USENIX is proud to publish the papers for the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2015), which will take place July 8–9, 2015, in Edinburgh, Scotland. TaPP 2015 will be hosted in conjunction with The 30th British International Conference on Databases (BICOD 2015).
The papers that were at the workshop are free and openly accessible to everyone via the Workshop Program page. Links to the slides are available here.
Workshop Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Paolo Missier, Newcastle University
Jun Zhao, Lancaster University
Program Committee
Vanessa Braganholo, Federal Fluminense University
Adriane Chapman, The MITRE Corporation
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, LRI, Universite Paris-Sud
Vasa Curcin, King's College, London
Tom De Nies, Ghent University and iMinds
Lois Delcambre, Portland State University
Saumen Dey, University of California, Davis
Alan Fekete, University of Sydney
Irini Fundulaki, ICS-FORTH
Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp
Ashish Gehani, SRI International
Boris Glavic, Illinois Institute of Technology
Paul Groth, Elsevier
Melanie Herschel, University of Stuttgart
Bertram Ludaescher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and The National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Simon Miles, King’s College London
Luc Moreau, University of Southampton
Paolo Papotti, Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)
Sudeepa Roy, University of Washington
Perdita Stevens, University of Edinburgh
Local Chair
James Cheney, The University of Edinburgh