Work-in-Progress Reports
Session Chair: Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Parallel Extensions to DAFS Protocol
Peter Corbett, NetApp
World-wide Repository for I/O Trace Collection and Analysis Tools
Arnold Jones, Storage Networking Industry Association
The Zettabyte File System
Matt Ahrens, Jeff Bonwick, Val Henson, Mark Maybee, Mark Shellenbaum, Sun
Running NFS over RDMA
Brent Callaghan, Sun
Performance Comparison of Two Disk Failure Tolerant Disk Arrays
Chunqi Hun, Alexander Thomasian, NJIT
Mirrored Disk Scheduling Revisited
Alexander Thomasian, Junilda Spirollari, Chang Liu, Chunqi Hun, Gang Fu, NJIT
Using SATF Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
Lars Reuther, Martin Pohlack, Dresden University
Using a Vector-Based Approach to Predict Performance of Distributed
Storage Systems
Alexandra Fedorova, Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
Dumb storage devices seek smart cluster storage system software
Christian Saether,
The Storage Transport Protocol
Pat Shuff, Texas A&M
Testing for Distributed Filesystems
Richard Hedges, Bill Loewe, Tyce MccLarty, Chris Morrone, Lawrence
Livermore National Labs
Clusterfile: A Parallel File System
Florin Isaila, Guido Malpohl, Vlad Olaru and Walter F. Tichy,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Decentralized recovery for survivable storage systems
Ted Wong, CMU
Federation of Local File System Data into a Shared-Disk Cluster File System
Anjali Prakash, Randal Burns, Johns Hopkins University
An Analytic Power and Performance Model of Disk Arrays with Power Management
Dennis Colarelli and Dirk Grunwald, Colorado
Federated DAFS: Scalable Cluster-based Direct Access File Servers
Murali Rangarajan, Suresh Gopalakrishnan, Ashok Arumugam, Rabita
Sarker, Rutgers University;
Liviu Iftode, University of Maryland
Synthetic I/O Workload Generation based on the Hurst Parameters of
the sequences aggregated in specific sizes
Junkil Ryu and Chanik Park, POSTECH, Korea
Transparent Page Cache Coherence support for Linux-based Stackable
File Systems
Manish Prasad and Erez Zadok, SUNY Stony Brook
A self-tuning, self-protecting, self-healing session state management layer
Benjamin C. Ling, Stanford
Decoupled Storage: Free the Replicas!
Andy Huang, Stanford
Norm Pass, IBM Almaden