis we strive to devolve control to applications,
we use an alternative scheme.
Each application has a
contract with the frames allocator for a certain number of
guaranteed physical frames. These are immune from
revocation in the short term (on the order of tens of
seconds). In addition to these, an application may have some number
of optimistic frames, which may be revoked at
much shorter notice. This distinction only applies to
frames of main memory, not to regions of I/O space.
When a domain is created, the frames allocator
is requested to admit it as a client with a service contract
This represents a pair of quotas for guaranteed and optimistic
frames respectively. Admission control is based on the requested
guarantee g -- the sum of all guaranteed frames contracted
by the allocator must be less than the total amount of main memory.
This is to ensure that the guarantees of all clients can be met
The frames allocator maintains the tuple
for each client
domain, where n is the number of physical frames allocated so far.
As long as g > n, a request for a single physical frame is
guaranteed to succeed5.
and there is available memory, frames will be optimistically
allocated to the caller.
The allocation of optimistic frames improves global performance
by allowing applications to use the available memory when it is
not otherwise required. If, however, a domain wishes to use some
more of the frames guaranteed to it, it may be necessary
to revoke some optimistically allocated frames from
another domain. In this case, the frames allocator chooses a
candidate application6, but the selection of
the frames to release (and potentially write to the backing
store) is under the control of the application.
By convention, each application maintains a
frame stack.
This is a system-allocated data structure which
is writable by the application domain. It contains a
list of physical frame numbers (PFNs) owned by that application
ordered by `importance' --
the top of the stack holds the PFN of the frame which that
domain is most prepared to have revoked.
This allows revocation to be performed transparently in
the case that
the candidate application has unused frames at the top
of its stack. In this case, the frames allocator can simply
reclaim these frames and update the application's frame stack.
Transparent revocation is illustrated on the left-hand side
of Figure 4.
Figure 4:
Revocation of Physical Memory

1 |
The frames allocator sends a revocation notification
to Application B. |
2 |
Application B fields this
notification, and arranges for the top k frames on the
stack to be unused. |
3 |
Application B replies that
all is now ready. |
4 |
The frames allocator reclaims the top k frames
from the stack. |
If there are no unused frames available, intrusive revocation
is required. In this case, the frames allocator sends a
revocation notification to the application requesting
that it release k frames by time T. The application
then must arrange for the top k frames of its frame stack
to contain unmapped frames. This can require that it first
clean some dirty pages; for this reason, T may be relatively
far in the future (e.g. 100ms).
After the application has completed the necessary operations, it
informs the frames allocator that the top k frames may now be reclaimed
from its stack. If these are not all unused, or if the application
fails to reply by time T, the domain is killed and all of its
frames reclaimed. This protocol is illustrated on the
right-hand side of Figure 4.
Notice that since the frames allocator always revokes
from the top of an application's frame stack, it makes sense
for the application to maintain its preferred revocation order.
The frame stack also provides a useful place for stretch drivers
to store local information about mappings, and enables the
internal revocation interface to be simpler.
Due to the need for relatively large timeouts, a client
domain requesting some more guaranteed frames may have
to wait for a non-trivial amount of time before its request
succeeds. Hence time-sensitive
applications generally request all their guaranteed frames
during initialisation and do not use optimistically allocated frames
at all. This is not mandated, however: use of physical memory is considered
orthogonal to use of other resources.
The only requirement is that any domain which uses optimistically
allocated frames should be able to handle a revocation
Translation System
The translation system deals with inserting, retrieving or deleting
mappings between virtual and physical addresses. As such it may be
considered an interface to a table of information held about these
mappings; the actual mapping will typically be performed as necessary
by whatever memory management hardware or software is present.
The translation system is divided into two parts: a high-level
management module, and the low-level trap handlers and system
calls. The high-level part is private to the system domain,
and handles the following:
- Bootstrapping the `MMU' (in hardware or software), and
setting up initial mappings.
- Adding, modifying or deleting ranges of virtual addresses,
and performing the associated page table management.
- Creating and deleting protection domains.
- Initialising and partly maintaining the RamTab; this
is a simple data structure maintaining information about the
current use of frames of main memory.
The high-level translation system is used by both the stretch
allocator and the frames allocator. The former uses it to
setup initial entries in the page table for stretches it has
created, or to remove such entries when a stretch is destroyed.
These entries contain protection information but are by
default invalid: i.e. addresses within the range will
cause a page fault if accessed. The frames allocator, on the
other hand, uses the RamTab to record the owner and
logical frame width of allocated frames of main memory.
Recall that each domain is expected to deal with mapping its
own stretches. The low-level translation system provides
direct support for this to happen efficiently and securely.
It does this via the following three operations:
- 1.
- map(va, pa, attr) : arrange that the virtual address
va maps onto the physical address pa with the
(machine-dependent) PTE attributes attr.
- 2.
- unmap(va) : remove the mapping of the virtual address
va. Any further access to the address should cause some
form of memory fault.
- 3.
- trans(va)
(pa, attr) : retrieve the current
mapping of the virtual address va, if any.
Either mapping or unmapping a virtual address va requires that
the calling domain is executing in a protection domain which
holds a meta right for the stretch containing va.
A consequence of this is that it is not possible to map a virtual
address which is not part of some stretch7.
It is also necessary that the frame which is being used for mapping
(or which is being unmapped) is validated. This involves ensuring
that the calling domain owns the frame, and that the frame is not
currently mapped or nailed. These conditions are
checked by using the RamTab, which is
a simple enough structure to be used by low-level code.
Fault Dispatching
Apart from TLB misses which are handled by the low-level translation
system, all other faults are dispatched directly to the faulting
application in order to prevent QoS crosstalk.
To prevent the need to block in the kernel for a user-level entity,
the kernel-part of fault handling is complete once the dispatch has
occurred. The application must perform any additional operations,
including the resumption (or termination) of the faulting thread.
The actual dispatch is achieved by using an event channel.
Events are an extremely lightweight primitive
provided by the kernel -- an event ``transmission'' involves a few
sanity checks followed by the increment of a 64-bit value. A full
description of the Nemesis event mechanism is given in [2].
On a memory fault, then, the kernel saves the current context
in the domain's activation context
and sends an event to the faulting domain. At some point in the
future the domain will be selected for activation and can then
deal with the fault. Sufficient information (e.g. faulting address,
cause, etc.) is made available to the application to facilitate this.
Once the fault has been resolved, the application can
resume execution from the saved activation context.
Application-Level Fault Handling
At some point after an application has caused a memory fault, it will
be activated by the scheduler. The application then
needs to handle all the events it has received since it was last
activated. This is achieved by invoking a notification handler
for each endpoint containing a new value; if there is no notification
handler registered for a given endpoint, no action is taken.
Following this the user-level thread scheduler (ULTS) is entered which
will select a thread to run.
Up until the point where a thread is run, the application is said
to be running within an activation handler. This is a limited
execution environment where further activations are disallowed.
One important restriction is that inter-domain communication (IDC) is
not possible within an activation handler. Hence if the handling
of an event requires communication with another domain, the
relevant notification handler simply unblocks a worker thread. When
this is scheduled, it will carry out the rest of the operations
required to handle the event.
The combination of notification handler and worker threads is
called an entry (after ANSAware/RT [31]).
Entries encapsulate
a scheduling policy on event handling, and may be used for
a variety of IDC services. An entry called the MMEntry is
used to handle memory management events.
The notification handler of the MMEntry is attached to
the endpoint used by the kernel for fault dispatching. Hence it
gets an upcall every time the domain causes a memory fault. It
is also entered when the frames allocator performs a revocation
notification (as described in Section 6.2). The
`top' part of the MMEntry consists of one or more worker
threads which can be unblocked by the notification handler.
The MMEntry does not directly handle memory faults or
revocation requests: rather it coordinates the set of stretch
drivers used by the domain. It does this in one of two ways:
- If handling a memory fault, it uses the faulting stretch
to lookup the stretch driver bound to that stretch and then
invokes it.
- If handling a revocation notification, it cycles through
each stretch driver requesting that it relinquish frames
until enough have been freed.
Figure 5 illustrates this in the case of a page fault.
Figure 5:
Memory Management Event Handling
1 |
The domain receives an event. At some point, the kernel
decides to schedule it, and it is activated. It is informed
that the reason for the activation was the receipt of an event. |
2 |
The user-level event demultiplexer notifies interested parties
of any events which have been received on their end-point(s). |
3 |
The memory fault notification handler demultiplexes the
stretch to the stretch driver, and invokes this in an
initial attempt to satisfy the fault. |
4 |
If the attempt fails, the handler blocks the faulting
thread, unblocks a worker thread, and returns. After all events
have been handled, the user-level thread scheduler is
entered. |
5 |
The worker thread in the memory management entry is
scheduled and once more invokes the stretch driver to
map the fault, which may potentially involve communication
with another domain. |
Note that the initial attempt to resolve the fault (arrow
labelled 3) is merely a ``fast path'' optimisation.
If it succeeds, the faulting thread will be able to continue
once the ULTS is entered. On the other hand, if the initial attempt
fails, the MMEntry must block the faulting thead pending the
resolution of the fault by a worker thread.
Stretch Drivers
As has been described, the actual resolution
of a fault is the province of a stretch driver.
A stretch driver is something which provides physical resources
to back the virtual addresses of the stretches it is responsible
for. Stretch drivers acquire and manage their own physical frames,
and are responsible for setting up virtual to physical mappings by
invoking the translation system.
The current implementation includes three stretch drivers which may be
used to handle faults. The simplest is the nailed stretch
driver; this provides physical frames to back a stretch at bind time,
and hence never deals with page faults. The second is the
physical stretch driver. This provides no backing frames for
any virtual addresses within a stretch initially. The first authorised
attempt to access any virtual address within a stretch will cause a
page fault which is dispatched in the manner described in
Section 6.4. The physical stretch driver is invoked from
within the notification handler: this is a limited execution
environment where certain operations may occur but others cannot. Most
importantly, one cannot perform any inter-domain communication (IDC)
within a notification handler.
When the stretch driver is invoked, the following occurs:
- After performing basic sanity checks, the stretch driver
looks for an unused (i.e. unmapped)
frame. If this fails, it cannot proceed further now -- but may
be able to request more physical frames when activations are on.
Hence it returns Retry.
- Otherwise, it can proceed now. In this case, the stretch
driver sets up the new mapping with a call to
map(va,pa,attr), and returns Success.
In the case where Retry is returned, a memory management
entry worker thread will invoke the physical stretch driver for a
second time once activations are on.
In this case, IDC operations are possible, and hence the stretch
driver may attempt to gain additional physical frames by invoking the
frames allocator. If this succeeds, the stretch driver sets up a
mapping from the faulting virtual address to a newly allocated
physical frame. Otherwise the stretch driver returns Failure.
The third stretch driver implemented is the paged stretch
driver. This may be considered an extension of the physical stretch
driver; indeed, the bulk of its operation is precisely the same as
that described above. However the paged stretch driver also has a
binding to the USBS and hence may swap pages in and out to disk.
It keeps track of swap space as a bitmap of
bloks -- a blok is a contiguous set of disk blocks which
is a multiple of the size of a page. A (singly) linked
list of bitmap structures is maintained, and bloks are allocated first
fit -- a hint pointer
is maintained to the earliest structure which is known to have free bloks.
Currently we implement a fairly pure demand paged
scheme -- when a page fault occurs which cannot be satisfied from
the pool of free frames, disk activity of some form will ensue.
Clearly this can be improved; however it will suffice for the
demonstration of ``Quality of Service Firewalling'' in
Section 7.2.
User-Safe Backing Store
The user-safe backing store (USBS) is comprised of two parts:
the swap filesystem (SFS) and the user-safe disk
(USD) [32].
The SFS is responsible for control operations such as
allocation of an extent (a contiguous range of blocks) for use as a
swap file, and the negotiation of Quality of Service parameters to the
USD, which is responsible for scheduling data
operations. This is illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6:
The User-Safe Backing Store
Clients communicate with the USD via a FIFO buffering scheme called
IO channels; these are similar in operation
to the `rbufs' scheme described in [33].
The type of QoS specification used by the USD is
in the form (p,s,x,l) where p is the period and s the
slice; both of these are typically of the order of tens of
milliseconds. Such a guarantee represents that the relevant client
will be allowed to perform disk transactions totalling at most s ms
within every p ms period.
The x flag determines whether or not the
client is eligible for any slack time which arises in the schedule --
for the purposes of this paper it will always be False,
and so may be ignored.
The actual scheduling is based on the Atropos
algorithm [2]: this is a based on the earliest-deadline
first (EDF) algorithm [34], although the
deadlines are implicit, and there is support for optimistic
Each client is periodically allocated s ms
and a deadline of now + p ms, and placed on a
runnable queue. A thread in the USD domain is awoken whenever
there are pending requests and, if there is work to be
done for multiple clients, chooses the one with the earliest
deadline and performs a single transaction.
Once the transaction completes, the time taken is computed and
deducted from that client's remaining time. If the remaining
time is ,
the client is moved onto a wait queue; once
its deadline is reached, it will receive a new allocation and be
returned to the runnable queue. Until that time, however, it cannot
perform any more operations.
Note that this algorithm will tend to perform requests from a single
client consecutively. This is a very desirable property since it
minimises the impact of clients upon each other -- the first
transaction after a ``context switch'' to a new client will often
incur a considerable seek/rotation penalty over which it has no
control. However this cost can be amortised over the number of
transactions which the client subsequently carries out, and hence has
a smaller impact on its overall performance.
Unfortunately, many clients (and most particularly clients using the
USD as a swap device) cannot pipeline a large number of transactions
since they do not know in advance to/from where they will wish to
write/read. Early versions of the USD scheduler suffered from this
so-called ``short-block'' problem: if the client with the earliest
deadline has (instantaneously) no further work to be done, the USD
scheduler would mark it idle, and ignore it until its next
periodic allocation.
To avoid this problem, the idea of ``laxity'' is used, as given by
the l parameter of the tuple mentioned above. This is a time value
(typically a small number of milliseconds) for which a client should
be allowed to remain on the runnable queue, even if it currently has
no transactions pending. This does not break the scheduling algorithm
since the additional time spent -- the lax time -- is
accounted to the client just as if it were time spent performing disk
transactions. Section 7.2 will show the beneficial impact of
laxity in the case of paging operations.
In order to evaulutate the combination of low-level and application-level
memory system functions, a set of micro-benchmarks based on
those proposed in [23] were performed on
Nemesis and compared with Digital OSF1 V4.0 on the same
hardware (PC164) and basic page table structure (linear).
The results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1:
Comparative Micro-Benchmarks; the units are
OS |
dirty |
(un)prot1 |
(un)prot100 |
OSF1 V4.0 |
n/a |
3.36 |
5.14 |
Nemesis |
0.15 |
0.42 [0.40] |
10.78 [0.30] |
trap |
appel1 |
appel2 |
OSF1 V4.0 |
10.33 |
24.08 |
19.12 |
Nemesis |
4.20 |
5.33 |
9.75 |
Non-standard -- see main text.
The first benchmark shown is
dirty. After [9]
this measures the time to determine
whether a page is dirty or not. On Nemesis this simply involves
looking up a random page table entry and examining its `dirty'
We use a linear page table implementation (i.e.
the main page table is an 8Gb array in the virtual address space
with a secondary page table used to map it on ``double
faults'') which provides efficient translation; an earlier
implementation using guarded page
tables was about three times slower.
The second benchmark measures the time taken to protect or
unprotect a random page. Since our protection model requires that
all pages of a stretch have the same access permissions, this
amounts to measuring the time required to change the permissions
on small stretches. There are two ways to achieve this under Nemesis:
by modifying the page tables, or by modifying a protection
domain -- the times for this latter procedure are shown in square
The third benchmark measures the time taken
to (un)protect a range of 100 pages.
Nemesis does not have code optimised for the page table
mechanism (e.g. it looks up each page in the range
individually) and so it takes
considerably longer than (un)protecting a single page. OSF1,
by contrast, shows only a modest increase in time when protecting
more than one page at a time. Nemesis does perform well
when using the protection domain scheme.
This benchmark is
repeated a number of times with the same range of pages
and the average taken. Since on Nemesis the protection scheme
detects idempotent changes, we alternately protect and unprotect
the range; otherwise the operation takes an average of only
0.15micro-seconds. If OSF1 is benchmarked using the Nemesis semantics
of alternate protections, the cost increases to 75micro-seconds.
The trap benchmark measures the time to handle
a page fault in user-space. On Nemesis this requires that
the kernel send an event (<50ns), do a full context save
( 750ns), and then activate the faulting domain (<200ns).
Hence approximately 3micro-seconds are spent in the unoptimised
user-level notification handlers, stretch drivers and
thread-scheduler. This could clearly be improved.
The next benchmark, appel1 (this is
``prot1+trap+unprot'' in [23]),
measures the time taken to access a random protected page
and, in the fault handler, to unprotect that page
and protect another. This uses a standard (physical)
stretch driver with the access violation fault type
overridden by a custom fault-handler; a more efficient
implementation would use a specialised stretch driver.
The final benchmark is appel2, which is called ``protN+trap+unprot''
in [23]. This measures the time taken to
protect 100 contiguous pages, to access each in a random order
and, in the fault handler, unprotect the relevant page. It is
not possible to do
this precisely on Nemesis due to the protection model -- all
pages of a stretch must have the same accessibility. Hence
we unmap all pages rather than protecting them, and map
than rather than unprotecting them. An alternative solution
would have been use the Alpha FOW bit, but this is
reserved in the current implementation.
Paging Experiments
A number of simple experiments have been carried out to illustrate the
operation of the system so far described. The host platform was a
Digital EB164 (with a 21164 CPU running at 266Mhz) equipped with a
NCR53c810 Fast SCSI-2 controller with a single disk attached. The disk
was a 5400 rpm Quantum (model VP3221), 2.1Gb in size (4,304,536 blocks
with 512 bytes per block). Read caching was enabled, but write
caching was disabled (the default configuration).
The purpose of these experiments is to show the behaviour of the
system under heavy load. This is simulated by the following:
- Each application has a tiny amount of physical memory (16Kb, or
2 physical frames), but a reasonable amount of virtual memory (4Mb).
- A trivial amount of computation is performed per page -- in
the tests, each byte is read/written but no other substantial work
is performed.
- No pre-paging is performed, despite the (artificially)
predictable reference pattern.
A test application was written which created a paged stretch driver
with 16Kb of physical memory and 16Mb of swap space, and then
allocated a 4Mb stretch and bound it to the stretch driver.
The application then proceeded to sequentially read every byte in the
stretch, causing every page to be demand zeroed.
The first experiment is designed to illustrate the overall performance
and isolation achieved when multiple domains are paging in data from
different parts of the same disk. The test application continues from
the initialisation described above by writing to
every byte in the stretch, and
then forking a ``watch thread''. The main thread continues
sequentially accessing every byte from the start of the 4Mb stretch,
incrementing a counter for each byte `processed' and looping around to
the start when it reaches the top. The watch thread wakes up every 5
seconds and logs the number of bytes processed.
Figure 7:
Paging In (top shows sustained bandwidth,
bottom shows a USD Scheduler Trace)
The experiment uses three applications: one is allocated 25ms per 250ms,
the second allocated 50ms per 250ms, and the third allocated 100ms per
250ms -- the same period is used in each case to make the results
easier to understand. No domain is eligible for slack time, and
all domains have a laxity value of 10ms. The resulting
measured progress (in terms of Mbits/second) is plotted on the
top of Figure 7.
Observe that the ratio between the three domains is very close to
4:2:1, which is what one would expect if each domain were receiving
all of its guaranteed time. In order to see what was happening in
detail, a log was taken inside the USD scheduler which recorded, among
other things:
- each time a given client domain was scheduled to perform
a transaction,
- the amount of lax time each client was charged, and
- the period boundaries upon which a new allocation was granted.
The bottom of Figure 7 shows
these events on two
different time-scales: the top plot shows a four second sample, while
the bottom plot shows the first second of the sample in more detail.
The darkest gray squares represent transactions from the application
with the smallest guarantee (10%), while the lightest gray show those
from the application with the highest (40%).
The small arrows in each colour represent the point at which
the relevant client received a new allocation.
Each filled box shows a transaction carried out by a given client --
the width of the box represents the amount of time the transaction
took. All transactions in the sample given take roughly the same time;
this is most likely due to the fact that the sequential reads are
working well with the cache.
The solid lines between the transactions (most visible in the detailed
plot) illustrate the effect of laxity on the
scheduler: since there is only one thread causing page faults,
and one thread satisfying them, no client ever has more than one
transaction outstanding. In this case the EDF algorithm unmodified by
laxity would allow each client exactly one transaction per period.
Notice further that the length of any laxity line never exceeds 10ms,
the value specified above, and that the use of laxity does not
impact the deadlines of clients.
The second experiment is designed to illustrate the overall performance
and isolation achieved when multiple domains are paging out data to
different parts of the same disk.
The test application operates with a slightly modified stretch driver
in order to achieve this effect -- it ``forgets'' that pages have a copy
on disk and hence never pages in during a page fault. The other
parameters are as for the previous experiment.
The resulting progress
is plotted on the top of Figure 8.
Figure 8:
Paging Out (top shows sustained bandwidth,
bottom shows a USD Scheduler Trace)
As can been seen, the domains once again proceed roughly in
proportion, although overall throughput is much reduced.
The reason for this is in the detailed USD
scheduler trace on the bottom
of Figure 8.
This clearly shows
that almost every transaction is taking on the order of
10ms, with some clearly taking an additional rotational delay.
This is most likely due to the fact that individual transactions are
separated by a small amount of time, hence preventing the driver from
performing any transaction coalescing.
One may also observe the fact that the client with the smallest slice
(which is 25ms) tends to complete three transactions (totalling more
than 25ms) in some periods, but then will obtain less time in the
following period. This is since we employ a roll-over accounting
scheme: clients are allowed to complete a transaction if they have
a reasonable amount of time remaining in the current period. Should
their transaction take more than this amount of time, the client
will end with a negative amount of remaining time which will count
against its next allocation.
Using this technique prevents an application deterministically
exceeding its guarantee. It is not perfect -- since it allows
jitter to be introduced into the schedule -- but it is not clear
that there is a better way to proceed without intimate knowledge of
the disk caching and scheduling policies.
The final experiment presented here adds another factor to the
equation: a client domain reading data from another partition
on the same disk. This client performs significant pipelining
of its transaction requests (i.e. it trades off additional buffer
space against disk latency), and so is expected to perform well.
For homogeneity, its transactions are each the same size as a page.
The file-system client is guaranteed 50% of the disk (i.e. 125ms
per 250ms). It is first run on its own (i.e. with no other disk
activity occuring) and achieves the sustained bandwidth
shown in the left hand side of
Figure 9. Subsequently it was run again, this time
concurrently with two paging applications having 10% and 20% guarantees
respectively. The resulting sustained bandwidth
is shown in the right hand side of Figure 9.
Figure 9:
File-System Isolation
As can be seen, the throughput observed by the file-system client
remains almost exactly the same despite the addition of two heavily
paging applications.
This paper has presented the idea of self-paging as a
technique to provide Quality of Service to applications. Experiments
have shown that it is possible to accurately isolate the
effects of application
paging, which allows the coexistence
of paging along with time-sensitive applications. Most of the
VM system is provided by unprivileged user-level modules which
are explicitly and dynamically linked, thus
supporting extensibility.
Performance can definitely be improved. For example, the
3 micro-seconds overhead in user-space
trap-handling could probably be
cut in half. Additionally the current stretch driver
implementation is immature and could be extended to handle
additional pipe-lining via a ``stream-paging'' scheme such as
that described in [24].
A more difficult problem with the self-paging approach, however,
is that of global performance. The strategy of allocating
resources directly to applications certainly gives them more
control, but means that optimisations for global benefit
are not directly enforced. Ongoing work is looking at both
centralised and devolved solutions to this issue.
Nonetheless, the result is promising: virtual memory techniques such
as demand-paging and memory mapped files have proved useful in
the commodity systems of the past. Failing to support them in the
continuous media operating systems of the future would detract
value, yet supporting them is widely perceived to add unacceptable
unpredictability. Self-paging offers a solution to this dilemma.
I should like to express my extreme gratitude to Paul Barham who
encouraged me to write this paper, and wrote the tools to log and
post-process the USD scheduler traces. Without his help, this paper
would not have been possible.
I would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers and my shepherd,
Paul Leach, for their constructive comments and suggestions.
The Nemesis Operating System has been developed as part of the Pegasus
II project, supported by the European Communities'
ESPRIT programme. A public release of
the source code will be made in 1999.
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Self-Paging in the Nemesis Operating System
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The translation was initiated by Steven Hand on 1999-01-05
- ... systems1
- A notable exception is the Aegis exokernel, which
endeavours to expose as much as possible to the application.
- ...
- A domain in Nemesis is the analog of a
process or task.
- ... size3
- Where multiple page sizes are supported,
``page size'' refers to the size of the smallest page.
- ... region4
- Such as DMA-accessible memory
on certain architectures.
- ... succeed5
- Due to fragmentation, a single
request for up to (g-n) frames may or may not succeed.
- ... application6
- i.e. one which currently has
optimistically allocated frames.
- ... stretch7
- Bootstrapping code
clearly does this, but it uses the high-level translation system and
not this interface.
- ...
- We implement `dirty' and `referenced' using the
FOR/FOW bits; these are set by software and cleared by the
PALCODE DFault routine.
Steven Hand