Thank You for Coming!
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Boston for USENIX '08. Check out the online proceedings and available slides of the invited talks here. Video of the invited talks are also available here.
See You Next Year!
Save the date for USENIX '09.
Join us in San Diego, CA, June 14–19, 2009, for the 2009 USENIX Annual Technical Conference. The program co-chairs will be Geoffrey M. Voelker, University of California, San Diego, and
Alec Wolman, Microsoft Research. Interested in participating in USENIX '09? Check out the
Call for Papers!
USENIX Awards Presented at USENIX '08
The USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award ("The Flame") and the Software Tools User Group (STUG) Award were presented at USENIX '08. Andrew S. Tanenbaum won the 2008 Flame Award for his many contributions to systems design and to openness both in discussion and in source. Bryan M. Cantrill, Michael W. Shapiro, and Adam H. Leventhal, the DTrace Three, won the 2008 STUG Award.

Andrew S. Tanenbaum receiving the Flame award from USENIX
Board President Clem Cole at USENIX '08.

Bryan Cantrill (left) and Adam Leventhal (center) receive the
2008 STUG Award from USENIX Board President Clem Cole (right)
at USENIX '08.
Program Co-Chairs
Rebecca Isaacs, Microsoft Research
Yuanyuan Zhou, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Program Committee
Frank Bellosa, University of Karlsruhe
Jeff Chase, Duke University
Dawson Engler, Stanford University
Jason Flinn, University of Michigan
Keir Fraser, University of Cambridge
Steve Gribble, University of Washington
Liviu Iftode, Rutgers University
Arkady Kanevsky, NetApp
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Emre Kıcıman, Microsoft Research
Sam King, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jeff Mogul, HP Labs
Erich Nahum, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
David Presotto, Google
Sean Rhea, Meraki, Inc.
Erik Riedel, Seagate Research
Timothy Roscoe, ETH Zürich
Mike Swift, University of Wisconsin
John Wilkes, HP Labs
Emmett Witchel, University of Texas
Xiaolan (Catherine) Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Zheng Zhang, Microsoft Research
Poster Session Chairs
Emre Kıcıman, Microsoft Research
Sam King, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Training Program
Dan Klein, USENIX
Invited Talks
Dan Klein and Ellie Young, USENIX
The USENIX Association Staff
Facebook: USENIX '08

Conference Proceedings

Media Coverage

Conference Reports from ;login:

Original Call for Papers

Past and Future USENIX Annual Technical Conferences

Xen Summit North America 2008 took place
June 23–24, 2008, and the First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Computing (LASCO '08) took place on
June 23, 2008. Both events were co-located with USENIX '08.
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Media Sponsors
