OSDI '02 Paper
[OSDI '02 Tech Program Index]
Cooperative I/O--A Novel I/O Semantics for Energy-Aware ApplicationsAndreas Weissel, Björn Beutel, Frank Bellosa University of Erlangen, Department of Computer Science {weissel,bnbeutel,bellosa}@cs.fau.deAbstract
In this paper we demonstrate the benefits of application involvement in operating system power management. We present Coop-I/O, an approach to reduce the power consumption of devices while encompassing all levels of the system--from the hardware and OS to a new interface for cooperative I/O that can be used by energy-aware applications. We assume devices which can be set to low-power operation modes if they are not accessed and where switching between modes consumes additional energy, e.g. devices with rotating components or network devices consuming energy for the establishment and shutdown of network connections. In these cases frequent mode switches should be avoided. 1 IntroductionMobile devices and embedded systems characterize one major trend in computer system design. One common aspect of new developments in this area is a limited power supply and the need to economically handle the energy resource. Energy-aware system design has therefore been widely recognized to be an important and major challenge See [19]. To enable dynamic power management , the control and reduction of power consumption at run time, many techniques and algorithms have been suggested. Research in this area has focused mainly on the operating system level. The OS tries to save a maximum amount of energy by setting devices and components to low-power modes if they are not accessed. Because a mode switch itself consumes energy, this action will only pay off if the time to the next request is long enough. An introduction to low-power modes of devices is given in section 2. Our contribution to this research area is Coop-I/O --an approach that integrates the application layer into dynamic power management of devices. We introduce a new operating system interface for cooperative I/O which can be exploited by energy-aware applications. File operations are equipped with two additional parameters--a time-out and a cancel flag. The operating system tries to batch deferrable requests in order to create long idle periods during which switching to a low-power mode pays off. An example of a deferrable and abortable write operation is the periodic auto-save function of a text editor. If an auto-save has to be aborted because the disk is shut down, the next auto-save can be performed non-cooperatively with up-to-date data. Deferrable, but not abortable read operations could fill the read buffer of an audio- or video player. The time-out can be set to the play time of this buffer. Other examples are background processes like cron jobs, daemons or logging mechanisms. A web browser could use a memory cache and abortable reads and writes to access its disk cache. If the disk is not running, data will be cached only in memory and not on disk. Our concept consists of three major parts, which will be presented in detail in the next sections:
Figure 1 presents the whole concept. Coop-I/O integrates all levels--hardware, operating system (driver, cache and file system) and the application layer--to reduce energy consumption. We have implemented Coop-I/O in Linux. The extensions to the IDE device driver, the buffer management and the file system are presented in section 6. As we will show, only little effort is needed to rewrite existing programs and energy-savings are possible even if many unmodified applications are running. The results of our experiments can be found in section 7. We will show that even the "oracle" device shutdown policy, which has complete knowledge about, but no influence on the timing of future requests, can be surpassed by Coop-I/O. Related work is presented in section 8. 2 Low-Power Modes of DevicesModern peripheral devices make use of several operation modes that are associated with different levels of power consumption. Operating systems may reduce the power consumption of a device by switching between the device's operation modes. The ATA standard, also known as IDE, defines four operation modes for hard disks See [1]: active, idle , standby and sleep .
A device is "shut down" if it is put into standby or sleep mode. A non-negligible amount of time and energy is needed to enter and leave these modes. Therefore, entering standby or sleep mode will only pay off if the interval to the next disk operation is long enough. The minimum interval between two disk operations for which switching pays off is called the break-even time . It only depends on the characteristics of the hard disk device. A time interval of idleness (an idle period) that is longer than the break-even time is called a standby period . The break-even time of the IBM hard disk we used in our tests is 8.7 s (see section 7.2). Note that this value is device-specific. Lu et al. See [15] report break-even times of 6.39 s for a Fuijitsu MHF 2043AT disk and 35.0 s for an Hitachi DK23AA-60 drive. 3 Cooperative File OperationsContemporary operating systems serve read requests immediately and buffer write requests before storing the data on disk according to a time-out policy. This can cause a hard disk to spin up even if the disk was shut down only a few seconds before. The application developer has no possible way to exert influence on this mechanism. With Coop-I/O, applications can soften this strict timing to enable a flexible schedule of device requests. The classical device interface of operating systems has been designed to hide aspects regarding hardware management. The application programmer is not aware of power-saving techniques inside the operating system. With Coop-I/O we abandon this concept to some extent. We enable the application programmer to support the operating system's efforts to save energy. The details concerning the power management algorithm are still hidden from the application layer.
The essential file operations in most operating systems are provided by the system calls The user-specified time-out value indicates when the operation is initiated at the latest, not when the operation has finished. As with the classical Unix file I/O interface the user does not know when the operation will be completed. 3.1 Interactions between the disk cache and cooperative operationsFor efficiency reasons, modern operating systems do not serve write requests to disk drives immediately. To reduce the number of slow disk operations, they keep copies of disk blocks (called b lock buffers ) in a cache in main memory. A write operation copies data into block buffers which are marked as dirty to indicate that they differ from the blocks on disk. The dirty buffer life span determines the time when these buffers must be written back to disk to prevent data loss in case of a crash. A special update task periodically writes out dirty buffers with an elapsed life span. Cooperative read operationsIf a cooperative read references a disk block that is not cached in memory, the operation will have to check if the corresponding hard disk is in active or idle mode. If it is, the read request can be served immediately. If not, the operation will have to block itself until either the hard disk spins up due to another request or until the time-out has elapsed. If the time-out has elapsed and the cancel flag is set, the operation will have to be aborted. Otherwise the drive has to be activated. Cooperative write operationsAs we never modify disk blocks directly (data is always written to the block buffer cache) there seems to be no need for cooperative writes. The update task defers write operations until their dirty buffer life span has elapsed. We can easily modify this mechanism to be cooperative and wait for other device accesses (read operations); see section 4.2.
However, writing to a disk block can induce a read operation if the block is not yet cached and must be read before it can be modified. Thus a shut-down drive would have to run up immediately. In this case, a cooperative write operation will simply wait for the drive the same way as the But the situation is more complicated: if the write operation needs to read an uncached block after several modifications of cached blocks and the whole operation has to be cancelled (because the drive is in standby mode, the time-out has elapsed and the operation is declared abortable), we have to undo all previous modifications of cached blocks to assure file system consistency. All modifications issued by a write request can be understood as one transaction that must be performed completely (commit) or not at all (abort). We decided to use the following approach which avoids the implementation of an undo mechanism: the early commit/abort strategy decides to commit or abort as soon as the first modification to a block buffer is going to take place. Assume we want to modify a buffer and the drive is in standby mode. We can distinguish three situations:
Therefore, a write to a block buffer should be delayed only as long as the drive is in standby mode and there are no dirty buffers for that drive. Since a write operation's first buffer modification involves committing the operation, a write can be committed even if the hard disk is not running. Due to the early commit/abort strategy it is conceivable that an abortable write operation will not be aborted after the time-out even if the disk is in standby mode. This is the case when a read follows a committed write to a cached block:
Fortunately, the energy waste in this case is not that big because the hard disk would run up anyway in the near future to save the dirty buffers. Cooperative file open operations.
Opening a file results in reading its meta data (inode block etc.). If the file has to be created or to be truncated, open will cause write operations. Therefore we decided to provide a cooperative system call to open files. Read and write operations induced by 3.2 Using the new system callsMany applications can be modified to be cooperative so that users will not notice changes in system behavior. Examples are low-priority tasks like cron jobs, logging mechanisms or applications with periodic I/O requests like audio and video players and voice recorders. Only little effort is needed to make use of the new system calls. Because the cooperative reads and writes may block for the specified delay time, I/O should be decoupled from main processing. An additional thread reads or writes data cooperatively and caches it for the main thread. The main thread reads or writes data from/to this buffer in the same way as it formerly operated on the file system. The additional thread thus hides the cooperative operations from the original application. Our experiments show that the amount of changes is typically in the range of 100 to 150 lines of code. Applications which write out temporary data and update it periodically can declare their requests as deferrable and abortable . An example is the autosave function of a text editor. If a write request is cancelled, the autosave thread can simply ignore it and issue another cooperative write with a time-out equal to the autosave period. 4 Cooperative updateIn this section we will show how the caching mechanism can be optimized with respect to power consumption. 4.1 "Traditional" caching of disk blocksThe update process passes the modifications to the cached disk blocks on to the hard disk. In Unix systems an update takes place when one of the following conditions is met:
This common policy is not optimized to save energy. The update task has to access the disk each time it wakes up to write back dirty buffers. If the time between two updates is shorter than the break-even time, standby periods will never be reached. In this case the disk can not be set to standby mode to save energy. 4.2 Batching write requestsIn active mode, energy consumption is higher than in idle or standby mode. Furthermore, switching between modes consumes a significant amount of energy. As a consequence write requests should be batched to maximize the time the device can spend in low-power modes and to reduce mode switches. To make updates and thus disk requests less frequent, we use a policy which updates each drive independently of all others and is preferably executed when another disk request is generated ( drive-specific cooperative update ). It is composed of four strategies:
When an application reads some data from disk, it normally needs the data for further processing. Thus read operations are batched only if the application permits it by using 5 An adaptive shutdown policyMany power management policies for hard disks have been suggested varying in complexity and usefulness (see the related work discussed in section 8). If the timing of hard disk requests cannot be influenced, the imaginary " oracle " policy is the policy that reaches maximum energy savings. It shuts down the hard disk at the beginning of every standby period and runs it up again so that it is just ready at the end of that standby period. To achieve this, the oracle policy needs information on future hard disk requests. This policy can only be simulated by analyzing request traces offline. The operating system of course is not able to perfectly predict the future and thus cannot achieve maximum reduction in energy consumption. The spin-down policy is not central to our work because our focus lies on cooperative I/O and cache management. Thus we decided to choose a simple and easy to implement, but effective and proven, algorithm. Simple shutdown policies switch to a low-power mode after a fixed or adaptively changed time-out. As is stated in See [15], the device-dependent time-out policy (DDT), which uses the break-even time of a drive as its time-out parameter, has good power-saving facilities, and its algorithm is fast, simple and storage-efficient. It is defined in the following way: ![]() The hard disk driver has to keep track of tla. Furthermore, it should know tbe for the drives under its control. 6 Prototype Implementation in LinuxWe have implemented the Coop-I/O concept in the Linux kernel, version 2.4.10. The kernel modifications can be divided into three parts:
6.1 Cooperative file operations
A file operation may block whenever it is going to access a disk or to make a clean block buffer dirty by modifying it. The blocking mechanism is implemented in the new function
When blocked in
The implementation of the cooperative file operations ( 6.2 Drive specific cooperative updateWe have implemented the drive-specific cooperative update policy (see section 4.2). Since the file system does not know about drives, we had to introduce a mapping of device numbers to drives as part of the file system. For each drive, the file system must also keep track of the number of dirty buffers and of the time when the oldest dirty buffer got dirty. The update task in the original Linux wakes up every 5 s. The cooperative version of the update task also wakes up when a drive is accessed and the file system finds out that it is opportune to update that drive, as explained in section 4.2. The need for a cooperative update is checked every time a drive is read from or written to. If there are any dirty buffers for the drive and the drive's oldest dirty buffer is older than half of the dirty buffer life span, the update task will be woken up and induced to update that drive. 6.3 Power mode control for IDE drivesDrive-specific informationFor each hard disk, the Linux IDE driver keeps a description that reflects the properties and state of that device. We have augmented the device structure with information needed by the DDT algorithm (break-even time and time of the last access) and a field indicating the current power mode. The IDE power taskA power mode switch might take a rather long time, since it may write all dirty buffers back to that drive, or it may execute an IDE command that actually changes the drive's mode and wait for its completion. Instead of a mode switch function that could block for a long time, we have introduced a kernel thread called idepower which serves all IDE drives. The idepower thread normally sleeps and waits for a semaphore that signals that a power mode change has been requested. In this case it will wake up and emits a power mode command to the hard disk. When changing the power mode, the power task also informs the file system when dirty buffers must be written back or cooperative file operations that are blocked must be awoken. Some functions like disk operations change the power mode implicitly by emitting other IDE commands, so they must inform the power task. There are two main reasons why a new power mode might be requested:
Some special IDE commands leave the disk drive in an undefined power mode, so they request the power task to check. Going to standbyThe DDT algorithm is implemented as a timer-based function that is called once per second. Since disk requests may be very frequent, this is more efficient than using a dedicated timer for each drive that has to be restarted when a disk request has been served. The information that is needed by the DDT algorithm (time of the last access) is updated with each disk request. 7.1 Data acquisitionTo validate the Coop-I/O concept a power measuring environment was needed. A comparatively inexpensive four-channel analog-to-digital converter (ADC) has been designed and built to act as the data acquisition system. It measures the voltage drop at defined sense resistors in the 5 V lines leading from the power supply to the hard disk and interfaces to the standard parallel port on the data acquisition system to output the digital values. The voltage drop is acquired with a resolution of 256 steps and at a rate of up to 20000 samples per second. The maximum voltage drop that is correctly converted is 50 mV. The target computer was a standard personal computer running Linux (kernel version 2.4.10). The system was equipped with a 2,5" IBM Travelstar 15GN (IC25N010ATDA04) hard disk See [9] which was used as the test drive. 7.2 Determining hard disk parametersWe measured the power consumption of different mode switches of the IBM hard disk with our data acquisition system. The Travelstar splits up the idle mode into three submodes ( performance, active and low power ) that have different power consumption and timing characteristics . Observing recent user request patterns, an internal adaptive algorithm switches autonomously between these modes See [9]. Figure 3 shows the power consumption of the IBM hard disk during an idle-standby-idle turnaround. t = 1s: The disk receives a shutdown command. The shaded region shows the hard disk switching from low power idle to standby mode. t = 1.8 s: After stopping the spindle motor, the disk has reached standby mode , and power consumption drops to about 0.25 W. t = 3.8s: The drive receives a write command and starts to spin up. The shaded region shows the hard disk switching from standby mode to active mode . Starting the spindle motor is quite expensive, energetically. After 1 s, the disk has spun up and may serve read or write requests. t = 4.8 s: In this test scenario only a single disk block gets written. Then, the disk switches to low power idle mode . We determined the following characteristics for the IBM Travelstar 15GN drive. Due to the undocumented internal adaptive algorithm of the firmware the time and energy values vary according to the recent access pattern. The following values present the average of several measurements:
time needed for a mode switch:
energy required to switch between modes:
power consumption of the low-power modes: 7.3 Testing a cooperative audio playerWe examined to what extent Cooperative I/O is able to save energy in a real-life situation. A typical application for hand-held or portable computers is a player for audio or video files. We have tested the system with a modified version of AMP, an MPEG audio layer 3 player for Linux, which makes use of the cooperative system calls. Thus we gained insight into the procedure and amount of modifications needed to make applications energy-aware. The modified AMP creates a thread that reads from the hard disk and puts the data into a 512 kB buffer. When the player thread needs some data it reads from the buffer. The read thread and the player thread synchronize by the use of semaphores. The buffer is divided into two semi-buffers. When a semi-buffer is empty, the reader refills it by the use of a cooperative system read call while the player reads from the other semi-buffer. We had to add only about 150 source lines to incorporate the changes. AMP was tested under the following four strategies:
In addition to that we simulated the " uncooperative oracle " policy. We collected traces of hard disk requests issued by the original uncooperative AMP running on an unmodified Linux. We calculated the minimum in total energy consumption according to the following assumptions:
The values for "oracle" resemble the theoretical lower bounds of power consumption that can be reached by shutdown policies without influencing the timing of requests (in contrast to Coop-I/O). Each strategy has been tested by playing the following two audio files. Delay is the time interval in which one semi-buffer is played. The files have the same length (9 minutes), but different compression levels. We have also examined how well the power-saving strategies work when an asynchronous second application runs while playing an audio file. For that aim, the test computer has concurrently executed a mail reader that examined the input mailbox of a remote computer via POP3 every minute. If there is any mail in it, the mail will be stored in the local mailbox on the test hard disk. Mail was sent in intervals of 15-60 seconds; the timing was controlled by a pseudo-random generator. For every test pass, the random generator was initialized to the same value, so the timely sequence of read/write operations was the same for each test with a tolerance of about one second. Figure 4 shows the results (all tests run for 534 seconds). The cooperative strategy is surprisingly power-efficient in these tests. This is not only caused by the cooperation of multiple processes because some tests have only one process doing I/O. Instead, it can be explained by the following behavior: When the drive is in standby mode, a cooperative read is delayed until the data is really needed, i.e., the semi-buffer to be read will soon be played. When the delayed read operation is eventually performed, the other semi-buffer gets empty very soon and is read in immediately because the hard disk drive is still in idle or active mode. This effectively batches two subsequent read operations. You can see this behavior in figure 5. Playing "Pastorale" together with the mail reader consumes nearly the same energy, regardless which non-cooperative strategy is used. Because the delay for this audio file is only 16 s and there are several write requests, no strategy will normally try to shut down the hard disk in this test scenario. This is due to the short intervals between requests which seldom exceed the break-even time. Coop-I/O again groups requests together, so that longer idle periods and thus standby periods are achieved. As a consequence the drive can be set to standby mode more often and the energy consumption is reduced. If we have a look at the times spend in active, idle and standby mode, it can be seen that "Oracle" saves more energy than "Cooperative" by keeping the drive in standby mode all the time it is not accessed (table 1). This is due to the DDT policy which always waits 8.7 seconds before setting the drive to standby mode. The oracle policy will shut down the drive immediately if the following idle period is longer than the break-even time. Furthermore it can be seen that "Cooperative" reduces the time spent in active mode by almost 60%. There is almost no difference in energy consumption between the strategies "DDT only" and "None" when playing "Pastorale". This behavior is caused by the unlucky relation of the shutdown time-out and the hard disk request pattern which sets the disk to standby shortly before the disk is accessed. In that case, switching to standby mode is more expensive than staying in idle mode. Figure 6 shows how disk requests of two independent tasks may interact. The "Toccata" task cooperatively reads one semi-buffer in every period of 32 s (figure 6a); the "Mail" task writes in intervals of 1 minute, provided that mail has arrived (figure 6b). The write requests are delayed by the cooperative update scheme (figure 6c). With Coop-I/O most of the requests of the two applications can be grouped together. As a consequence, the energy consumption of "Toccata & Mail" is only 17 J higher than without the mail application. If the requests were not coordinated, the hard disk's energy consumption would be about 60 J higher (figure 6d). This means that Coop-I/O is a working energy-saving concept. 7.4 Parameterized testsTo simulate a workload where multiple tasks periodically read or write data, we implemented two simple test programs. The period and the idle time (the time to wait at the beginning of a period until the read/write operation is started) can be configured. To simulate non-regular behavior, minimum and maximum values for the idle time can be specified; the actual value is chosen by a pseudo-random generator. Groups of five read/write processes with varying period lengths and idle times were used to generate non-regular hard disk request patterns. We measured the energy consumption for a time window of 1000 seconds (figures 7 and 8). Reads with varying period lengthIn the first test series, we have varied the period length and idle times for read operations. The average period lengths of the six tests range from 25 to 150 seconds, the average idle times lie between 7 and 120 seconds. Each test has been executed in combination with the four power-saving strategies. Figure 7 shows the measured consumptions. Running with an average period length of 25 seconds, the energy consumption is nearly equal for all strategies (except "Oracle"). Here, the read requests are so frequent that the drive has no chance to shut down. "ECU" and "DDT only" consume even more power than "None" by initiating disadvantageous shutdowns. The longer the period length, the longer the power mode control can hold the disk in standby mode for all strategies but "None". The cooperative strategy generates the longest standby periods since following cooperative reads are delayed. "Cooperative" even outperforms the oracle policy for average period lengths of 100 seconds and more. Table 2 shows the times spent in active, idle and standby mode for an average period length of 150 seconds. The cooperative policy batches hard disk requests. Consequently mode switches are less frequent and the time spent in active mode is reduced by more than 70%, while the time spent in low-power modes is increased. Thus "Cooperative" saves more energy than the oracle policy. Writes with varying period lengthThe energy-related characteristics of write operations are influenced by the sequence of requests and the update policy of the buffer management. We have executed the same test series as in the previous section using write operations instead of read operations. Again, the tests have been run under all four strategies. The traces for the oracle policy where collected using the unmodified update mechanism. The results are presented in figure 8. The frequency of write operations seems to have little effect on the energy consumption. For the strategies "Cooperative" and "ECU" the consumption stays constantly on a low level for all period lengths. This is caused by the cooperative update policy that will write back quite regularly in intervals of 60 seconds, if no other disk request happens. The amount of data written has almost no influence on the energy consumption. The small difference between the cooperative and the "ECU" strategy indicates that cooperative write operations have a marginal but at least consistently positive benefit. The policies "DDT only" and "None" employ the original Linux 2.4 update strategy. "ECU" consumes significantly less energy than "DDT only" and "None" because of the improved update policies (see section 4.2). This shows that the original Linux update strategy does not match power-saving requirements. 7.5 Varying the number of cooperative processesIn the previous tests all programs were cooperative. But in a real-life scenario non-cooperative legacy applications will mix with cooperative programs. Thus, we have examined the behavior of a mixture of different numbers of cooperative and non-cooperative processes. Figure 9 presents the results of 6 read tests with a mixture of 5 processes including 0 to 5 cooperative applications. The energy consumption steadily declines with increasing proportion of cooperative processes, but having a single cooperative process suffices to save energy. 8 Related WorkWe distinguish three levels on which energy saving techniques can be applied: the hardware, the operating system and the application layer. We will show how power management is performed on each level and how Coop-I/O and existing techniques can be incorporated into an energy-aware system design. Device-level power managementAttention has first been drawn to the lowest level leading to many research and industrial efforts at developing low-power hardware. Modern-day devices and their components can be shut down or put into low-power modes to save energy when they are not in use. These improvements have come along with OS-level support in the form of heuristic hardware-centric shutdown policies which are transparent to applications. Three approaches to hard disk power management can be distinguished: algorithms with a fixed or adaptive time-out, policies that try to predict future requests by observing the utilization of the device and policies based on statistical models of requests. Several shutdown policies have been suggested See [4],See [7],See [8],See [10],See [11],See [14]. Lu et al. See [15] have compared and evaluated several algorithms. Among commercial solutions to OS-level power management are the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) See [3], Microsoft's OnNow See [16] and ACPI4Linux See [2]. Energy-aware operating systemAs the next step more sophisticated energy-related methods have been introduced lifting energy to a first class operating system resource by unifying resource management, introducing energy accounting and enabling control of energy consumption and battery lifetime. These approaches have explicitly been designed to be not dependent on application software to be rewritten. Zeng et al. present ECOSystem See [19], a modified Linux, that unifies energy accounting over diverse hardware components and enables fair allocation of available energy among applications. ECOSystem provides system-wide energy management and can be configured to hit a specified target battery lifetime. Energy accounting is realized by implementing the powerful concept of resource containers which serve as the abstraction to which energy expenditures are charged. As Zeng et al. propose in their paper, future research should consider the interaction between ECOSystem and the applications. We find it interesting to investigate the potential of combining Coop-I/O and ECOSystem, being orthogonal to each other, to come closer to the vision of incorporating energy management in all levels of system design. Cooperation between the OS and applicationsWhile traditional power management schemes in operating systems do not distinguish different sources of requests, the power reduction technique introduced by Lu et al. See [12] uses information about concurrently running tasks as an accurate system-level model of requesters. This task-based power management records the device and processor utilization of each process and shuts down a device when the overall utilization is low. Being somewhat orthogonal to each other it would be interesting to combine Coop-I/O and task-based power management. Another approach by Lu et al. See [13] is based on application involvement in energy management. New system calls are introduced which enable applications to inform the operating system about future hard disk requests. These system calls are similar to timers; they indicate in which time intervals, how often (once, periodically) and with which possible delay requests are issued. Thus applications have to inform the operating system about future requests before these requests are issued, normally at program start. The cooperation policy of Coop-I/O enables processes to pass the urgency (delay time) of each individual request without the need for the programmer to determine request patterns of the whole program run. Figure 10a shows a scenario with four processes; number one issues several hard disk requests. While Lu's approach (Fig 10b) arranges the schedule of processes to create a cooperative schedule of hard disk requests, Coop-I/O (Fig 10c) schedules the hard disk requests themselves without changing the process schedule. Pouwelse et al. See [18] demonstrate the benefits of power-aware applications. Applications can inform the OS about their processing demands, so the optimal processor speed can be selected that minimizes power consumption and still meets the application's deadlines. Application adaptationOrthogonal to our approach is energy-aware application adaptation presented by Flinn et al. See [6],See [17]. Applications are rewritten so that they can dynamically modify their behavior according to changing restrictions in energy consumption. An example of adaptation is a movie player with different quality of service modes (e.g. refresh rates or window sizes). To guide such adaptation, the operating system monitors energy supply and demand and informs applications about restrictions in energy consumption via upcalls. Energy-aware system designAll four approaches--energy-aware hardware, operating system, application adaptation and Coop-I/O--are complementary to each other and can be used to form a comprehensive energy-aware system de-sign, as shown in figure 11. 9 ConclusionIn this paper we have presented an energy-saving concept for devices with low-power operation modes based on a cooperative relationship between the operating system and applications. While many efforts have been made to incorporate energy-related aspects in the design of operating systems and computer hardware, the interface between the OS and applications has been retained unchanged to make power management fully transparent to applications. We have demonstrated that Coop-I/O, with its new interface functions, enables a higher reduction in power consumption than power management techniques which operate solely on the OS level. Coop-I/O outperforms the "oracle" policy which defines the theoretical lower bound in power consumption if the timing of requests is not influenced. These improvements come with the cost of modifying existing applications. We have shown that only little effort is needed to make use of the new functionality. Coop-I/O is the first approach to power management which controls not only the timing but also the execution of requests. We plan to investigate the applicability of our concept to the control of other system components, e.g. a wireless network adapter. Our modifications to the operating system interface presented here concentrate on the basic file I/O operations. We plan to investigate to what extent other interface functions can be enhanced so that a wider range of energy-aware applications is able to contribute to OS power management. In our opinion the research area of application involvement in operating system power management facilities shows huge potential and should be further investigated. AcknowledgmentsThe anonymous reviewers and our shepherd, Carla Ellis, have helped us to improve this paper with their useful feedback. References[19] |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the
5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation,
December 9–11,
Boston, MA, US
Last changed: 6 Nov. 2002 aw |