Security and Privacy Ideas that Matter
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Enigma centers on a single track of engaging talks covering a wide range of topics in security and privacy. Our goal is to clearly explain emerging threats and defenses in the growing intersection of society and technology, and to foster an intelligent and informed conversation within the community and the world. We view diversity as a key enabler for this goal and actively work to ensure that the Enigma community encourages and welcomes participation from all employment sectors, racial and ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, and genders.
Enigma is committed to fostering an open, collaborative, and respectful environment. Enigma and USENIX are also dedicated to open science and open conversations, and all talk media is available on the program page.
Featured Speakers
GiovanniVignaUCSB / CTO, Lastline
SteveWeisSoftware Engineer, Facebook
GrzergorMilkaSoftware Engineer, Google
NickSullivanHead of Cryptography, Cloudflare
AmitElazariDoctoral Candidate, Berkeley Law, Research Fellow, CTSP, Berkeley School of Information
MelodyHildebrandt21st Century Fox
TravisLeBlancPartner, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP
Conference Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Program Committee
Steering Committee
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