FAST 2002 Paper   
[FAST Tech Program Index]
A framework for evaluating storage system securityErik Riedel, Mahesh Kallahalla, and Ram Swaminathan {riedel,maheshk,swaram}@hpl.hp.com AbstractThere are a variety of ways to ensure the security of data and the integrity of data transfer, depending on the set of anticipated attacks, the level of security desired by data owners, and the level of inconvenience users are willing to tolerate. Current storage systems secure data either by encrypting data on the wire, or by encrypting data on the disk. These systems seem very different, and currently there are no common parameters for comparing them. In this paper we propose a framework in which both types of systems can be evaluated along the security and performance axes. In particular, we show that all of the existing systems merely make different trade-offs along a single continuum and among a set of related security primitives. We use a trace from a time-sharing UNIX server used by a medium-sized workgroup to quantify the costs associated with each of these secure storage systems. We show that encrypt-on-disk systems offer both increased security and improved performance over encrypt-on-wire in the traced environment. IntroductionMuch of the focus of recent storage security work has been on protecting communication between clients and servers in an untrusted, networked world [Gobioff98, Kent98, Mazieres99, Satran01]. In particular, the focus is on protecting data integrity: preventing unauthorized modification of commands or data, modification of requests in transit, and replaying of requests. Some of these systems further address the issue of privacy, or confidentiality, of data transfer: preventing the leaking of data in transit by snooping on the network. The most comprehensive treatment of this topic is Network-Attached Secure Disks (NASD) [Gobioff99a], which uses capabilities provided to users by a file manager separate from the storage servers. A barrier to wide acceptance of the NASD scheme is the performance cost of the encryption and integrity checking needed at both clients and servers. In order to reduce this cost, NASD proposes a scheme using pre-computed checksums with secure hashes [Gobioff99] that pre-calculates and stores checksums for long-lived data. NASD does not provide a comparable scheme to optimize privacy since this would require pre-computed encryption. If data were stored on the server in encrypted form, then it would not be necessary to encrypt it for each transfer on the network. The difficulty with such a scheme is that encryption in NASD is done using session keys generated for each client/server interaction, whereas pre-computation requires longer-lived keys. From the client's point of view, these two schemes are identical - it receives encrypted data and must pay the cost of checksumming and decrypting it. From the point of view of an adversary, they are also equivalent - the data he sees is encrypted and unintelligible. The difference is only whether the server has to bear the encryption cost each time a new session key is chosen, or whether it can take advantage of data already stored in encrypted form. Similarly, if written data is encrypted before it leaves the client and is stored encrypted, the server eliminates any decryption work. Storing data in encrypted form was originally proposed in Blaze's Cryptographic File System (CFS) and expanded in later systems [Blaze93, Cattaneo97, Zadok98, Hughes99], where it is used for a different purpose - to protect data from untrusted servers. If data is stored on the server in encrypted form it is protected from leaking by the server (who does not know the key), and there is no need to encrypt data again when it is sent on the network. Encryption is done by the original creator of the file, and updated by subsequent writers, but the server performs no encryption or decryption. Secure checksums are still needed to ensure the integrity of the communication, but privacy is ensured without repeated per-byte encryption1. In order to use the data, users must still decrypt it, but using a long-term key that must now be obtained a priori. To support sharing in a system that encrypts data on disk, the problem is simply one of key distribution - how users obtain these long-term keys. This can be done via a centralized server such as the NASD file manager or an NIS server. Alternatively, a distributed scheme where data owners provide keys to eventual users directly, as would have to be done for a system such as CFS, removes a central point for attack. A variant of such a key distribution scheme is proposed in SFS [Mazieres99, Fu00] and further expanded in the Cepheus file system [Fu99]. The SNAD system [Miller02] combines aspects of both CFS (on-disk encryption) and SFS (secure communication and authentication) into a single encrypt-on-disk system. Even though many secure storage systems have been proposed and described individually, there is no systematic way to compare and contrast them. We remedy this situation by presenting an agnostic framework to describe the features of these systems and the level of security they offer. Any secure storage system must implement a core set of functions, although they may vary in the detailed design choices. These choices affect both the level of security that the system provides, and the performance the system achieves. A similar study has been done to establish a framework for evaluating digital certificate revocation mechanisms [Iliadis00]. In addition to security and performance, there is a third factor to consider when building any secure system: the level of inconvenience users are willing to tolerate. If users must type in a separate password for every document they open, or individually choose access rights for every file they create, they will soon begin to circumvent the best intentions of the system designers [Whitten99]. Precise metrics to gauge the impact of this effect are not yet established, so we will treat this issue only indirectly. Given our framework, we show how to quantitatively compare the performance of previously proposed systems, the overhead on users, and the security guarantees that the systems offer. We do this using a trace from a non-secure UNIX file system to estimate the work required for the various secure schemes. This evaluation is independent of the actual system implementations, and provides a general way of evaluating security and estimating cost. Finally, our analysis shows that encrypt-on-disk systems are not only more secure but also provide better performance than encrypt-on-wire systems. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. See Framework of storage security. defines our framework for storage system security, identifies a range of attacks, and suggests a core set of security primitives. See Secure storage systems. describes how system designs proposed elsewhere fit into the framework, and how the choices they make impact security or improve performance. See Evaluation. evaluates the decisions made along each of these axes using a traced workload from a UNIX time-sharing server to concretely quantify security costs in day-to-day usage. Finally we conclude in See Conclusions.. Framework of storage securityIn this section, we abstract the commonalities among known secure storage systems into a general framework. The framework consists of five components: players, attacks, security primitives, granularity of protection, and user inconvenience. We elaborate each of these next. PlayersHere we define the players we use in the rest of the paper. This list covers all of the possible players that one has to consider for protecting stored data. Each player is listed with a set of legitimate actions it can perform. Any other action by that player is treated as an attack.
Finally, we define an adversary to be any entity who attempts to perform functions other than those that it is authorized to. Notice that this definition of adversary also includes legitimate players attempting to perform actions beyond what they are authorized to. Though in the above definitions, functionalities differentiate players, actual systems might choose to aggregate multiple players into a single entity. For instance, NASD combines the functionality of the group server and namespace server into a single metadata server. We intentionally omitted any key-escrow agent from the list of players because its main purpose is to reveal keys and identities when necessary but it does not add to the basic level of security of a storage system. At this point, it is important to note that the framework presented here is not intended to allow evaluation of the end-to-end security of a particular system. This requires careful analysis of each system component and the particular combination of components. Any secure system is only as strong as its weakest link. Our framework is no replacement for such analysis, but simply seeks to allow a high-level comparison among different schemes, purposely leaving some secondary details unexamined. AttacksBroadly, there are two kinds of data that players handle:
Existing systems for network security have mostly addressed the compromise of short-lived data and the protocols used to communicate them. In addition to securing data on the wire, storage systems must also secure long-lived data on the servers. These two requirements give rise to the following set of attacks. The attacks may be mounted on the data or the metadata, unless explicitly specified otherwise:
The last attack, involving collusion with other readers or writers is very difficult to prevent without substantial complexity and support from outside the system, and has been listed above for completeness. We will not consider it further in this paper. Each of the above attacks can further be broken into three kinds based on the effect they have on the data:
![]() See Frequency and cost of attacks. The frequency of various attacks and their mapping into our framework. The % numbers are as reported in a survey of five hundred system managers taken in Spring 2001, with almost all categories showing significant increases over previous years [Power01]. The cost column gives the self-estimated damage to their businesses. Note that although over 75% of respondents claimed that they had experienced some monetary damage due to the attacks reported, only 35% were able to estimate the extent of the damage, which means the numbers shown are only low estimates. Industry estimates of the total damage to companies worldwide from all attacks run into the billions of dollars. The boxes marked "X" show the primary damage caused by a particular attack, although other damage is also possible in many cases. The intent is not to exhaustively enumerate the damage, but to motivate each of the attacks in the framework as an important threat and give a very rough idea of relative importance.. provides a summary of these attacks and where they occur in practice. The data summarizes a survey of CIOs and system managers showing the percentage of respondents reporting a particular attack. The table shows the primary types of attacks from our list above that each of these real-world attacks touches. The intent is to motivate the importance of all of the attacks listed above, including some that may not have been considered very crucial in past work (such as revocation). Core security primitivesSecure storage systems as proposed in research and commercial systems implement a myriad of security features to enable players to securely perform their functions. Though the details of the schemes used differ, the core set of security primitives can be abstracted into six types: authentication, authorization, securing data on the wire, securing data on the disk, key distribution, and revocation. As we show in Section 3, not all systems necessarily provide support for all of these, and the choices made directly affect the performance of the system and security guarantees provided. In the rest of this section we elaborate on each of these primitives and the important choices in implementing them. AuthenticationThe purpose of authentication is to establish the identity of a particular player in order to authorize their actions. Storage systems may implement authentication in one of two general ways:
In general, there are three mechanisms to achieve mutual authentication: a public key infrastructure (PKI), a centralized scheme (e.g., Kerberos [Steiner88]), or a password-based scheme. The former two are quite similar. Both need a trusted third party and differ in how often this party is consulted. The latter one requires some pre-exchanged shared secret, which can be difficult to maintain in a distributed environment. The usual concern is about authentication of owners, readers, and writers to storage servers or group servers, but there may also be concern about authenticating servers to users to prevent improper service. Again, although this is an important consideration, we do not consider it a primary security requirement for this analysis AuthorizationThe purpose of authorization is to allow the owner of some data to delegate (partial) access to the data to another player. The user is authenticated and the identity checked against a known set of permissions determined by data owners. Authorization can be done in one of two general ways: Securing data on the wireProtocols for ensuring reliable and secure passing of messages have been well studied. Several standard protocols have been proposed, including SSL to protect web traffic, SSH to protect remote terminals, and IPsec to protect Internet traffic more generally [Kent98]. A variant of such a system for storage is used in NASD [Gobioff98]; a similar scheme is used in the self-certifying file system [Mazieres00]; and IPsec has been proposed as the security mechanism for iSCSI [Satran01]. To ensure data integrity on the wire some scheme involving keyed checksums (MACs) will always be needed, irrespective of the design chosen. The MAC is used to tie the checksum to a particular player, and the checksum is used to tie the MAC to a particular set of data. A timestamped MAC also protects against replay or server impersonation (man-in-the-middle) attacks [Gobioff98]. With the increasing deployment of protocols such as SSL and IPsec, hardware solutions are becoming available that offload the heavyweight cryptographic operations from client or server processors. Such hardware may support an entire protocol in its end-to-end form, or simply provide accelerated primitives that can be used in different ways by various systems. Once concerns over raw encryption or checksum speed are removed, parameters such as number of key changes and requirements for key storage present further bottlenecks [Cravotta01]. Securing data on diskThe reasons one may want to encrypt data on the disk are that the server is inherently untrusted or the server might be compromised, such as a stolen disk or laptop. To guarantee that the data and metadata are not compromised, they must be stored encrypted on disk. To accomplish this encryption, two types of ciphers may be used:
Since computing asymmetric ciphers is much slower than symmetric ciphers, these operations are used sparingly, either for key exchange, or to protect stored symmetric keys in a lockbox (such as those used in Cepheus). Key distributionIn a secure storage system that relies on encryption to protect data, each piece of data has some associated keys - either symmetric of asymmetric, depending on the structure of the system - that are required to access it. These keys may be used in one of two ways to:
Use of the keys to prove authorization requires the server be trusted to accurately perform the necessary checks. Direct encryption ensures that only readers or writers are able to access the data or create valid new data. However, it complicates revocation since readers and writers have been given the keys themselves, rather than simply delegated capabilities. Key distributionFor either use of keys, any system with shared access to files then requires some mechanism to distribute keys among readers and writers. Current systems implement this key distribution in one of two ways:
RevocationTraditionally revocation is discussed in the context of centralized services such as certificate authorities (CAs) where it removes the association between the physical identity of a player and a particular key. In the context of secure storage, this is extended so that a player's access privileges to a particular piece of data can be revoked. When a player is revoked (e.g., a user leaves a particular workgroup) the keys to which this player had access must be changed. In systems where data is stored encrypted, this will require data to be re-encrypted, which may be done as follows:
The distinction between aggressive and lazy re-encryption is a general consideration for secure storage. If a user had access to particular data at one time, they may anyway have copied it elsewhere, so protecting future changes becomes most important. Granularity of protectionTo provide secure storage, a system bears the additional overhead of the cryptographic operations discussed above, and the key management. To limit the key overhead, various systems implement different optimizations including aggregation of players into groups to simplify authorization, and trading off the security of short-lived keys against the ease of management of long-term keys. Group membershipThe purpose of group membership is to compactly represent the permissions on a particular set of data by simply verifying the membership of a player in a group, and then authorizing access based on group permissions. There are two ways to decide group membership, namely:
Access control lists are a variant of group membership that explicitly enumerate all the players, but these ACLs must still be stored somewhere and essentially provide the group membership function [Howard88, Hughes99]. Granularity of keysThe keys used to encrypt and decrypt a particular set of data may be short-term or long-term. Short-term keys reduce the vulnerability window by decreasing the amount of data encrypted with the same key, whereas long-term keys are easier to manage since there are fewer of them, and they are exchanged less often.
When using long-term keys, the granularity of data associated with a single key greatly impacts the number of keys required; the choices include a key per-file, per-directory, per-user-group, or per-file-group. Additional concerns arise when considering very long-lived keys, such as digital signatures on documents that must last for many years [Maniatis02], or for backup tapes [Boneh96]. User inconvenienceIn addition to security and performance, it is critical to consider the level of inconvenience users are willing to tolerate before they become sloppy and circumvent the intent of the system:
Forcing users to remember long lists of passwords often leads to poor password choices, or sloppy password practices (e.g., post-it notes) [Adams99]. The problem is exacerbated when users handle keys explicitly and make encryption choices on their own [Whitten99]. Some of the password issues may be addressed by wide-spread use of smart cards. The difficulty is that this removes the main aspect of active user involvement in maintaining security. Users must be aware of security in some way, otherwise they will become complacent and assume the system is infallible. The parameters of these trade-offs are not yet well understood, but overall security of data may well hinge on such usability issues [Whitten99]. Secure storage systemsIn this section we cast previously proposed designs for secure storage onto the framework described in Section 2. Where appropriate, we highlight the trust assumptions made by each design, and mention specific extensions proposed. Our intent is to evaluate each system against a common set of criteria. For this reason, we concentrate on those aspects that address the primary functions of a secure storage system. This does not mean that additional functions or characteristics of individual designs are less important. The overall security of a system must always be evaluated holistically: a system is only as secure as its weakest link. In this same vein, we also assume that issues of operating system trust are dealt with separately. For all the discussion in this paper, readers, writers and owners should be thought of as the smallest possible trusted core surrounding a user [Dalton01]. If necessary, this may even be a smart card or other protected device that handles all encryption and key storage. The comparison in See Summary of security guarantees provided by different systems. A "yes" means that the system prevents that particular attack; for instance, Cepheus prevents attacks that leak data by stealing the storage server because it encrypts on the media. A "no" means that the system fails to handle that particular attack. A dash means the attack is not applicable to that system. (1) Cepheus uses lazy revocation, which re-encrypts data only on the next update; this allows data to leak until is has been updated, making this a qualified "yes". (2) Subverting the group server does not open any additional vulnerabilities that are not already present from the adversary acting alone. (3) Since only a single replica is used by each reader, a reader colluding with a single storage server could cause another reader to see invalid modifications. (4) Although a request to a busy replica could be re-directed to other replicas, a combined attack on all the replicas could still be mounted.. summarizes the characteristics of each of the systems presented in this section, and which attacks each system addresses. ![]() CFS and similar systemsThe first widely-known discussion of security for storage systems is the Cryptographic File System (CFS) [Blaze93]. In CFS a directory to be protected is encrypted using a secret key. The underlying data is then stored as a single file in the host file system and attached as a cleartext directory under a /crypto mount point. This allows the host file system to treat the encrypted data as yet another file. Normal utilities such as backup function without alteration; they never have access to the cleartext data. The system is implemented as a user-level NFS loopback mount, and files are decrypted when accessed. CFS was designed as a secure local file system, so it lacks features for sharing encrypted files among users. The only way to share a protected file is to directly hand out keys for protected directories to other users. However, CFS does protect against attacks where the bits on disk are compromised, such as when a computer is stolen. The key characteristics of CFS are: security primitives
CryptFS [Zadok98] extends CFS to be more efficient by building it as a stackable file system rather than a user level server. It attempts to make the system more resilient to attacks due to corruption of individual users by using session IDs and user IDs to index into the key table, rather than using only usernames. TCFS [Cattaneo97, Cattaneo01] uses a lockbox to store a single key (rather than per-directory keys), and encrypts only file data and file names; directory structures and other metadata are left un-encrypted. Beyond the implementation differences and varying key granularity, CryptFS, TCFS, and CFS are identical with respect to our framework. All of these systems are described for use on a local file system. They could also be used as mounts over a remote file system, with protection of the communication to the remote server. We consider only the simple, local case here. A later generation CFS [Blaze94] includes a key escrow system. This is necessary to recover keys when they cannot be obtained from the owner, for instance, after an owner has left the organization. Truffles [Reiher93] uses an alternative method of handling this problem by splitting keys such that any n members of a group can collude to regenerate the key of a missing owner. All of the above systems assume untrusted servers; keys are known only to the owners, readers and writers, and not trusted to the system itself. The key escrow system in CFS depends on trusting the key database, but not trusting the servers. Truffles distributes this trust so that a group of owners are trusted instead of a single database. There are several systems that encrypt data on entire devices and transparently decrypt the data when it is accessed. These include Secure Drive [Swank95], Secure FileSystem [Gutmann96] and PGPdisk [NA98]. These systems are similar to CFS except that they themselves do not perform any authentication or authorization; they rely on the operating system for these primitives. SFSMost secure storage systems assume the servers to be part of the trusted infrastructure and concentrate on guaranteeing that the users accessing the servers are properly authenticated. The Secure File System (SFS) [Mazieres99] addresses the problem of mutually authenticating the servers and users. Authentication of the server is necessary to prevent an adversary spoofing the server, for instance, when the servers are part of a public infrastructure. One important tenet of SFS is that it is independent of the key distribution and authentication mechanisms. The characteristics of SFS are: security primitives
SFS-ROSFS was extended in SFS-RO [Fu00] to support storage and retrieval of encrypted read-only data. This provides a solution to securely distribute widely-accessed data (such as application binary kits) over the Internet using individually insecure mirrors as storage servers. SFS-RO has the following characteristics: Cepheus and SNADThe Cepheus system [Fu99] builds on SFS to develop a general purpose file system, while Secure Network-Attached Disks (SNAD) [Miller02] combines the functions of CFS and SFS. In particular, both systems keep files encrypted on disk, and include the ability to share and update the encrypted data. They differ only in a few areas, and have the following characteristics: players
trust assumptions
security primitives
A recent extension to Cepheus and SFS also assumes untrusted servers, and further seeks to detect attacks by the server on the integrity of stored data [Mazieres01]. For instance, one can detect when the server provides different versions of the same file to different users. NASDNetwork-Attached Secure Disks (NASD) [Gobioff99a] proposes a distributed network of intelligent disks with a shared group server (that also handles metadata for directory traversals). Access for data objects on the disks is authorized by the group server who hands a capability to the user. The disk and group server share a key, and presented with the appropriate capability, the disk services the request. Data is stored in the clear on the disks, but all communication is encrypted. NASD has the following characteristics: trust assumptions
NASD for the first time suggests that individual disk drives directly participate in security protocols. This requires at a minimum strong checksums and keyed MACs for integrity, and optionally encryption and decryption for privacy. iSCSIiSCSI [Satran01] is a draft IETF standard to connect hosts to SCSI devices using TCP as the transport. Since devices may be used across the Internet, security is a major concern. There is a draft proposal [Klein00] to implement a security protocol within iSCSI to authenticate hosts and protect the integrity of commands on the wire. The main characteristics of this proposal are: security primitives
LUN securityDisk arrays aggregate the individual disks in the array into logical units (LUNs), which are then accessed by host systems through a host bus adapter (HBA). LUN security proposes to control the access of particular LUNs from different HBAs. This is facilitated by unique IDs on the HBAs and world wide unique numbers which identify them. The host operating system and device driver are trusted not to forge or spoof IDs. LUN security can be implemented either at the host [HP01a], in the network switch [Brocade01], or at the storage controller [HP01]. The following is true in general of these solutions: security primitives
AFSAFS [Howard88] is one of the first distributed file systems that specifically addressed security issues. AFS assumes untrusted users, and uses Kerberos to authenticate users to servers. At the beginning of a session, users obtain tokens from a Kerberos server, which authorizes them to access the storage servers. AFS servers verify the tokens and then do appropriate authorization based on group information maintained by a group server. A secure version of RPC is used to protect communication, though some questions have been raised regarding this [Gobioff99a]. The key characteristics of AFS are: trust assumptions
security primitives
NFSThere have been a number of proposals to build a secure networked file system by providing a security layer on top of NFS. These include proposals to secure the RPC [Taylor86] and tunnelling NFS through SSH or SSL [Gerraty99] to protect data on the wire. The security assumptions and implications of these systems closely match those of AFS and NASD. The recent NFSv4 specification [Shepler00] explicitly addresses the problem of securing the RPC mechanism. Currently it proposes at least three security mechanisms: one using Kerberos and two using a public key infrastructure. All these essentially set up a secure communication channel and enable mutual authentication. Interestingly, one of these mechanisms, low infrastructure public key mechanism - exploits the fact that the client authentication can proceed after establishing a secure channel, to reduce the PKI overhead. In this scheme only the server needs to have a public/private pair which authenticates the server and sets up a secure channel. NFSv4 also greatly expands the use of ACLs for access control, very similar to AFS ACLs. Windows EFSThe Encrypting File System (EFS) for Windows is integrated into NTFS and supports securing data similar to CFS [Microsoft99]. To facilitate file sharing, EFS uses lockboxes to hold the key of the encrypted file. This lockbox contains the file encryption key protected by a public/private key. EFS supports key escrow by including a key recovery agent among the users allowed to access any file. EFS encrypts and decrypts data just prior to the disk, so some external network security solution is required to secure the data on the wire to a remote server. The characteristics of Windows EFS are as follows: security primitives
trust assumptions
Survivable storageAddressing destroy attacks in collusion with storage servers requires survivable storage, i.e., some mechanism to recover from the total loss of a storage server by keeping multiple copies of the data. Several projects currently underway attempt to address security and long-term protection on a much wider scale (in space and in time) than any existing system. PASIS considers storage where data integrity is maintained in the face of the destruction or compromise of some number of replicas [Wylie00] and OceanStore considers a world-wide set of encrypted replicas [Kubiatowicz00]. Another mechanism for protecting data from unauthorized modifications is to use versioning on the storage servers so that data can be reverted to a state before an intrusion, as proposed by S4 [Strunk00]. The most powerful system to protect against all types of destroy attacks might well use a combination of these two schemes, as Carnegie Mellon has proposed by using S4 as a file system on top of PASIS storage. EvaluationThis section explores the costs of implementing the various design choices discussed above, and the impact of these choices on security. The purpose of presenting this data is to compare the relative costs of the systems discussed in Section 3 using a trace from a real system. This allows us to evaluate expensive operations such as full-bandwidth encryption, key distribution, and key generation in practice. The basis for our evaluation is a 10-day trace of all file system accesses done by a medium-sized workgroup using a 4-way HP-UX time-sharing server attached to several disk arrays and a total of 500 GB of storage space. The trace was collected by instrumenting the kernel to log all file system calls at the syscall interface. Since this is above the file buffer cache, the numbers shown will be pessimistic to any system that attempts to optimize server messages or key usage based on repeated access. See Overview of file system trace used for evaluation. The 10-day trace covers a period in late 2000 from a Thursday to the following Saturday. The 12-hour subset covers 8am to 8pm on the first trace day.. provides an overview of the trace. ![]() Implementing each of these systems in the same environment, with the same users, in order to perform a controlled experiment would be prohibitively expensive. We use an analysis of the trace to estimate how the system would behave and compare the relative operation costs. This requires us to make some inferences about the design of the various systems that are not always specified - we highlight these assumptions when they might affect the comparison. Security primitivesSee Number of cryptographic operations at the server for each design. The total number of cryptographic operations performed by the server over the course of the 10-day trace, and during the busiest 1 minute interval in the trace. Message signatures are calculated for every request, checksums only for READ and WRITE requests. Checksums and encryptions/decryptions have a per-byte cost, whereas key exchanges and distributions do not. When using pre-computed checksums, only WRITE operations incur server checksumming. The peak load in terms of messages is an interval filled almost entirely with STAT requests; the peak load in terms of bytes has a much smaller number of READ/WRITE requests. The main cost difference can be seen in the privacy rows. In the encrypt-on-wire systems, both server and client work is required, whereas the encrypt-on-disk systems do not require the server work. The granularity chosen for keys has a large effect on the number of messages required for key setup and for key distribution by the group server, as shown in the last six rows. The values in the peak load column give the total streaming and per-message performance required from the server and client processors, or by any hardware engine that might offload the cryptography. The final four columns specify which systems bear which costs; an "X" means that the system uses the indicated cryptographic operation.. shows the total number of cryptographic operations required for particular security primitives, depending on the granularity at which they are implemented. This clearly illustrates the difference between the on-the-wire and on-the-disk encryption systems. In NASD, the server bears the cost of both the checksums and the encryption (assuming the privacy security level). This cost is reduced somewhat by the pre-computed checksums, but the encryption cost remains high. Since a session key is computed for each client/server interaction, the same file sent to multiple clients must be encrypted each time. In CFS, on the other hand, data is encrypted by the clients before ever being sent to the server. This provides the same level of privacy when data is on the wire, but requires only checksums and signatures at the server, as shown for Cepheus. ![]() Granularity of protectionThe primary comparison among the encrypt-on-disk systems is the level of protection and complexity of key management, and how keys are aggregated to objects. See Key use by readers and writers. The number of keys needed if encryption is done on a per-session basis using three different definitions for session: a session per request, a session per open/close pair, and a single session per file system or logical volume (as in NASD, SFS, and iSCSI); on a per-file basis (as in CFS); and on a per-group basis (as in Cepheus). The total number of per-file or per-group keys by username is separated into the total keys used, the number of those keys owned by the user, the number that would have to be obtained from another owner, and the number of new keys created. The row for "others" contains the totals for the thirteen additional usernames active during the 12-hour trace. The rows for usernames "wilkes", "frank" and "bin" that appear in the following table are ommitted here since those users were not active during the 12-hour trace and the columns read 0 across the entire row.. gives counts for the total number of keys used in each of the three high-level classes of designs - using per-session keys, per-file keys,or per-group keys. The table shows the number of keys on a per-user basis for several representative users and system userids during the 12-hour trace period. The representative usernames listed include the busiest users in terms of key use and key distribution, as well as several system userids that own substantial numbers of files. The first three columns consider per-session keys as used in the encrypt-on-wire systems. The middle four columns consider per-file keys as a logical extreme. The last four columns consider a per-group key scheme such as that used in Cepheus. The table shows the number of keys each user would need to obtain during the trace period if keys were created only for each permission group of files (i.e., where all files that have the same owner, group, and UNIX permissions bits share a single key). We see that the number of keys required for the per-group scheme is orders of magnitude lower than for the per-file scheme and several orders of magnitude less than most of the per-session schemes. ![]() Considering the complexity for owners, as opposed to readers and writers, See Key distribution by owners. Assuming a system that uses per-file keys, how many keys must a particular owner send to other users. The "owned" columns show the totals for all the files or groups that exist in the file system, and the "distributed" columns show the number of keys sent out during the 12-hour trace. The row for "others" contains the totals for the approximately 200 additional usernames on the system.. looks at the number of keys that would have to be managed by data owners using per-file or per-group keys. The table shows the total number of keys needed by each owner. The "owned" column gives a count of all the files in the entire file system owned by the given user. The "distributed" numbers show the number of keys a given owner would have had to distribute during the time of the trace to readers and writers of the files for which they are responsible. We can see from these numbers that a system requiring direct user involvement for key distribution would be prohibitively cumbersome (imagine writing 7,500 keys from a possible list of 50,000 on scraps of paper in the course of several hours at your desk). ![]() The two columns on the right are much more promising. They show the number of keys required if we move to a key-per-permission-group scheme. In this case, there is not a separate key for each file, but a key for each class of files, as described above. This produces a much more manageable list with roughly 30 keys per owner, with 10 or 15 of them distributed during a 12 hour period, something that could even be done manually (using scraps of paper) for maximum security. A graphical representation of the difference is shown in See Per-file vs. per-group keys. The data of Table 5 and Table 6 presented graphically for several users. Using per-group keys dramatically reduces both the number of keys used by readers and writers and the number of keys that must be distributed by owners. Here "average" is the per-user mean of the "others" rows from the tables. where the potential benefit of group keys is clear. An order of magnitude less keys are required for the per-group scheme. ![]() Note that the numbers in the table are skewed high since our analysis assumes users do not already have any keys cached when the trace starts. In practice, or in a longer trace, the number of keys to be distributed each day would be even lower (e.g., when we consider the entire 10-day trace, the total number of per-group keys distributed is, on average, roughly double the numbers shown for 12 hours). Another option would be per-directory keys as used in CFS. These numbers are not shown, but fall roughly between per-file and per-group keys. Cost of revocationThe downside of using long-term keys for encryption is the additional cost on revocation. When a user leaves a group or organization and their access is to be removed, the stored data that is encrypted with any keys that the revoked user had access to must be re-encrypted to prevent future unauthorized access. See The cost of revocation for each design. Note the explosion in the number of files that must be revoked when a per-group system is used. Aggressive revocation assumes that all affected files are re-encrypted immediately. Lazy revocation assumes that files are re-encrypted only the next time they are read or written, so the values show how much of the data had been re-encrypted after 10 days. This number would increase over time, eventually closing the window of vulnerable data and reaching the aggressive values. Note that even the aggressive, per-group scheme still performs less total encryption work than the encrypt-on-wire scheme which is constantly changing the keys. The final four columns specify which systems bear which costs, an "X" means that the system uses the indicated mechanism.. gives details on the cost of revocation when a user leaves a group. In a system that uses the same key for a group of files based on ownership or permissions, there is an additional revocation that results when a user changes permissions on a file (e.g., using chmod in UNIX), revocation for this reason is rare in our trace and not covered in the table. ![]() We simulate revocation in our 10-day trace as follows. We choose a single user that will be revoked during this period2 and track all the keys obtained by this user over the 10-day trace. For aggressive, per-file re-encryption, the number of files re-encrypted is simply all the files the revoked user accessed in the past 10 days. In a system with per-file keys, this is the total amount of data that must be re-encrypted. For a system with per-group keys, the cost includes the re-encryption of all the files in all the file groups to which the user had access. For lazy revocation systems, we assume that file data is re-encrypted as it is read from or written to the system. Data is re-encrypted and re-written whenever the file is accessed for read or write. These values are shown in the lazy revocation portion of the table. For the lazy revocation scenario in See The cost of revocation for each design. Note the explosion in the number of files that must be revoked when a per-group system is used. Aggressive revocation assumes that all affected files are re-encrypted immediately. Lazy revocation assumes that files are re-encrypted only the next time they are read or written, so the values show how much of the data had been re-encrypted after 10 days. This number would increase over time, eventually closing the window of vulnerable data and reaching the aggressive values. Note that even the aggressive, per-group scheme still performs less total encryption work than the encrypt-on-wire scheme which is constantly changing the keys. The final four columns specify which systems bear which costs, an "X" means that the system uses the indicated mechanism.., the volume of data to be re-encrypted is nearly the same as the work done by an encrypt-on-wire scheme (the server encrypt/decrypt lines from See Number of cryptographic operations at the server for each design. The total number of cryptographic operations performed by the server over the course of the 10-day trace, and during the busiest 1 minute interval in the trace. Message signatures are calculated for every request, checksums only for READ and WRITE requests. Checksums and encryptions/decryptions have a per-byte cost, whereas key exchanges and distributions do not. When using pre-computed checksums, only WRITE operations incur server checksumming. The peak load in terms of messages is an interval filled almost entirely with STAT requests; the peak load in terms of bytes has a much smaller number of READ/WRITE requests. The main cost difference can be seen in the privacy rows. In the encrypt-on-wire systems, both server and client work is required, whereas the encrypt-on-disk systems do not require the server work. The granularity chosen for keys has a large effect on the number of messages required for key setup and for key distribution by the group server, as shown in the last six rows. The values in the peak load column give the total streaming and per-message performance required from the server and client processors, or by any hardware engine that might offload the cryptography. The final four columns specify which systems bear which costs; an "X" means that the system uses the indicated cryptographic operation..). This gives further evidence for the duality between encrypt-on-the-wire and encrypt-on-disk schemes. In the encrypt-on-the-wire systems, data is encrypted and decrypted each time it crosses the network. In the encrypt-on-disk systems, data is already encrypted and requires no further work by the server. However, on revocation, the encrypt-on-disk system requires extensive re-encryption. With lazy revocation, this re-encryption occurs whenever the file is read or written, which makes the work done almost comparable to the encrypt-on-the-wire system. The only remaining difference is because encrypt-on-disk needs to perform the encryption only once (until the next revocation), whereas encrypt-on-wire repeats the encryption and decryption each time a file is transferred. The cost differential between the two systems will come down to the relative frequency of revocations, and the total amount of data a particular revocation affects. ConclusionsThis paper has developed a common framework of the core functions required for any secure storage system. We have reviewed all the previously proposed systems for storage security, and mapped them into this set of components and design choices. For integrity of network communication, any secure storage system must provide some variant of signed message checksums that strongly tie particular data to particular players. For privacy and confidentiality, we have shown that the two main classes of systems previously described are actually very similar: encrypt-on-wire (which solely protects the communication between servers and users) and encrypt-on-disk (which perform encryption and decryption only at user endpoints, with untrusted servers in between). The latter systems provide a form of pre-computed encryption for optimizing the encryption work done by the former systems. We have also shown that encrypt-on-disk systems with lazy re-encryption begin to have comparable encryption and decryption costs to encrypt-on-the-wire systems, even though these would seem to be completely different approaches at first glance. We have quantified the costs of the various systems using a trace from a UNIX timesharing server and shown that the choice made about granularity of keys greatly affects both the complexity and encryption load - sometimes by orders of magnitude. We have quantified a number of design choices that affect security and performance: owner-based key distribution, precomputed encryption, the use of file groups, and lazy re-encryption. We have briefly mentioned survivable storage systems, but not analyzed their performance. Our experience describing this framework has helped us focus our thinking on to how to build a comprehensive secure storage system that allows users to trade off their level of security and system performance in a concrete, sensible way. Our future work will follow these design choices and a sequel to this paper will report on a system that we are currently developing. AcknowledgementsWe thank all the users of SSP for allowing us to trace their behavior and report on it here. We thank Qian Wang and Jay Wylie for reading earlier drafts of this paper and asking questions we hadn't considered. We thank the anonymous reviewers, and above all our shepherd, Erez Zadok, for his tireless support, encouragement, and attention to detail; including the discussion in Section 2.5, which we would have forgotten about. References[Adams99] A. Adams and M. Sasse. Users are not the enemy: why users compromise security mechanisms and how to take remedial measures. CACM 42 (12), December 1999. 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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the FAST '02 Conference on File and Storage Technologies, January 28-30, 2002, Doubletree Hotel, Monterey, California, USA.
Last changed: 27 Dec. 2001 ml |