Technical Sessions: Wednesday, October 29 | Thursday, October 30 | Friday, October 31 | All in one file
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
8:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks, Awards, Keynote
Town & Country Room
Keynote Address
Inside The System Administrator's Perspective
Paul Kilmartin,
Director, Availability and Performance Engineering
eBay, Inc.
Hugely successful internet startup eBay runs a 24x7 auction and retail site with over a billion items for sale annually. Its 75 million registered users keep
the servers and networks jumping. Join eBay's director of availability and performance engineering as he reveals some of the behind-the-scenes action
that enables eBay to stay at the top of its game.
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Break (Grand Foyer)
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
PAPERS California Room
Administering Essential Services
Session Chair: Douglas P. Kingston, Deutsche Bank, London
Radmind: The Integration of Filesystem Integrity Checking with Filesystem Management
Wesley D. Craig and Patrick M. McNeal, The University of Michigan
Further Torture: More Testing of Backup and Archive Programs
Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Great Circle Associates
An Analysis of Database-Driven Mail Servers
Nick Elprin and Bryan Parno, Harvard University
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Outsourcing: Common Problems and Current Trends in the Outsourcing Industry
Speaker: John Nicholson, Shaw Pittman LLP
Session Chair: Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Outsourcing is one of the big cost-saving trends in business today. This talk looks at some of the common, fundamental problems in outsourcing relationships (e.g., unrealistic expectations, unworkable scope definitions) and suggests ways of structuring the relationship to increase its likelihood of success. It also seeks to clarify some of the trends driving the outsourcing industry right now, including vendors going public, offshore outsourcing, and agreement renegotiation.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
A Case Study in Internet Pathology:
Flawed Routers Flood University's Network
Speaker: Dave Plonka, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Session Chair: Joshua S. Simon, Consultant
Consumer electronics manufacturers are producing millions of
low-cost Internet hosts, such as routers, switches, and firewalls,
which exhibit unique and sometimes unexpected behaviors.
I will present a case study in which our University currently finds
itself the recipient of spontaneous floods of Network Time Protocol
traffic which attain aggregate rates of hundreds of megabits per
second from hundreds of thousands of real Internet hosts. The root
cause of these floods is actually a serious flaw in the design of
one vendor's routers.
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
Hugh Daniel, Linux FreeS/WAN Project
Hugh is responsible for "Systems Testing & Project Mis-Management" for the Linux FreeS/WAN project. He has been active with the IETF IPsec work group for over five years. He has presented talks, papers, and tutorials on IPsec, FreeS/WAN, and Opportunistic Encryption at several conferences, including SANE, APRICOT, USENIX, CCC, HAL, HIP, and many other security and insecurity events. Once upon a time he also was involved with M-Net, The Well, Project Xanadu, and the Cypherpunks, plus numerous consulting tasks. |
12:00 noon–7:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Golden Ballroom)
12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)
2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
PAPERS California Room
Information and Content Management
Session Chair: Alva Couch, Tufts University
A Secure and Transparent Firewall Web Proxy
Roger Crandell, James Clifford, and Alexander Kent, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Designing, Developing, and Implementing a Document Repository
Joshua S. Simon, Consultant; Liza Weissler, METI
DryDock: A Document Firewall
Deepak Giridharagopal, The University of Texas at Austin
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Organizational Maturity Models: Achieving Success and Happiness in Modern IT Environments
Speaker: Geoff Halprin, The SysAdmin Group
Session Chair: David Williamson, Certainty Solutions
With the increasing complexity and workload of IT operations environments, staff are having to do more with less and finding it more difficult than ever to obtain the resources necessary (money, staff, time) to move from a reactive fire-fighting mode to one of control and predictability.
In this talk, we look at the problems facing IT organizations and present a structured approach to assessing and maturing local system management practices and walking the Zen path to complete happiness.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
Network Telescopes: Tracking Denial-of-Service Attacks and Internet Worms Around the Globe
Speaker: David Moore, CAIDA (Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis)
Session Chair: David Parter, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Network telescopes provide the unique ability to see large-scale globally dispersed network security events, such as denial-of-service attacks and the spread of Internet worms. A network telescope is a portion of routed IP address space with little or no legitimate traffic. By monitoring unexpected traffic arriving at a telescope, we can determine remote victims of DoS or hosts infected by a worm. This talk covers trends in DoS attacks and victims over the past 2 years, as well as the Code-Red, CodeRed II, and SQL Slammer/Sapphire worms. |
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
Esther Filderman, The OpenAFS Project;
Garry Zacheiss, MIT
Having worked for Carnegie Mellon University since 1988, Esther has been working with AFS since its toddlerhood and is currently a Senior Systems Mangler and AFS administrator for the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. Esther has been helping to bring AFS content to LISA conferences since 1997.
Garry Zacheiss has spent four years working for MIT Information Systems doing both development and system administration. As a member of the Athena Server Operations team, he works on maintaining and expanding the AFS cells used by Athena, MIT's Academic Computing Environment, as well as enhancing Moira, MIT's host and user account management system.
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Break in the Exhibit Hall (Golden Ballroom)
4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
PAPERS California Room
System and Network Monitoring
Session Chair: Michael Gilfix, IBM
Run-time Detection of Heap-based Overflows
William Robertson, Christopher Kruegel, Darren Mutz, and Fredrik Valeur, University of California, Santa Barbara
Designing a Configuration Monitoring and Reporting Environment
Xev Gittler and Ken Beer, Deutsche Bank
New NFS Tracing Tools and Techniques for System Analysis
Daniel Ellard and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
INVITED TALKS 1 San Diego Room
Internet Governance Reloaded
Speaker: Paul Vixie, Internet Software Consortium
Session Chair: Deeann Mikula, Consultant
Second in an uncertain series, this presentation will bring you up to date on all the recent happenings in the wonderful world of Internet governance. icann, iana, doc, dnrc, secsac, rssac, arin, lacnic, ripe, apnic, itu, aso, dnso, and lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!
NOTE: Due to transportation difficulties caused by the southern California fires, this talk will be presented by kc claffy.
INVITED TALKS 2 Golden West Room
High Risk Information: Safe Handling for System Administrators
Speaker: Lance Hayden, Advanced Services for Network Security (ASNS)
Session Chair: Lynda True, Northrop Grumman
Sysadmins face more complex responsibilities than ever, not only for systems themselves, but also challenges from the information resident on those systems. Pornography, private or copyrighted data, and system vulnerabilities are just a few examples of information that threaten organizations and even individual administrators. This talk will help sysadmins understand high-risk information and will recommend ways for sysadmins to meet these challenges and protect their systems.
GURU SESSIONS Royal Palm Salon 1/2
MBAs for Sys Admins
Brent Chapman, Great Circle Associates
Brent Chapman has nearly 20 years of information technology experience as a Silicon Valley system administrator, network architect, consultant, and IT manager for everything from startups to multi-national corporations. He is the co-author of the highly regarded O'Reilly & Associates book Building Internet Firewalls. He has recently returned to Silicon Valley after taking a couple of years off to earn an MBA at the Melbourne Business School in Australia. |
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