Technical Sessions: Wednesday, October 29 | Thursday, October 30 | Friday, October 31 | All in one file
Thursday, October 30, 2003 Back to top
9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
PAPERS California Room
Difficult Tasks Made Easier
Session Chair: Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Great Circle Associates
EasyVPN: IPsec Remote Access Made Easy
Mark C. Benvenuto and Angelos D. Keromytis, Columbia University
The Yearly Review, or How to Evaluate Your Sys Admin
Carrie Gates and Jason Rouse, Dalhousie University
Peer Certification: Techniques and Tools for Reducing System Admin Support Burdens While Improving Customer Service
Stacy Purcell, Sally Hambridge, David Armstrong, Tod Oace, Matt Baker, and Jeff Sedayao, Intel Corp.
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Panel: Myth or Reality? Studies of System Administrators
Moderators: Jeff R. Allen, Tellme Networks, Inc.; Eser Kandogan, IBM Research
Nancy Mann, Sun Microsystems,
has specialized in solving complex user interface design problems for system management, such as patch installation and user management.
Paul Maglio, IBM Research,
a researcher and manager of the Human-Systems Research Group, studies how people think about and use information.
Kristyn Greenwood, Oracle,
has conducted usability evaluations and ethnographic studies to gain insight into what DBAs do and has also participated in the design of a variety of thin client interfaces for managing large-scale enterprise systems.
Cynthia DuVal, IBM Software,
performs ethnographic research to support integration design and the design of collaboration tools, currently focusing on application administration work practices, interaction design, and emerging technology.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
Spam Mini Symposium, Part 1
Chairs: Dan Klein, USENIX, assisted by Deeann Mikula, Consultant
Unsolicited email has reached epidemic proportions, and some say that it threatens the very concept of email. This symposium will consider the "Spam Problem" and provide insights into the spam explosion, as well as the latest practical techniques for dealing with it.
The first part of this mini-symposium will consist of two presentations covering general principles and recent research, presented by independent spam experts.
Emerging Spam-Fighting Techniques
Robert Haskins, Computer
Net Works, Inc.; Rob Kolstad, SAGE
New techniques for fighting spam have been developed recently and have been paid increasing attention this year. This talk will discuss new developments in spam detection and suppression, focusing on the promising approach dubbed Bayesian filtering.
Adaptive Filtering: One Year On
John Graham-Cumming, ActiveState
Is adaptive filtering just a toy for tech-savvy desktop users? With over a year since Bayesian spam filters became popular, this talk looks at how well Bayesian spam filtering is working and the challenges in applying it to corporate/enterprise environments (rather than just to individual users). In addition, the talk will summarize some of the ways spammers have attempted to circumvent these new adaptive filters.
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
Greg Rose, QUALCOMM, Inc.
Greg Rose is a VP of Technology for QUALCOMM
International, based in Australia, where he works on
cryptographic security and authentication for third-generation
mobile phones and other technologies. He holds a number of
patents for cryptographic methods and has successfully
cryptanalyzed widely deployed ciphers. Some of his papers
and free software are available at
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Golden Ballroom)
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Break in the Exhibit Hall (Golden Ballroom)
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
PAPERS California Room
Emerging Theories of System Administration
Session Chair: Æleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting
ISconf: Theory, Practice, and Beyond
Luke Kanies, Reductive Consulting, LLC
Seeking Closure in an Open World: A Behavioral Agent Approach to Configuration Management
Alva Couch, John Hart, Elizabeth G. Idhaw, and Dominic Kallas, Tufts University
Archipelago: A Network Security Analysis Tool
Tuva Stang, Fahimeh Pourbayat, Mark Burgess, Geoffrey Canright, Kenth Engø, and Åsmund Weltzien, Oslo University College
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Coping with the Disappearance of Network Boundaries
Speaker: Peyton Engel, Berbee
Session Chair: Lynda True, Northrop Grumman
It's getting more and more difficult for administrators of networks, servers, and applications to tell where their duties begin and end. Technologies such as wireless networking, VPNs, distributed computing, and load-balancing gear are eroding the boundaries that have defined some traditional I/T roles. As organizations begin to incorporate these new technologies, security is frequently a casualty, simply because these tools can undermine the familiar conceptual frameworks we use for evaluating risk. This talk will demonstrate that the techniques needed to cope with the present family of emerging threats have existed for some time, and will offer insight into the kind of networked services that will be best positioned to prosper in an atmosphere where familiar defenses continue to erode.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
Spam Mini Symposium, Part 2
Panel Discussion: Current Best Practices and Forthcoming Advances
Laura Atkins, SpamCon Foundation
John Graham-Cumming, ActiveState
Robert Haskins, Computer Net Works, Inc.
Rob Kolstad, SAGE
Daniel Quinlan, Spam Assassin
Ken Schneider, Brightmail
This session has two parts. First, representatives from three anti-spam software projects will briefly highlight the latest innovations in their products. After these short presentations, the speakers from the first session will join them for a question-and-answer panel about the best methods for dealing with spam, both now and in the near future. |
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
Bdale Garbee, HP Linux and Open Source Lab/Debian
Bdale is the former Debian Project Leader and currently works at HP helping to make sure Linux will work well on future HP systems. His background includes many years of both UNIX internals and embedded systems work. He helped jump-start ports of Debian GNU/Linux to 5 architectures other than i386. When Bdale isn't busy keeping his basement computer farm, full of oddball systems running Linux, working, he's busy with amateur radio, mostly likely building amateur satellites. |
12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)
2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
PAPERS California Room
Practicum: Unusual Techniques from the Front Lines
Session Chair: Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Three Practical Ways to Improve Your Network
Kevin Miller, Carnegie Mellon University
Tossing Packets Over the Wall Using Transmit-Only Ethernet Cables
Jon Meek and Frank Colosimo, Wyeth
The Realities of Deploying Desktop Linux
Bevis King, Roger Webb, and Graeme Wilford, University of Surrey
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Security vs. Science: Changing the Security Culture of a National Lab
Speaker: Rémy Evard, Argonne National Laboratory
Session Chair: Elizabeth Zwicky, Great Circle Associates
Two years ago, Argonne National Laboratory had continual security problems and was rated very poorly in several federal security audits, with potentially devastating consequences. Today, the Laboratory has a strong security environment that passed its most recent audit with flying colors. And, despite many fears, Argonne scientists are still able to collaborate with colleagues around the world. This talk will tell the story of the Laboratory's about-face. It will cover tools, practical techniques, policies, lessons learned, and mistakes to avoid.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
Talking to the Walls (Again)
Speaker: Mark Burgess, Oslo University College
Session Chair: David Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University
Within a decade the dream of pervasive computing will be a reality. Computers will be built into almost every device. Houses will be designed like computing ecologies, wired throughout. Surfaces will be interactive, and wireless communication will bind us to this infra-structure. What scientific and technological principles will be required to remain in control of this scenario, and what are its security implications? This kind of highly distributed environment has not only technological but social implications as we see technology increasingly being used to bolster established social structures, as well as create new ones.
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
Automated System Administration/Infrastructure
Paul Anderson, Univ. of Edinburgh; Steve Traugott, Infrastructures.Org
Paul Anderson is a Principal Computing Officer with the School of Informatics at Edinburgh University in Scotland. He has been interested in large-scale system configuration issues for many years and is the primary author of the LCFG configuration system. He is currently involved in several research projects, attempting to bring together rigorous computer science techniques and practical configuration tools.
Steve helped pioneer the term "Infrastructure Architecture" and has worked toward industry acceptance of this "SysAdmin++" career track for the last several years. He is a consulting Infrastructure Architect and publishes tools and techniques for automated system administration. His deployments have ranged from financial trading floors and NASA supercomputers to Web farms and growing startups.
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Break in the Exhibit Hall (Golden Ballroom)
4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
PLENARY SESSION (Town & Country Room)
The Top Problems in the Internet and What Researchers and Sysadmins Can Do to Help
kc claffy, CAIDA (Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis)
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