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The following Work-in-Progress Reports will be presented during the Work-in-Progress Reports Session on Wednesday, August 20, 7:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m., in Harbor I
Abe Singer, "The Failure of User Selected Passwords" (5 minutes)
Adrian Dabrowski, "Defending Mobile Networks" (7 minutes)
Giselle Font, "Location Privacy for a Monitoring System of the Quality of Access to Mobile Internet" (7 minutes)
Jeremy Epstein, "NSF SaTC Funding Opportunities" (7 minutes)
Ali Jose Mashtizadeh (with Andrea Bittau, David Mazieres, and Dan Boneh), "CCFI: Cryptographically Enforced Control Flow Integrity" (7 minutes)
Eric Eide, "CloudLab" (5 minutes)
Steven Goldfeder, "Two-factor Security for Bitcoin" (3 minutes)
Joseph Bonneau, "Why Buy When You Can Rent? Bribery Attacks on Bitcoin Consensus" (5 minutes)
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