WiPs Schedule
The following WiPs were presented on Wednesday, February 27, 3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m., in the Regency Ballroom.
Abstracts and slides of all reports are available below.
Low-Overhead Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Storage Abstract |
Slides |
James Hendricks and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon
University; Michael K. Reiter, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Mirror File System (MFS): A New Type of File System
Abstract |
Slides | MP3
John Wong, Twin Peaks Software, Inc.
Quantifying Temporal and Spatial Localities Due to File System Caching Abstract
| Slides |
Cory Fox, Dragan Lojpur, and An-I Andy Wang, Florida State University
File Systems Should Be Like Burger Meals: Supersize Your Allocation Units! Abstract |
Slides |
Konstantin Koll, University of Dortmund, Germany
Adapting RAID Methods for Use in Object Storage Systems Abstract |
Slides |
David Bigelow, Scott A. Brandt, Carlos Maltzahn, and Sage Weil,
University of California, Santa Cruz
View-based Collective I/O for MPI-IO Abstract |
Slides |
Francisco Javier Garcia Blas, Florin Isailặ, and J. Carretero,
University Carlos III, Spain
Towards a Performance Model for Virtualised Multi-Tier Storage Systems Abstract | Slides |
Abigail S. Lebrecht, Peter G. Harrison, and William J. Knottenbelt,
Imperial College, London
How Private are Home Directories? Abstract | Slides | MP3
Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
Dynamic Load Balancing in Ceph Abstract | Slides | MP3
Esteban Molina-Estolano, Carlos Maltzahn, and Scott
Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz
Ringer: A Global-Scale Lightweight P2P File Service Abstract | Slides | MP3
Ian Pye, Scott Brandt, and Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
The New and Improved FileBench Abstract | Slides | MP3
Andrew Wilson, Sun Microsystems
Zumastor Storage Project: Enterprise NAS for Linux Abstract | Slides | MP3
Daniel Phillips, Google Inc.
HyFS: A Highly Available Distributed File System Abstract | Slides | MP3
Jianqiang Luo, Mochan Shrestha, and Lihao Xu, Wayne State University
Virtualizing Disk Performance with Fahrrad Abstract | Slides | MP3
Anna Povzner and Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa
Cruz; Richard Golding and Theodore Wong, IBM Almaden Research
Center; Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
RADoN: QoS in Storage Networks Abstract |
Slides |
Tim Kaldewey and Andrew Shewmaker, University of California, Santa
Cruz; Richard Golding, IBM Almaden Research Center; Carlos
Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz; Theodore Wong,
IBM Almaden Research Center; Scott Brandt, University of
California, Santa Cruz
Improving Efficiency and Enhancing Concurrency of Untrusted Storage Abstract | Slides | MP3
Christian Cachin, IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory;
Idit Keider and Alexander Shraer, Technion University, Haifa, Israel
Reliability Markov Models are Becoming Unreliable Abstract | Slides | MP3
Kevin Greenan and Jay J. Wylie, Hewlett-Packard Labs