USENIX 2003 Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track Paper   
[USENIX Annual Conference '03 Tech Program Index]
Pp. 115-124 of the Proceedings | |
Flexibility in ROM: A Stackable Open Source BIOS
Adam Agnew, Adam Sulmicki, *Ronald Minnich, William Arbaugh
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland at College Park
Advanced Computing Lab, Los Alamos National Lab*
Los Alamos, New Mexico
LANL LA-UR-03-2137,,,
One of the last vestiges of closed source proprietary software in
current PCs is the PC BIOS. The BIOS, most always written in assembler,
operates mostly in 16 bit mode, and provides services that few modern 32
bit operating systems require. Recognizing this, the LinuxBIOS founders
began an effort to place a Linux kernel in the ROM of current
motherboards- completely removing the legacy BIOS. While the
LinuxBIOS effort fully supports Linux, other modern operating systems,
e.g. *BSD, and Windows 2000/XP, could not be directly
supported because of their reliance on a few services provided by those
legacy BIOSes. In this paper, we describe how we have combined elements
of the LinuxBIOS, the Bochs PC emulator, and additional software to
create the first open source firmware for the IBM PC capable of booting
most modern operating systems.
The personal computer (PC) basic input output system (BIOS) remains one
of the last bastions of closed source software. The reasons for
this are many, but the most prominent is that many of the hardware
interfaces in modern PC chipsets are covered by non-disclosure
agreements. NDAs greatly limit the set of systems that an open source
BIOS could support. Additionally, technical barriers to entry at the
firmware/BIOS level are significant. For example, debugging is
considerably more difficult, and the tools to permit control over the
processor at the firmware level, e.g. an in-circuit emulator, are very
These technical and non-technical barriers, coupled with a near
monopoly in the BIOS market, have prevented innovation from occurring
in a key element of the personal computer. As a result, commercial
BIOSes continue to be written entirely in assembler, run mostly in 16
bit mode, and provide few services beyond the interrupts initially
provided by the BIOS in the 1980's.
The LinuxBIOS effort at Los Alamos National Labs sought to change that
situation. Frustrated by the problems created by the BIOS in large
sets of computing systems, i.e. clusters, the LinuxBIOS team began to
create their own open source BIOS. The LinuxBIOS also sought to place
an operating system kernel, e.g. Linux, in the ROM of a PC
The reason for putting a full kernel in place of the BIOS is simple:
Linux does a far better
job of detecting and configuring hardware than standard BIOSes do, and
its ``footprint'' in memory is not really that much larger.
As of 1999 there are many systems (kmonte, kexec, bootimg, LOBOS)
that allow Linux to boot another
operating system. The result is that LinuxBIOS can
load a kernel over any device,
network, protocol, and file system that Linux supports-
compelling reasons to use Linux as a boot program.
Even with the considerable technical barriers, LinuxBIOS now runs on
numerous motherboards. While it remains unlikely that LinuxBIOS will
ever become available on all PC motherboards, the current success of
the project is significant.
LinuxBIOS is actually divided into two parts. The first part is a
small open-source system startup code. The second part is the Linux
kernel itself. Over time, users have found that they can use
the first part without the second, and the Linux kernel has been
replaced by many different types of software, from Etherboot to 9load,
the Plan 9 loader. This has led to a confusing situation with respect
to naming: in the early days of LinuxBIOS, the software implicitly
included the Linux kernel. Nowadays, the name ``LinuxBIOS'' has
gradually come to mean only the small open source system startup code.
For the rest of the paper, when we use the term ``LinuxBIOS'' we mean
the small startup code, not the full startup code plus Linux kernel
While the original motivation for LinuxBIOS was focused solely on
improving the management of large computing clusters, numerous
developers viewed LinuxBIOS as a means to provide additional features
in the BIOS such as security, and support for additional operating
systems beyond Linux. In this paper, we describe one of those
efforts- an open source stackable BIOS.
The elements of the stackable BIOS are shown in
Figure 1. The first element is
LinuxBIOS. LinuxBIOS performs all of the steps necessary to initialize
the hardware on the motherboard. The next step is ADLO, the ``ADhesive
LOader.'' This is stackable BIOS software specifically written to serve
as the ``glue'' between the LinuxBIOS and the next element, the Bochs
BIOS. Bochs is a highly portable open source x86 PC emulator which
includes emulation of the x86 CPU and common I/O devices. Bochs also
includes a custom BIOS which provides the legacy BIOS functionality
needed to boot modern operating systems such as Linux, OpenBSD, and
Windows 2000 using the GNU Grub bootloader.
Figure 1:
Stackable BIOS Overview
The resulting BIOS which comes from the combination of LinuxBIOS, ADLO,
and the Bochs BIOS has proven to be quite slim and fast.
LinuxBIOS, ADLO, BochsBIOS, and even the Video BIOS (typically 64KB)
can take up less than 175KB in size (Figure 2). Because
alignment data pads out many of the images, a size of less than 100KB
can be achieved.
Figure 2:
Typical LinuxBIOS + ADLO + BochsBIOS EEPROM map for a 512k
In the remainder of this paper, we present the details of how elements
of two relatively mature open source projects (LinuxBIOS and Bochs)
were combined with additional GPL'd software written by the authors to
completely eliminate the need for a proprietary legacy BIOS.
LinuxBIOS is a GPLed project started at the Cluster Research Lab, a
division of the Advanced Computing Laboratory (ACL), in Los Alamos National
Labs. A computer cluster is a group of computers connected to work
together as a parallel computer. The Cluster Research Lab performs
research and development in operating systems and cluster design in
order to improve the way clusters are built, managed, and used.
LinuxBIOS was created to fill a need in the Computer Research Lab for an
open source BIOS. Currently, x86 motherboards ship with BIOSes supplied
by vendors such as Phoenix Technologies and American Megatrends. But
these BIOSes had shortcomings which made them impractical for cluster
The ACL team found that
existing BIOSes do a poor job of setting up a PC for modern
OSes. They found:
- BIOSes which configure memory in a suboptimal way. For example,
some BIOSes were discovered to use memory capable of CAS2 speeds at a
much slower CAS3 setting.
- incorrect configuration of PCI address spaces that open up security
holes when memory-mapped cards (e.g. Myrinet) are used.
- suboptimal assignment of interrupt requests. Some BIOSes were
found to share IRQs between multiple devices when such sharing was not
required. This sharing of IRQs added latency upon interrupts needlessly.
- incorrectly configured BIOS tables such as the $PIR table, so that
the critical information Linux needs for IRQ assignment is not availble.
So pervasive are some of the errors that they have
impacted the Linux 2.4.19 kernel; in this version, GEODE IRQ setup
was changed, incorrectly, to accommodate some broken motherboards.
- incorrect ID strings in the BIOS, for example the string ``Mainboard
vendor name here'' is in the BIOS instead of the mainboard vendor name
- no way to upgrade the BIOS from a modern OS (some vendors ship DOS
diskettes for a BIOS upgrade; others require that you boot a Windows 3.1 CD
and run an upgrade program).
- no way to preserve CMOS settings when a BIOS is upgraded (one vendor
recommended we record the settings on paper and then re-enter them for each
machine; a difficult task on a 960-node system with no keyboard or
There are also structural problems with BIOSes that derive from the
requirements for supporting DOS. One of these is the requirement that
the BIOS zero memory. This requirement makes post-mortem debugging
virtually impossible, as a reset results in erasing the memory image
of the previously running operating system.
Commercial BIOSes also have problems accommodating custom built
hardware, and can take considerable time to boot. Finally, when bugs or
errors crop up in a commercial BIOS, it is almost impossible to fix
These short-comings made it obvious that an open source BIOS such as
LinuxBIOS is needed, especially for the fast paced innovations which can
make the next generation of clusters successful.
To accomplish its task, LinuxBIOS is placed in the computer's EEPROM
chip (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) where normally a
vendor supplied BIOS would reside. LinuxBIOS completely replaces
the vendor BIOS; no fragment of the vendor BIOS is left once LinuxBIOS is
installed. The LinuxBIOS binary itself is small,
typically only 36 kilobytes in size depending on configuration choices.
Then, a Linux kernel is placed in the EEPROM chip to act as a
bootloader (Figure 3).
The Linux kernel is used for this task because it supports a wide
array of hardware that can be used to acquire the binaries necessary
for further booting operating systems. The Linux kernel is well suited
for this task because it is, for the most part, written to
avoid a need for legacy BIOS services. This lack of dependencies
reduces the number of services LinuxBIOS must provide and thus results
in a small and compact BIOS.
With the complexity and latency of commercial BIOSes removed, the LinuxBIOS
developers discovered they were able to accomplish the entire bootstrap
process in a matter of seconds.
Pretty soon, the LinuxBIOS developers found there was demand not only from
those building clusters, but also from a computer enthusiast community,
and even more notably, motherboard vendors who were hopeful of a future
where they wouldn't have to pay a royalty to BIOS vendors.
This created several problems for the LinuxBIOS developers if they wished
to create an open source BIOS for a wider audience.
- Most motherboards ship with 256Kbyte EEPROM parts. Even under
extreme compression, the Linux kernel could not fit in such a small
- LinuxBIOS was kept small and fast by not supporting legacy PC BIOS
services. The Linux Kernel used with LinuxBIOS had to be slightly
modified to avoid using these legacy services. Unfortunately, many of
the other operating systems that motherboard vendors and computer
enthusiasts want to run require these services. It is not practical to
modify the BIOS interface of each of these operating systems. This is
especially true for operating systems which are closed source.
Figure 3:
Typical LinuxBIOS EEPROM map (using a Linux Kernel) for a
512k part.
We were able to solve both of these problems by taking advantage of another
open source project, Bochs.
Bochs is an LGPLed project, sponsored by MandrakeSoft, which serves as a
highly portable x86 emulator written in C++. Bochs is a true, complete
emulator in that it fully emulates an x86 CPU, common I/O devices such as
floppy and hard drives, and an x86 BIOS.
The component of Bochs which we found useful in our plans to add PC BIOS
services to LinuxBIOS was its BIOS. The Bochs BIOS had many attributes
which made it especially appealing for our needs.
- None of the hardware emulated by Bochs is implemented in their BIOS
layer. The BIOS was designed to interact with the hardware through true
device calls and aimed to conform to up to date standards. This was
advantageous to us in that few modifications were needed for the Bochs
BIOS to utilize the real hardware on our target platform.
- Since the hardware is emulated, it does not need to be ``turned
on'' like on a real x86 platform. This means Bochs does not implement the
process of initializing such things as CPU cache, IDE controllers, etc.
These services are already provided by LinuxBIOS for the motherboards it
Further, these attributes meant that the modifications we found necessary
to make to Bochs were prime candidates for inclusion back into the Bochs
source. All the changes we needed to make to Bochs were merely more
correct implementations of the BIOS interrupts it provided. These
modifications did not break the Bochs BIOS' compatability with their
emulated hardware, and allowed it to work more correctly with the real
hardware on our platform as fewer assumptions were made.
This means that further maintenance of the BIOS layer of our solution
can stay within the Bochs source and LinuxBIOS can continue to
leverage itself effortlessly off of the further hard work of the
Bochs PC emulator developers.
Table 1:
Operating system dependencies on BIOS interrupt functionality.
BIOS Feature |
Standard 2.4.x |
Modified for LinuxBIOS |
Windows |
Windows |
FreeBSD[5] |
Needed |
Linux Kernel |
2.4.x Linux Kernel |
2000[3] |
XP[4] |
Int13 Handling |
yes |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Int15 ax=E820 Map* |
yes |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
PCI Table |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Video BIOS |
no |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
* While Int15 function ax=E820 is not itself needed, it is the most
modern and popular of the Int15 memory sizing functions of which at
least one is needed.
Table 2:
Features provided by a variety of BIOS configurations
Feature |
Standard |
LinuxBIOS using |
LinuxBIOS using |
LinuxBIOS using |
PC BIOS[2] |
Linux Kernel |
Etherboot |
ADLO and Bochs BIOS |
Int13 Handling |
yes |
no |
no |
yes |
Int15 ax=E820 Map |
yes |
no |
no |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
no |
PCI Table |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Video BIOS |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
no |
yes |
no |
no |
no |
The BIOS services required to boot some modern operating systems are
plentiful. Most are trivial and hardly worth mentioning, such as
probing for keyboard presence or the timer interrupt. But there are
four main services which proved critical to booting both operating
systems like Windows 2000 and the Linux Kernel 2.4 series. These
services comprised the video BIOS functions, hard drive services,
memory sizing, and providing a PCI table. Many more services are
useful, but they are still new standards which are optional to use in
modern operating systems, see Table 1.
The following section outlines the steps taken to make ADLO and Bochs
BIOS functionality closer to that of standard commercial BIOSes and
distinguish this functionality from that of its base LinuxBIOS, see
Table 2.
Among the first of the issues dealt with was providing Video BIOS
functions. In a stock LinuxBIOS setup, the issue is averted by
rerouting the console output to a serial console. Regrettably, this
luxury was rarely available in other operating systems, so the issue
had to be resolved in another way.
In most commercial BIOSes, Video BIOS functionality is provided by an
add-in card containing an expansion ROM. This ROM is found while
probing the IO buses for expansion ROMS. When a Video BIOS is found,
it is copied into memory area 0xC0000 to 0xC7FFF and executed. The Video
BIOS in turn claims control of Int10.
On the motherboard we developed with, however, the video chipset was
integrated and the Video BIOS was stored with the commercial BIOS on the
motherboard's EEPROM. As these images are to replaced with our code, the
Video ROM had to be acquired and loaded in a different fashion.
We accomplished this task by extracting the Video BIOS from memory
before installing LinuxBIOS. Since we can expect the Video BIOS to be
stored at address 0xC00000, we can boot into Linux using the
commercial BIOS shipped with the motherboard and extract this image
using 'dd' and the /proc/kcore memory interface. The total size
of the image is determined by the 3rd byte, which represents the number
of 512 byte blocks. Because the /proc/kcore interface is an ELF image,
an offset must be taken into account in order to skip the ELF header.
This extraction method will work easily on most integrated and non
integrated motherboards alike. Once the video BIOS image is extracted it
is stored in the EEPROM, see Figure 2.
Once the Video BIOS is in place, both the Linux and Windows operating
systems will use it for such functions as preliminary output when
booting, VESA compliance probing, and setting video modes.
Historically, hard drive services have been the most complex and
frustrating of the BIOS services for both the BIOS and operating
system developers. As hard drives have grown in capacity, they have
consistently been the first of the devices to feel the strain imposed
by the instruction width of architectures. As a result, there have
been several evolutionary steps in addressing modes and the complexity
of the Int13 services has become staggering.
Speed constraints, buggy BIOSes, addressing mode revisions, and an
increasing variety of devices has compelled designers of modern
operating systems to remove dependency on Int13 for hard drive
functions for the most part. Instead, they communicate with
the drive controllers directly, in ``polled I/O mode'', and only the
bootloaders, which are constrained by space from having drivers for a
variety of controllers, still depend on these services heavily.
In this regard, a LinuxBIOS configuration with the Linux Kernel housed
in ROM with LinuxBIOS is again at an advantage. The Linux Kernel has all
the necessary drivers for properly communicating with a variety of drive
controllers. The only issue that needs to be addressed then is
waiting for the hard drives to spin up to operational speed. While
the boot times of most commercial BIOSes are long enough that it is
taken for granted that hard drives will be fully spun up and
available before they are needed, the fast boot times of LinuxBIOS
makes this assumption incorrect. To correct the mistake, the kernel is
patched to assume drives are present before they are available for
actual I/O.
As we aimed to boot unmodified operating systems and bootloaders such as
LILO, GRUB, and the Windows 2000 Bootloader, we needed to support a much
larger set of Int13 functionality.
The Bochs BIOS provided an excellent starting point toward this end; it
implemented virtual devices and defined the Int13 functions necessary
for bootloaders and operating systems to interface with them. When Bochs
virtualizes these devices under a host operating system, the host
operating systems already deals with timing issues with the actual
physical devices. For this reason, timing with Int13 had not been taken
into account directly in the Bochs BIOS. As our BIOS does not include
such a virtualization, we implemented proper handling of timing issues
to avoid such complications as trying to access devices before they
were spun up to operating speed or reading buffers before they could be
filled by the hard drive.
Like hard drive addressing modes, memory sizing has also gone through
evolutionary steps as instruction widths and the cost of memory has
dramatically changed. While memory sizing used to be accomplished by simply
returning the amount of 1K size blocks available through Int15
function ah=088h, limiting the returned amount to 64MB, the service is
now commonly performed through subsequent calls to Int15 function
ax=0e820h in order to fill sections of a table[8].
A typical Int15 ax=E820 memory table contains several entries,
each describing a range in memory with unique characteristics, see
Table 3. In this example, the
first range identifies the memory from the beginning to 640K as
available in keeping with the convention of Lower Memory. Next, a range
up to the first megabyte is reserved for BIOS use. The other segments
map the rest of available memory, reserving some sections for ACPI
An operating system is only interested in the memory ranges which it
can use, see table 4. To reduce complexity, we removed
sections from the table which were reserved. LinuxBIOS coupled with the
Bochs BIOS does not provide ACPI functions, so those sections do not
need to be explicitly identified either. The simplified Int15 ax=E820
table was able to get us past issues in development that dealt with
an AMI compatible CMOS which we were unable to provide.
Table 3:
Int15 ax=E820 memory map in a commercial BIOS
BIOS-e820: |
0000000000000000 |
- |
00000000000A0000 |
(usable) |
BIOS-e820: |
00000000000F0000 |
- |
0000000000100000 |
(reserved) |
BIOS-e820: |
0000000000100000 |
- |
000000001FFF0000 |
(usable) |
BIOS-e820: |
000000001FFF0000 |
- |
000000001FFF3000 |
BIOS-e820: |
000000001FFF3000 |
- |
0000000020000000 |
(ACPI data) |
BIOS-e820: |
00000000FFFF0000 |
- |
0000000100000000 |
(reserved) |
Table 4:
Int15 ax=E820 memory map in LinuxBIOS using Bochs BIOS
BIOS-e820: |
0000000000000000 |
- |
00000000000A0000 |
(usable) |
BIOS-e820: |
0000000000100000 |
- |
000000001FFF0000 |
(usable) |
The original PCI design for interrupts was very simple. PCI supports four
interrupts lines, A, B, C, and D. The B, C, and D lines are reserved
for multifunction cards, so that only the A line can be used for
single-function cards. The problem is that most cards are single-function;
most cards drive the A line. Most cards would have to share the A interrupt,
leading to high interrupt latency.
This is the reason for one of the more distressing kludges related to
PCI busses. Vendors decided to remap the A, B, C, and D lines
on the motherboard so as to more evenly distribute the interrupt load.
The A line for a given slot may actually be mapped to the B, C, or D interrupt
pins on the interrupt controller.
How can an operating system tell, from reading the PCI bus configuration, how
the lines are actually mapped? In practice, it can not. Hence the need
for the PCI tables.
There are two types of PCI tables: the older $PIR table, and the
newer SMP table. The BIOS must supply both these tables, the older one
for older operating systems or newer OSes configured to use the
old table (e.g. Linux in uniprocessor mode); and the newer one
which is required for correct functioning of an SMP OS.
Each table has basic information about the motherboard, including a
variable-length list of PCI slots and the mapping of the four PCI slot
interrupt lines to the actual interrupt lines on the
interrupt controller. This information can
be used to determine, for a given interrupt line, which card or cards is
the source of the interrupt. The operating system has to build an
internal mapping of the card IRQs so that it can make this determination.
One of the more troublesome aspects of the tables is that they contain
errors. For example, some Geode motherboards have the low order bit
set incorrectly. This led to an incorrect patch being applied to the
Linux 2.4.19 release kernel which broke the kernel on correct
motherboards so the kernel would work on incorrect motherboards. As of
this writing this mistake has not been corrected.
In recent years, new standards have emerged and been quickly adopted by
both BIOS manufactures and the developers of operating systems.
The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is a particularly
powerful specification that aims to take over the services performed by
PnPBIOSes, multiprocessor tables, and Advanced Power Management (APM).
However, support for ACPI has just recently been started in the Linux
Kernel 2.5 series. Many Windows varieties already extensively make use
of ACPI when available, but it is still not necessary for booting these
operating systems. Int15 function ax=E820 is the first of the services
from the ACPI specification which we have chosen to implement and a full
implementation of ACPI would be a worthy goal in further development of
ADLO and Bochs BIOS.
As ACPI aims to replace the functionality of APM, PnPBIOS, and
multiprocessor tables, adding support in ADLO and Bochs BIOS to support
these functions would equate to adding a layer of services which are not
necessary now and will become legacy in the near future.
Other directions ADLO and Bochs BIOS development will likely take is
full support for multiprocessor systems (this has been added into the
Bochs BIOS for use in Bochs, but remains to be tested on real hardware),
and a virtual Video BIOS to allow for serial consoles like on many
server class motherboards.
Though LinuxBIOS and the Bochs BIOS are an open source take on the PC
BIOS, neither intended to be a drop in replacement for commercial
BIOSes. By stacking and executing the LinuxBIOS, ADLO, and Bochs BIOS
components in order, the foundation is in place for an open source BIOS
to finally be a viable alternative to commercial BIOSes on many x86 PCs.
A description of the tasks performed by each component in this
advantageous configuration follows.
The guiding philosophy of LinuxBIOS is simple: ``Let the Linux kernel do
it.'' In other words, if Linux can perform some task such as device
initialization, there is no need for any other software to do that
work. We have found that in most cases Linux will redo work that the
BIOS did anyway; or, still worse, Linux has to redo work that the BIOS
did since in so many cases the BIOS gets it wrong. The BIOS should only
do the bare minimum of work that Linux can't do. By doing the bare
minimum, LinuxBIOS becomes fast and small.
In the procedure of booting up the computer to a usable state,
LinuxBIOS performs many tasks. First among these tasks is to set up
and initialize memory; and set up the serial consoles so debugging
information is available. The resources which the LinuxBIOS developers
have available to them on the chipsets for which they develop are
often vague, scant, or simply non-existent. With this in mind, it is
fitting for a serial console to be such a high priority.
Once the DRAM is initialized, LinuxBIOS can continue in C code. This is a
welcome feature when faced with thousands of lines of x86 assembly.
From this point, LinuxBIOS can set up Memory Type Range Registers
(MTRRs) on the CPU(s), making the cache of the CPU(s) available and
thus speeding up execution considerably. LinuxBIOS is also be
responsible for creating an IRQ routing table, and initializing
individual hardware components on the motherboard. These often
include an IDE controller, keyboard, southbridge, etc. Again, only the
bare minimum initialization is done; Linux does the rest.
When LinuxBIOS is finished initializing hardware, it then looks in the
contents of the ROM to find a next stage in the boot process. With
the traditional approach of LinuxBIOS, this would be a Linux Kernel.
This configuration is what provides such phenomenal records such as 3
seconds from power-on to a bash prompt.
There are however other extensions to LinuxBIOS which make full use of
its modular design. A popular choice among these would be to load
Etherboot, which gives the bootstrap process the ability to retrieve
the next stage in the bootstrap process (either another component to
further enhance the boot strap process, or the final operating system
Indeed, instead of executing a Linux Kernel at this stage, we want to
load the Bochs BIOS to provide standard commercial PC BIOS interrupt
In order to do this effectively, we built a small wrapper program
around the Bochs BIOS to transfer valuable information from LinuxBIOS
to the Bochs BIOS without having to make modification to the Bochs
BIOS. We have named this small wrapper ADLO, the ``ADhesive LOader.''
ADLO allows us to leverage the capabilities of the Bochs BIOS without
making modifications to it.
ADLO is responsible for making sure the ROMs that make up the Bochs BIOS
and the VGA BIOS are stored at the expected addresses. It also performs
the task of copying the Bochs BIOS from its original
location into ``Shadow RAM.'' In addition, LinuxBIOS stores some tables
(such as a memory map and the IRQ routing table) in a format designed
to be practical across architectures, but not conforming to the format
in which they're normally stored on a commercial PC BIOS. ADLO converts
these tables back to a format easily understood by the Bochs BIOS as it
is implemented presently.
In the same vain, the Bochs BIOS was written for the Bochs emulation
environment, and was written to emulate an AMI BIOS. To accomplish
this goal, configuration of the Bochs BIOS is done by storing and
retrieving configuration data in the CMOS as a real BIOS would do. ADLO
is responsible for storing some of this data in the CMOS before
executing the Bochs BIOS for parameters such as primary boot device and
floppy size.
The primary job of the Bochs BIOS is to set up the Interrupt Vector Table, and
supply an entry point for each of its BIOS services.
The interrupt vector table is stored from memory location 0000:0000h up to
0000:03FCh and contains a maximum of 256 vectors, each 4 bytes wide.
For instance, if we wanted to save the interrupt vector for our newly
implemented Interrupt 13, the vector would be saved as the 19th entry
(13h = 19) in the interrupt vector table. Since each interrupt vector
is 4 bytes wide, the vector for Int13 will be stored at address 0x4C
(19 * 4).
The interrupt handler for Interrupt 13 is placed at offset 0xE3FE within
the BIOS image. The BIOS image is placed at segment 0xF000 in memory.
Therefore, the four bytes at this offset can merely contain the segment
(0xF000) as the high four bytes and the offset (0xE3FE) as the low four
After the Bochs BIOS has established its interrupt vector table, we
rely on a good foundation of BIOS interrupt services to insure that
everything continues to run smoothly. To date, we have managed to refine
the BIOS services until booting of Linux kernels, which have not been
modified for LinuxBIOS compatability, and Windows 2000 have been
possible. Once these services had been refined that far, OpenBSD began
to boot through to completion as an added reward. Other modern
operating systems, for instance FreeBSD and Windows XP, will require
further work while still more have gone so far unexplored. All
bootloaders we have tried work flawlessly, including the popular Grub
and Lilo.
To date, the boot strap process outlined in this paper has only been tested
on motherboards featuring the SIS630 North/South Bridge chipset. This chipset
was chosen as a stable basis for our development efforts due to the long
history of support SiS Semiconductors has shown the LinuxBIOS team.
Using any other mainboards in replace of our test system would comprise four
- Insuring that the mainboard is already supported by the LinuxBIOS project[6], or
adding support to LinuxBIOS for that mainboard.
- Insuring that LinuxBIOS takes the extra step of initializing the IDE
controller. As the Linux Kernel is in most cases capable of this task, it has
not already been done for all motherboards with LinuxBIOS supports.
- Extracting of the IRQ routing table for use by ADLO to convey a correct table
to the Bochs BIOS.
- Extraction the VGA ROM for use by ADLO if a graphical console is desired.
There are several other hardware issues of interest which are not yet
addressed by our efforts.
The first of these is USB support. There are several projects which would
benefit greatly from a small open source USB stack. As PS/2 ports have been
considered legacy devices for several years now and motherboards are now being
sold to consumers which do not feature PS/2 ports at all, the need for simple
USB Human Interface Device (HID) support as well as generic USB Storage
support has become apparent.
SMP support has not yet been explored. However, LinuxBIOS itself
supports SMP on many motherboards, and SMP support has been integrated
into Bochs and Bochs BIOS. We expect the integration of the two to be
While open source operating systems on the PC have flourished, the
same can not be said for the firmware or BIOS. The reasons for this
are many, but the lack of an open source and general purpose BIOS has
limited innovation in an important space of the personal computer.
The open source stackable BIOS, described in this paper, eliminates
the proprietary BIOS from numerous motherboards, and as a result, a
number of new projects can be started within the BIOS space. For
example, low level cryptographic support can now be easily added for
strong pre-boot authentication, secure remote console support, and
secure configuration management are just some of the possible new
efforts that can be started now that a general purpose open source
BIOS exists.
Instructions for obtaining the source code for this project is located
Research at the University of Maryland on this project was funded in
part by the Composable High Assurance Trusted Systems Program at DARPA
via AFRL/IF-NY contract F30602-01-2-0535
Research conducted in the Cluster Research Lab at the Los Alamos
National Labs was funded in part by the Mathematical Information and
Computer Sciences (MICS) Program of the DOE Office of Science and the
Los Alamos Computer Science Institute (ASCI Institutes). Los Alamos
National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the
National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States
Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36. Los Alamos, NM
87545 LANL LA-UR-03-2137.
We would like to thank the following people for their hard work,
suggestions, and encouragement.
The bochs developers have been an invaluable and helpful group,
especially Christopher Bothamy.
We would also like to extend a special thank you to the LinuxBIOS
developers, of whom Eric Biederman and Ollie Lho were especially helpful.
The guidance and suggestions of Pascal Dornier and David Sankel made sure
that we overcame hurdles swiftly and easily in bringing all of this work
- 1
Ron Minnich, James Hendricks, Dale Webster.
The Linux BIOS.
The Fourth Annual Linux Showcase and Conference, October 2000.
- 2
Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
The PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Revision 6 User's Manual.
- 3
Adam Sulmicki.
A Study of BIOS Interrupts as used by Microsoft Windows 2000.
- 4
Adam Sulmicki.
A Study of BIOS Interrupts as used by Microsoft Windows XP.
- 5
Bruce M. Simpson.
FreeBSD BIOS Coupling on i386.
- 6
The LinuxBios Status Guide.
- 7
The Etherboot Project.
- 8
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (FREENIX Track),
June 9 14, 2003,
San Antonio, TX, USA
Last changed: 3 Jun 2003 aw