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New Abstractions for Data Parallel Programming

James C. Brodman, Basilio B. Fraguela$^\dag$, María J. Garzarán, and David Padua

$\textstyle \parbox{5in}{{{
Department of Computer Science
\\ University of Illi...
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$^\dag$Universidade da Coru\~{n}a,Spain
\\ }


Developing applications is becoming increasingly difficult due to recent growth in machine complexity along many dimensions, especially that of parallelism. We are studying data types that can be used to represent data parallel operations. Developing parallel programs with these data types have numerous advantages and such a strategy should facilitate parallel programming and enable portability across machine classes and machine generations without significant performance degradation.

In this paper, we discuss our vision of data parallel programming with powerful abstractions. We first discuss earlier work on data parallel programming and list some of its limitations. Then, we introduce several dimensions along which is possible to develop more powerful data parallel programming abstractions. Finally, we present two simple examples of data parallel programs that make use of operators developed as part of our studies.

1 Introduction

The extensive research in parallel computing of the last several decades produced important results, but there is still much room, and much need, for advances in parallel programming including language development. New programming notations and tools are sorely needed to facilitate the control of parallelism, locality, processor load, and communication costs.

In this paper, we present preliminary ideas on data types (data structures and operators) that can be used to facilitate the representation of data parallel computations. A data parallel operation acts on the elements of a collection of objects. With these operations, it is possible to represent parallel computations as conventional programs with the parallelism encapsulated within the operations. This is of course an old idea, but we believe it is also an idea with much room for advances. We have chosen to study data parallel notations because most parallel programs of importance can be represented as a sequence of data parallel operations. Furthermore, scalable programs, which are the ones that will drive the evolution of machines, must be data parallel. The strategy of representing parallel computations as a sequence of data parallel operations has several advantages:

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we discuss the data parallel operators of the past. Possible directions of evolution for data parallel operators are discussed in Section 3 and two examples of data parallel codes built with some of the data types we have developed are presented in Section 4. Conclusions are presented in Section 5.

2 Data Parallel Programming

There is an extensive collection of data parallel operators developed during the last several decades. This collection arises from several sources. First, many of today's data parallel operators were initially conceived as operators on collections. Parallelism seems to have been an afterthought. Examples include the map [21] and reduce [26] functions of LISP, the operation on sets of SETL [25], and the array, set, and tree operators of APL [17]. The reason why these operators can be used to represent parallel computation is that many parallel computation patterns can be represented as element-by-element operations on arrays or other collections or as reduction operations. Furthermore, parallel communication patterns found in message passing (e.g. MPI) parallel programs correspond to operations found in APL, and more recently Fortran 90, such as transposition or circular shifts. Most of these operations were part of the languages just mentioned.

The vector instructions of SIMD machines such as the early array and vector processors, including Illiac IV [3], TI ASC [27], and CDC Star [14] are a second source of data parallel operators. Array instructions are still found today in modern machines including vector supercomputers and as extensions to the instruction set of conventional microprocessors (SSE [16] and Altivec [9]) and as GPU hardware accelerators [20], with their hundreds of processors specialized in performing repetitive operations on large arrays of data.

The the data parallel operators of high-level languages and the libraries developed to encapsulate parallel computations are a third source of data parallel operators. Early examples of data parallel languages include the vector languages of Illiac IV such as Illiac IV Fortran and IVTRAN [22]. Recent examples include High Performance Fortran [19,12] that represented distributed memory data parallel operations with array operations [1] and data distribution directives. The functional data parallel language NESL [5] made use of dynamic partitioning of collections and nested parallelism. Data parallel extensions of Lisp (*Lisp) were developed by Thinking Machines. Data parallel operations on sets was presented as an extension to SETL [15] and discussed in the context of the Connection Machine [13], but it seems there is not much more about the use of data parallel operation on sets in the literature. The recent design of a MapReduce [8] data parallel operation combining the map and reduce operators of Lisp has received much attention.

In the numerically oriented high-level languages, data parallel programming often took the form of arithmetic operations on linear arrays perhaps controlled by a mask. Most often, the operations performed where either element-by-element operations or reductions across arrays. An example from Illiac IV Fortran is A(*) = B(*) + C(*) which adds, making use of the parallelism of the machine, vectors B and C and assigns the result to vector A. In Fortran 90 and MATLAB the same expression is represented by replacing * with :. In IVTRAN, the range of subscripts was controlled with the do for all statement (the predecessor of today's forall). Reductions were represented with intrinsic functions such as sum, prod, any, and first.

Two important characteristics of the operations on collection and data parallel constructs of the languages described above are:

Despite the great advantages mentioned in Section 1, there is much less experience with the expression of parallelism using operators on collections than with other forms of parallelism. Parallel programming in recent times has mostly targeted MIMD machines and relied on SPMD notation, task spawning operations and parallel loops. Even for the popular GPUs, the notation of choice today, CUDA, is SPMD. The most significant experience with data parallel operators has been in the context of vector machines and vector extensions (SSE/Altivec) where data parallel operators are limited by the target machine, like in the Illiac IV days, to element-by-element simple arithmetic or boolean vector operations.

3 Extending the Data Parallel Model

Advances in the design of data parallel operators should build on earlier work, some of which was described in Section 2. However, to move forward it is also necessary to consider parallel programming patterns that demonstrate their value for programmability or performance. An example is tiling which occurs frequently in all forms of parallel programs for data distribution in distributed memory machines, to control loop scheduling in shared-memory machines, or to organize the computation in GPU programs. Another example is the dynamic partitioning of data for linear algebra computations or sorting operations. A third example is data parallel operations in which operations on different elements of a collection interact with each other or must be executed in a particular order. Interactions and ordering between operations on elements of a collection have traditionally been associated with task parallelism, but they can also be implemented within data parallel operations.

In our experience, specific evolution directions for the functionality of data parallel operators include:

4 Examples of Data Parallel Programs

In this Section we show two code examples with data parallel operators on tiled data structures. Section 4.1 describes merge sort using tiled arrays. Section 4.2 describes a graph breadth-first search algorithm that uses tiled sets.

4.1 Merge Sort

Merge sort is used to illustrate the use of tiled arrays and nested parallelism. For tiled arrays we used the HTA data type described in [4,11]. HTAs are arrays whose components are tiles which can be either lower level HTAs or conventional arrays. Nested parallelism could proceed recursively across the different levels of the tile hierarchy. This hierarchy can be specified statically or dynamically when the tiling structure depends on the input characteristics.

Figure 1 illustrates the use of a dynamic partitioning operator (addPartition) to produce nested parallelism on merge sort. As the Figure shows, HTA input1 is first split in half. Then, the location of the element greater than the midpoint element of input1 is found in input2 and used to partition it. Then output is partitioned such that its tiles can accommodate the respective tiles from the two input tiles that are going to be merged. Finally, an hmap recursively calls the Merge operation on the newly created left tiles of the two input arrays as well as the right tiles.

hmap takes as arguments a function, a tiled structure (array or set), and optionally, additional structures with the same arrangement of tiles. The function is applied to corresponding tiles and this application can take place in parallel across corresponding tiles. hmap can perform basic element-by-element operations, but it can also be used to perform more complex user-defined actions upon elements or tiles. More examples of HTAs can be found in [4,11].

Figure 1: Parallel Merge
Merge(HTA out..., output, input1, input2)\end{verbatim}

4.2 Bread-First Search

Bread-First Search (BFS) illustrates the use of sets to implement a graph search algorithm that traverses the neighboring nodes starting at the root node. For each node, it traverses their unvisited neighbor nodes. It continues this process until it finds the goal node. Our example, shown in Figure 2, uses a BFS strategy to label the nodes in the graph by level, where level is the shortest path length from the initial node.

Our data parallel implementation uses tiled sets, meaning that sets of nodes are partitioned into tiles and a mapping function is used to determine to which tile a node belongs. A tiled set is similar to an HTA in functionality, the only difference being that the underlying primitive data type is a set instead of an array.

Figure 2: Breadth-First Search
TiledSet work...
... + 1)

This algorithm uses the following data structures:

5 Conclusions

Although numerous parallel programming paradigms have been developed during the past several decades, there is consensus that a notation with the most desirable characteristics is yet to be developed. Problems of modularity, structure and portability remain to be solved.

Data types for data parallel programming have the potential of addressing these problems. Well designed data types should enable the development of highly structured, modular programs that resemble their sequential counterparts in quality of their structure and at the same time enable portability across classes of parallel machines while maintaining efficiency. Although experience with data parallel programming models has been limited in scope and quantity, our own experience with this approach has convinced us that it is promising. We are yet to see a computational problem that does not succumb to the data parallel programming paradigm. Much remains to be done for programmability and performance. New data types and powerful methods for old data types need to be designed and tools for optimization must be developed, but there is no question that significant advances are coming and that data parallel programming will have a significant role in the future of computing.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Awards CCF 0702260, CNS 0509432, and by the Universal Parallel Computing Research Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, sponsored by INTEL Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. Basilio B. Fraguela was partially supported by the Xunta de Galicia under project INCITE08PXIB105161PR and the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, FEDER funds of the European Union (Project TIN2007-67537-C03-02).


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New Abstractions for Data Parallel Programming

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