Thanks to everyone who joined us in Santa Clara for HotCloud '15. As part of our commitment to open access to research, the workshop papers and slides are free and open to the public. See the Workshop Program.

HotCloud '15 was co-located with the 2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC '15).

Save the Date:
HotCloud '16
June 20-21, 2016
Denver, CO

Workshop Organizers

Program Co-Chairs

Irfan Ahmad, CloudPhysics
Tim Kraska, Brown University

Program Committee

Keith Adams, Facebook
Michael Armbrust, DataBricks
Muli Ben-Yehuda, Stratoscale
Carsten Binnig, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
Austin Clements, Google
Eli Collins, Cloudera
Tyson Condie, University of California, Los Angeles
Paolo Costa, Microsoft Research and Imperial College
Dilma Da Silva, Texas A&M University
Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University
Alex Garthwaite, Twitter
Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Institute of Technology
Anne Holler, VMware
Bill Howe, University of Washington
Anthony Joseph, University of California, Berkeley
Kim Keeton, HP Labs
Michael Kozuch, Intel
Xiaojun Liu, CloudPhysics
James Mickens, Microsoft Research and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alina Oprea, RSA Laboratories
Dan Ports, University of Washington
Chris Re, Stanford University
Margo Seltzer, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Oracle
Swaminathan Sundararaman, SanDisk
Sai Susarla, NetApp

Steering Committee

John Arrasjid, EMC
Dilma Da Silva, Texas A&M University
Casey Henderson, USENIX Association
Margo Seltzer, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Oracle
Hakim Weatherspoon, Cornell University
John Wilkes, Google
Dongyan Xu, Purdue University