Security and Privacy Ideas That Matter
Enigma centers on a single track of engaging talks covering a wide range of topics in security and privacy. Our goal is to clearly explain emerging threats and defenses in the growing intersection of society and technology, and to foster an intelligent and informed conversation within the community and the world. We view diversity as a key enabler for this goal and actively work to ensure that the Enigma community encourages and welcomes participation from all employment sectors, racial and ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, and genders. Read this blog post about Enigma's commitment to diversity, written by Enigma 2019 Program Co-Chairs Ben Adida and Franziska Roesner.
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Burlingame for Enigma 2019. As part of USENIX's dedication to open science and open conversations, videos of the talks are available on the conference program page. Presentation slides are posted as we receive them from our speakers.
Catch up on Enigma 2019 conversations and event photos on Twitter. Follow us @EnigmaConf, and search the conference hashtag #enigma2019.
Save the Date!
Enigma 2020
January 27–29, 2020
San Francisco, CA, USA
Featured Speakers
Registration Information
Badge Pickup Hours
You may pick up your badge or register on site in the lobby at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport at the following dates and times:
- Monday, January 28, 7:30 am–5:00 pm
- Tuesday, January 29, 8:00 am–5:00 pm
- Wednesday, January 30, 8:00 am–12:00 pm
Registration Fees
Standard: $1500
Academic: $900
Government: $900
Non-Profit Organization: $500
Student: $500
USENIX Conference Policies
We encourage you to learn more about USENIX’s values and how we put them into practice at our conferences.
USENIX Conference Services
Find out what services are available at our conferences.
Refunds and Cancellations
The registration cancellation deadline is Friday, January 18, 2019. Please review the USENIX Registration Substitution and Cancellation Policy for more information.
About Enigma
About Enigma?
About the Hotel/Registration?
About Sponsorship?
Conference Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Program Committee
Steering Committee
Conference Sponsorship
Become a Sponsor: Sponsorship exposes your brand to highly qualified attendees, funds our grants program, supports open access to our conference content, and keeps USENIX conferences affordable. USENIX is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on sponsor support to fulfill its mission. To learn more, please contact the Sponsorship Department with the conference name in your subject line.
The acceptance of any organization as a sponsor does not imply explicit or implicit approval by USENIX of the donor organization’s values or actions. In addition, sponsorship does not provide any control over conference program content. Questions? Contact the Sponsorship Department.