Figure 1a is a top view of a typical
probe-based storage device. In this figure, the shaded parts move
and the unshaded parts are stationary. The media mover is
suspended above a surface on which a grid of many probe tips are embedded. Collectively, the tip array is the logical
equivalent of the read/write heads of a traditional disk drive.
Voltage applied to the fingers of the microactuator combs exerts
electrostatic forces on the mover that cause it to move in the
directions, overcoming the forces exerted by the anchors
and beams that keep it in place. To service a read or write
request, the mover first repositions itself so that the tip array
can access the required data. This repositioning time is called
seek time. The mover then accesses the data while moving at
a constant velocity in the
direction, incurring transfer
Figure 1b magnifies the mover area from Figure 1a. This shows that a mover is divided into one or more clusters. Each cluster can read data independently of the others, which provides higher parallelism to the device. As an example, the mover in Figure 1b is subdivided into four clusters. Each cluster is a media area that is accessed by many tips, only one of which can be active at a time. Using several tips in parallel, one from each cluster, compensates for the low data rate of each individual tip, which is on the order of 1Mbit/sec. The number of bits accessed simultaneously is equivalent to the number of clusters per mover times the number of movers in the device. We call this the number of active tips.
The mover's range of movement and the bit size determine the amount of data that can be manipulated by one tip, or tip area. Because several tips are active at a time, different tip areas of the mover are manipulated simultaneously, as depicted by the shaded rectangles in Figure 1b. Different areas of the mover are accessed by switching between sets of active tips.
Many architectural configurations are possible for probe-based storage. For example, we might vary the number of active tips, the mover's movement range, the media density, and so on. The values summarized in Table 1 are reasonable defaults for probe-based storage devices [25,6,1], and are the parameters we used in simulations unless otherwise specified.