USENIX ConfWeek '10 and USENIX ATC '10 Flyer
Please print out and distribute the USENIX ConfWeek '10 and USENIX ATC '10 2-page flyer (PDF) at user group meetings, around the office, and among your friends!
USENIX ATC '10 Buttons and Banner
Please use the HTML below to display the latest USENIX ATC '10 button or banner on your Web site. Your visitors will be able to click the button to learn more about the conference.
Size: 125w x 125h pixels
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<img src=""
border="0" width="125" height="125" alt="USENIX ATC '10">
Size: 168w x 65h pixels
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<img src=""
border="0" width="168" height="65" alt="I'm going to USENIX ATC '10">
Size: 450w x 60h pixels
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<img src=""
border="0" width="450" height="60" alt="USENIX ATC '10">