"There is always one thing that I learn that makes me want to shout, 'That just paid for the entire conference!' Also there have been many times when I learned about a new sysadmin tool at LISA years before it was popular: that's really helped me stay ahead of the pack." Read More
—Tom Limoncelli, Cibernet
Attention Managers: Why You Should Send Your Employees to LISA '04
Hiring the best and the brightest is the ultimate goal for any employer. However, keeping current employees up to par is just as important. Technology continues to evolve: truly to stay ahead of the game, your employees must continue to enhance their skills.
The training program at LISA '04 offers a cost-effective, one-stop shop for training current IT and development employees. Over 50 full- and half-day tutorials taught by the most respected leaders in the field provide an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the best. Tutorials cover a multitude of system administration topics including open source technologies, security, and defeating spam.
Combining full days of training with days of technical sessions on groundbreaking research related to system and network administration makes the LISA '04 experience even more valuable. Additionally, the Wednesday and Thursday evening receptions and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions provide your staff with a chance to network with peers and industry leaders to gain that all-important "inside" IT knowledge that will keep your company current and running smoothly.
Keeping up with technology can be costly and time-consuming in this unforgiving economy: take full advantage of this opportunity to have your staff learn from the top researchers, practitioners, and authors all in one place, at one time.
What Past Attendees Have to Say about LISA
"It is very easy to take home lots of evidence supporting the value of this conference." —Jeremy Charles, Epic Systems Corp.
"Tutorial sessions provided solutions and information that are immediately useful in my job." —John McCormick, Perimeter Institute
"What I liked best about LISA '03 was hearing from so many people who have worked in such a wide range of environments. The experience is incredible."
—Nathan Medbery, State of Wiscosin—DHFS
"The tutorials had great instructors with an astounding command of their subject and good teaching skills. Also a very good set of training subjects—it was hard to choose amongst them." —LISA '03 Attendee
"LISA '03 provided time to step back and think about system administration and chat with peers and UNIX luminaries about common problems and theories." —David C. Snyder, CNN
"I like talking with others working on similar problems, generally the knowledge/experience of people attending the conference was excellent."
—LISA '03 Attendee
"I got lots of great information, learned about some great solutions, and had an opportunity to listen and converse with some of the most experienced sysadmins in the country." —LISA '03 Attendee
"What I liked best was receiving training and communicating directly with the industry legends." —LISA '03 Attendee
"LISA gives you dedicated time away from the office to focus on the nature and practice of your job." —LISA '03 Attendee
What I liked best: "Training from the people who have had real life dealings with the subject they are teaching." —LISA '03 Attendee
"I enjoyed the tutorials quite a bit. It was nice to have speakers who were well-versed in their topic, and content that was heavy on tech and light on fluff."
—LISA '03 Attendee