Thank You for Coming!

Thanks to those of you who joined us in San Jose, CA, for HotCloud '13, the 5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing. As part of our commitment to open access, the papers, audio, video, and slides from the workshop are free and openly accessible via the technical sessions Web page. The conference reports from ;login: are now online.

Order the HotCloud '13 Box Set

Whether you had to miss HotCloud '13, or just didn't make it to all of the sessions, here's your chance to catch up. We’ll soon ship out the "HotCloud '13 Box Set," an 8GB USENIX USB drive, containing high-resolution videos from the workshop. Purchase it here.

Workshop Organizers

Program Co-Chairs

Dilma Da Silva, Qualcomm Research
George Porter, University of California, San Diego

Program Committee

John Arrasjid, VMware
Mary Baker, HP Labs
Theophilus Benson, Princeton University
Tyson Condie, Microsoft
Shirshanka Das, LinkedIn
Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto
Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University
Sharon Goldberg, Boston University
Helen Gu, North Carolina State University
Ajay Gulati, VMware
Chris Kanich, University of Illinois at Chicago
Michael Kozuch, Intel Labs Pittsburgh
Hui Lei, IBM Research
Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, Amazon DynamoDB
Christopher Olston, Google
David Oppenheimer, Google
Sriram Rao, Microsoft
Dan Tsafrir, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Dongyan Xu, Purdue University
Minlan Yu, University of Southern California
Ben Zhao, University of California, Santa Barbara

Steering Committee

John Arrasjid, VMware
Sambit Sahu, IBM Research
Margo Seltzer, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Oracle
Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley
John Wilkes, Google
Dongyan Xu, Purdue University