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Will Drones Deliver My Privacy Policy? Workshop on the Future of Privacy Indicators
Call for Papers
It is known that users do not read privacy policies. Research suggests that the existing model of notice and consent is based on false assumptions. The methods for providing privacy notice to users that do not work on desktop computers have been even more challenging when implemented on mobile devices. Where do we go from here? This question might be simple to answer if technology stopped evolving, but in many ways the future has already arrived, with smart appliances, Internet of Things (IoT), assistive robots, and, even drones. All of these artifacts may collect or sense personal data. Therefore, all of these various devices ought to provide a way for users to learn about their privacy policies and set personal preferences, as well as give users the means to understand what privacy-sensitive information theses different devices collect.
This half-day workshop will provide an opportunity for those currently engaged in researching privacy policies, notices, indicators, and other related topics to think creatively about the next evolution of notice and consent. How do we provide privacy policies, notices, tools, and indicators with non-traditional computing interfaces and devices such as IoT, drones, assistive robots, self-driving cars, and others? Must we radically rethink the way in which we ask for consent? Is it even possible for users to truly consent to uses of their data that they may not even understand?
Submissions (not by drone, please)
Submissions can include ongoing or proposed research, position papers, and creative assets (e.g., illustrations, animations, portfolios) as long as they can be posted or linked to the workshop Web site. Successful submissions will strike a balance between creativity and original thinking while attempting to address the real-world concerns and goals of providing end users with meaningful choice and consent.
Written submissions should use the SOUPS 2-column formatting template (available for MS Word or LaTeX). Short Papers should be 2 to 6 pages in length, excluding references and appendices. The submission should be self-contained without requiring readers to read the appendices. Please check with the committee before submitting material in a non-written format. Submissions should not be blinded.
Email submissions to: soups16futurenoticesworkshop@gmail.com.
Selection and Presentation
Workshop papers will be selected by the workshop organizers and made available on the USENIX website. Accepted workshop submissions will not be considered peer-reviewed publications from the perspective of SOUPS and would not preclude subsequent publication at another venue. Authors of accepted submissions should be prepared to present their work at the workshop.
Important Dates
- Workshop paper submission deadline: Thursday, May 19, 2016 Deadline extended!
- Notification of workshop paper acceptance: Friday, May 27, 2016
- Camera ready workshop papers due: Sunday, June 5, 2016
- Workshop date: Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Patrick Gage Kelley, University of New Mexico
Jennifer King, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
Sameer Patil, New York University
Florian Schaub, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Richmond Wong, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
Program Committee
Ryan Calo, University of Washington School of Law
Nick Doty, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
Tristan Henderson, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews
Chris Hoofnagle, School of Information and School of Law, University of California, Berkeley
Priya Kumar, University of Maryland, College of Information Studies
Deirdre Mulligan, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
Luke Stark, Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University
Jose M. Such, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
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