WOOT '24 Call for Lightning Talks, Demos, and Posters


A cornerstone of the USENIX WOOT Conference is to bring together academics and practitioners—hackers of all sorts—to discuss and share offensive security research.

To help those conversations get started, WOOT '24 is seeking proposals for Lightning Talks, Demos, and Posters. These are a great way to make other attendees aware of your work or interests, or just bring attention to offensive security topics you want to discuss with other attendees. We strongly encourage all attendees (not just authors of accepted papers) to submit a proposal if they have any offensive security topics they'd like to discuss with or show to the WOOT audience—this is a great way to start conversations and meet people.

Important Dates

  • Submissions due: Monday, July 1, 2024, 11:59 pm AoE Monday, July 8, 2024, 11:59 pm AoE
  • Notification of acceptance: Monday, July 15, 2024

Lightning Talks

Present a short talk, with or without slides, about whatever you want in offensive security to the WOOT audience. We plan a strict maximum time limit of 5 minutes, but shorter talks are definitely encouraged—a couple of minutes can be more than enough to grab people's attention! If you're the author of an accepted paper, feel free to submit a lightning talk about a different topic. The Lightning Talks will occur on the second day of the conference (Tuesday, August 13), prior to the demo/poster session.


Host a demo that you'll show off to everyone during the demo/poster session (on the second day of the conference, Tuesday, August 13). We'll provide you with a tall table, while you provide an awesome demo of an offensive security tool/system/concept/research that will make everyone who sees it say woot! Note that the demo must be able to be presented on your own laptop, relying solely on your battery and the conference's wifi network; wired Ethernet connections and power will not be provided. Consider a poster (or just a lightning talk!) instead if this doesn't work for you.


Present a poster that you'll show off to everyone during the demo/poster session (on the second day of the conference, Tuesday, August 13). We'll provide you with an easel and poster board, while you provide an amazing poster of an offensive security research/idea that engages the audience. Our space might be limited (depending on how many submissions we get), so if you're proposing both a poster and a demo, let us know which one you'd prefer us to prioritize if we run out of space!

Submission Instructions

Note that you can submit any combination of Lightning Talk, Demo, or Poster (including all three). To do so, submit an abstract via the HotCRP submission form. There's no need for anything too formal—just give us some brief insight into what you're planning to present. If you're an author of an accepted paper, even something as short as "poster to go with paper #123" is fine!

Accepted Lightning Talks, Demos, and Posters will be listed on the WOOT '24 website, but no materials will be published. Note that they will not be a formal part of the WOOT '24 program—think of them primarily as great conversation starters for attendees.

Feel free to submit proposals even if you're not yet sure you'll be attending WOOT '24, but we'd appreciate you letting us know that your attendance isn't final in your submission, so we can take that into account when juggling our program.

For any other questions, contact the WOOT program co-chairs at woot24chairs@usenix.org.