Thank You for Coming!

Thanks to those of you who joined us in San Jose, CA, for HotPar '13, the 5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism. As part of our commitment to open access, the papers presented at the workshop are already free and openly accessible via the technical sessions Web page; the slides will be uploaded shortly. 

Please keep an eye on your inbox for an email about the attendee survey; all responses must be received by noon on Monday, July 15, 2013.

Workshop Organizers

Program Co-Chairs

Emery Berger, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Kim Hazelwood, Google

Program Committee

Tor Aamodt, University of British Columbia
Luis Ceze, University of Washington
Babak Falsafi, EPFL
Stephen Freund, Williams College
Antonio Gonzales, Intel and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Rick Hudson, Intel
David Kaeli, Northeastern University
Martha Kim, Columbia University
Jim Larus, Microsoft Research
Tipp Moseley, Google
Mark Oskin, University of Washington
Guilherme Ottoni, Facebook
Jens Palsberg, University of California, Los Angeles
Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research
Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Sanchez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lingjia Tang, University of California, San Diego
Kaushik Veeraghavan, Facebook
Jan Vitek, Purdue University
Adam Welc, Oracle Labs
Tom Wenisch, University of Michigan

Steering Committee

Luis Ceze, University of Washington
Clem Cole, Intel
Anne Dickison, USENIX
Alexandra Fedorova, Simon Fraser University
James Larus, Microsoft Research
Geoff Lowney, Intel
David Patterson, University of California, Berkeley