Thanks to those of you who joined us in San Diego for CSET '14! As part of our commitment to open access to research, the papers are free and open to the public. See the workshop’s program page for the presentation slides and paper PDFs. The conference reports from ;login: are now online.
Workshop Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Chris Kanich, University of Illinois at Chicago
Patrick Lardieri, Lockheed Martin
Program Committee
Adam Aviv, United States Naval Academy
Kevin Bauer, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis
Kevin Butler, University of Oregon
Christopher E. Davis, Sandia National Labs
Sven Dietrich, Stevens Institute of Technology
Eric Eide, University of Utah
Boris Gelfand, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mark Gondree, Naval Postgraduate School
Chris Kanich, University of Illinois at Chicago
Patrick Lardieri, Lockheed Martin
Scott Lewandowski, The Wynstone Group
Zachary Peterson, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Lee Rossey, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Greg Shannon, Carnegie Mellon University
Steering Committee
Terry V. Benzel, USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)
Sean Peisert, University of California, Davis, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stephen Schwab, USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)