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A.2 Derivation of the Model Assuming a Compactor


We derive the model of Section 2.3. If writes arrive with no delay, then it would be trivial to fill the track. If writes arrive randomly and we assume the free space distribution is random at the time of the arrivals, then writes between successive track switches follow the model of (6). Therefore, substituting pn in (6) with i, the number of free sectors, the total number of sectors to skip between track switches can be expressed as:


where n is the total number of sectors in a track and m is the number of free sectors reserved per track before switching tracks. Suppose each track switch costs s and the rotation delay of one sector is r; because we pay one track switch cost per (n-m) writes, the average latency per sector of this strategy can be expressed as:


So far, we have assumed that the free space distribution is always random. This is not the case with the approach of filling the track up to a threshold because, for example, the first free sector immediately following a number of used sectors is more likely to be selected for eager writing than one following a number of free sectors. In general, this non-randomness increases latency. Although the precise modeling of the non-randomness is quite complex, through approximations and empirical trials, we have found that adding the following tex2html_wrap_inline1253 function to (10) works well for a wide range of disk parameters in practice:


where p = 1 + n/36. By approximating the summation in (10) with an integral and adding the correction factor of (12) to account for the non-randomness, we arrive at the final latency model:


Randolph Wang
Tue Jan 5 14:30:32 PST 1999