Thank you for joining us in San Diego, CA, for LISA '05. The online proceedings are now available to USENIX members. The audio files of the keynote address, plenary session, and invited talks are also available and are free to everyone. Check out the latest media coverage of the conference.
Thanks to those of you who participated in the LISA '05 attendee survey. The winner of the CyberTool 41 will be announced soon.
If you have additional ideas for next year, we'd love to hear them. Drop us a line at Save the date for LISA '06, December 3–8, 2006. See you next year!
SAGE Awards at LISA '05
2005 Outstanding Achievement Award
SAGE is pleased to announce Tom Limoncelli and Christine Hogan as the joint award winners of the 2005 Outstanding Achievement Award. They were awarded specifically for the book, The Practice of System and Network Administration. Published in 2001, the book is still relevant and continues to be cited frequently by the SAGE community as a topical work. The book advances the profession by advancing the administrator from a
technically competent individual into a professional system administrator.

This annual award goes to someone whose professional contributions to the
system administration community over a number of years merit special
The Chuck Yerkes Award
The 2005 award goes to Brandon Allbery. In particular, Brandon has been conspicuously and helpful in IRC as well
as on the regular sage-members mailing list. Brandon seems to answer more
questions on a wider array of topics than most other people on the IRC channel.
The Chuck Yerkes award is presented annually "to the person (or people) judged to have most significantly contributed to the mentoring of their peers through
contributions on the various SAGE member forums (sage-members, SAGEnews,
SAGEwire, IRC, etc.)."
Program Chair
David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University CCIS
Program Committee
Gerald Carter, Samba Team/Hewlett-Packard
Strata Rose Chalup, VirtualNet Consulting
Lee Damon, University of Washington
Rudi van Drunen, Leiden Cytology and Pathology Labs
Joe Gross, Independent Consultant
Tom Limoncelli, Cibernet Corp.
John "Rowan" Littell, Earlham College
Tom Perrine, Sony Computer Entertainment America
Yi-Min Wang, Microsoft Research
David Williamson, Tellme Networks
Elizabeth Zwicky, Acuitus
Invited Talks Coordinators
Adam S. Moskowitz, Menlo Computing
William LeFebvre, Independent Consultant
Guru Is In Coordinator
Philip Kizer, Texas A&M University
Workshops Coordinator
Luke Kanies, Reductive Consulting
Work-in-Progress Session Coordinator
Esther Filderman, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center