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Friday, August 4, 2:00 pm–3:30 p.m., British Room
Session Chair: Doug Szajda, University of Richmond

Accepted WiPs and Abstracts

Exploiting MMS Vulnerabilities to Stealthily Exhaust Mobile Phone's Battery
Radmilo Racic, Denys Ma, and Hao Chen, University of California, Davis

As cellular data services and applications are being widely deployed, they become attractive targets for attackers, who could exploit unique vulnerabilities in cellular networks, mobile devices, and the interaction between cellular data networks and the Internet. Furthermore, as mobile phones become more powerful with more bandwidth, cellular end hosts will become the next target for attacks that are widely deployed on the Internet.

We demonstrate an attack, which surreptitiously drains mobile devices' battery power up to 22 times faster and therefore could render these devices useless before the end of business hours. This attack targets a unique resource bottleneck in mobile devices (the battery power) by exploiting an insecure cellular data service, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), and the insecure interaction between cellular data networks and the Internet, Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context retention and the paging channel. The attack proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, the attacker compiles a hit list of mobile devices—including their cellular numbers, IP addresses, and model information—by exploiting MMS notification messages. In the second stage, the attacker drains mobile devices' battery power by sending periodical UDP packets and exploiting PDP context retention and the paging channel. When a packet is sent to a phone, the network will deliver the packet if the phone's location is known, or attempt to locate the phone by sending a page request to it. However, since cellular phones spend most of their time in the dormant, battery-saving mode, the page on the paging channel will awaken the phone to the ready state and force it to perform a location update. The sine qua non of this attack is to keep the phone in this ready, high battery consumption state, therefore disabling its ability to preserve battery life, or to let the phone temporarily go into the battery-saving state only to be immediately awakened with a page and forced to perform a location update; both of which consume a lot of energy. This attack is unique in that the victims are unaware when their batteries are being drained, and that the attack exploits vulnerable cellular services to target mobile devices. We will identify two key vulnerable components in cellular networks and propose mitigation strategies for protecting cellular devices from such attacks from the Internet.

Accepted at the IEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SECURECOMM '06)

Applying Machine-model Based Countermeasure Design to Improve Protection Against Code Injection Attacks
Yves Younan, Frank Piessens, and Wouter Joosen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Many countermeasures for code injection attacks are built in an ad-hoc manner, with countermeasure designers building a countermeasure and attackers finding ways around the countermeasure followed by the design of better countermeasure. We propose a using a more methodological approach to building countermeasures using a model of the execution environment of the program. This model contains all abstractions and memory locations that the OS relies upon to execute a program (e.g. stack, GOT, etc.), with the operations that are performed on them. Such a model is called a machine model and can allow a countermeasure designer to design countermeasures at a more abstract level. It also provides a platform for comparing and evaluating countermeasures.

Such a machine model is strongly linked to the architecture, the operating system , the programming language and the compiler that it is based on. This limits the applicability of a specific machinemodel. To counter this we are also designing a metamodel and devising a methodology for constructing machine models based on this metamodel, reducing the initial cost of building a machine model. The metamodel is an abstraction of several machine models: it provides uniformity when constructing machine models and allows a designer to work out the global principles of a countermeasure independent of a specific platform. By keeping machine models uniform, the task of implementing or porting countermeasures from one platform to another is simplified.

Building a Trusted Network Connect Evaluation Test Bed
Jesus Molina, Fujitsu Laboratories of America

One important set of TCG (Trusted Computing Group) standards is about TNC (Trusted Network Connect), a proctocol for end point authentication. Multiple components and interfaces are involved in the TNC architecture, and for each component, different companies are making products. Therefore, it is important to show that when components are interacting, the TNC system is still secure. To achieve this goal, we are building a TNC test bed. Within this test bed, we will implement the entire TNC architecture, try each module with multiple products (including open source components when appropriate), and investigate the complete workflow. Then, we will try different ways to attack the system, such as inserting rogue interfaces and/or injecting false data. Our main focuses are 1) to have a better understanding of the TNC standards, and 2) to locate any potential security holes or threat models 3) The repercussion of TNC on the trusted platform strategy 4) Comparison with other emrging standards (Cisco's NAC, etc).

The SAAM Project at UBC
Konstantin Beznosov, Jason Crampton, and Wing Leung, University of British Columbia

We introduce the concept, model, and policy-specific algorithms for inferring new access control decisions from previous ones. Our secondary and approximate authorization model (SAAM) defines the notions of primary vs. secondary and precise vs. approximate authorizations. Approximate authorization responses are inferred from cached primary responses, and therefore provide an alternative source of access control decisions in the event that the authorization server is unavailable or slow. The ability to compute approximate authorizations improves the reliability and performance of access control sub-systems and ultimately the application systems themselves.

The operation of a system that employs SAAM depends on the type of access control policy it implements. We proposed algorithms and analyzed their performance for computing secondary authorizations in the case of policies based on the Bell-LaPadula model. Preliminary results of evaluation of SAAMblp algorithms demonstrate a 30% increase in the number of authorization requests that can be served without consulting access control policies.

ID-SAVE: Incrementally Deployable Source Address Validity Enforcement
Toby Ehrenkranz, University of Oregon

Routers in the Internet today know which direction a packet should be sent towards, but not which direction a packet should have come from. This is the root cause of problems on the Internet such as IP-spoofing being common in network attacks and source-address-based protocols such as RPF being unreliable. Previous work has either not attacked this root cause, or has had unrealistic deployment assumptions.

Our current work, ID-SAVE (Incrementally Deployable Source Address Validity Enforcement), utilizes ideas similar to those presented in [1]. ID-SAVE attacks the root cause by building up "incoming tables" for routers, much like the forwarding tables currently in use by routers. It uses a variety of novel mechanisms to be incrementally deployable such as packet marking, neighbor discovery, on-demand updates, blacklists, and packet-driven pushback.

[1] J. Li, J. Mirkovic, M. Wang, P. L. Reiher, and L. Zhang, "SAVE: Source address validity enforcement protocol", in INFOCOM, New York, 2002, pp. 1557-1566.

Automatic Repair Validation
Michael E. Locasto, with Matthew Burnside and Angelos D. Keromytis, Columbia University

There is an active movement in the security research community focusing on automated intrusion prevention and self-healing software. However, a major hurdle prevents the widespread deployment of these types of systems: system administrators lack confidence in the quality of the generated fixes. Thus, a key requirement for these systems is that the efficacy of each fix must be tested and validated after it has been automatically developed, but before it is deployed. Under the response rates required by these systems, we believe such verification must proceed automatically. We call this process Automatic Repair Validation (ARV). To illustrate the difficulties faced by ARV, we propose Bloodhound, a system that tracks and stores malicious network flows for later replay during validation for self-healing software. Our goal is to motivate additional research in this direction by describing the problem and the challenges in addressing it, and to explore part of the solution space.

Secure Software Updates: Not Really
Kevin Fu, University of Massachusetts Amherst

A client can use a content distribution network to securely download software updates. These updates help to patch everyday bugs, plug security vulnerabilities, and secure critical infrastructure. Yet many deployed software update mechanisms are insecure, and emerging technologies pose further hurdles for deployment. Our analysis of several popular software update mechanisms shows that deployed systems often rely on trusted networks to distribute critical software updates—despite the research progress in secure content distribution. We demonstrate how many deployed systems are susceptible to weak man-in-the-middle attacks.

Integrated Phishing Defenses
Jeff Shirley, University of Virginia

Increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks are growing in frequency, and existing defenses have so far failed to disrupt the problem. Most previous phishing defenses detect and disrupt phishing attacks either by examining incoming email and marking suspicious messages or by detecting and blocking phishing attacks using extensions for web browsers. Our system integrates analysis of the incoming portion of the attacks with blocking of the outgoing portion by combining an email analyzer with an HTTP proxy. The email analyzer parses email messages to extract linked URLs, including those embedded in redirects or scripts, and classifies them to determine whether the websites they point to are likely to be phishing sites. Visits to URLs classified as phishing are intercepted by the proxy and redirected to a warning page. Our system uses a combination of previously published heuristics (for link obfuscation and email text contents) and a URL popularity metric obtained from search engine APIs (such as those provided by Google and MSN). We have tested our system's effectiveness on a corpus of over 200,000 email messages and found that we can block 94% of phishing URLs present with a false positive rate of approximately 3% of the total number of URLs present. Since our system is capable of examining both web and email portions of the phishing attacks, it provides a framework that will be able to incorporate defenses against a wide variety of threats.

The Utility vs. Strength Tradeoff: Anonymization for Log Sharing
Kiran Lakkaraju, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Many organizations, and in particular the network security teams within those organizations, have come to the conclusion that sharing their network logs is essential in the detection and prevention of intrusions. Log sharing is also useful in network research and education. The main impediment to sharing network logs is the potential loss of sensitive information that can be used by malicious entities to break into the organizations systems. At NCSA we are developing a log sharing infrastructure that utilizes anonymization to remove sensitive information from logs. Anonymization is the process of modifying the data in the log so that sensitive information is not shared, but the log can still be useful to other users.

The main problem in applying anonymization to logs is deciding on how much information to remove from the logs. This has a direct impact on the ability of an attacker to use the shared logs to attack the organizers system. We dub this the Utility vs Strength tradeoff: Utility refers to the usefulness of the log, and Strength refers to the difficulty an attacker will have in "deanonymizing" the log. Under the auspices of a NSF Cybertrust grant we are studying this tradeoff for network security logs in order to create a log sharing system that will allow our security engineers to quickly share logs with a multitude of clients. In this talk I will speak on the utility vs. strength tradeoff. In addition I will mention FLAIM—a tool developed at NCSA that allows multi-level anonymization and is easily extensible to many logs.

Malware Prevalence in the KaZaA File-Sharing Network
Jaeyeon Jung, MIT CSAIL

In recent years, more than 200 viruses have been reported to use a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing network as a propagation vector. Disguised as files that are frequently exchanged over P2P networks, these malicious programs infect the user's host if downloaded and opened, leaving their copies in the user's sharing folder for further propagation. Using a crawling-based malware detector built for the KaZaA file-sharing network, we study the prevalence of malware in this popular P2P network, the malware's propagation behavior in the P2P network environment and the characteristics of infected hosts.

With 364 malware signatures constructed by our detector, we found that over 15% of the crawled files were infected by 52 different viruses. Many of the malicious programs that we find active in the KaZaA P2P network open a backdoor through which an attacker can remotely control the compromised machine, send spam, or steal a user's confidential information. The assertion that these hosts were used to send spam was supported by the fact that over 70% of infected hosts were listed on DNS-based spam black-lists.

Election Audits
Arel Cordero, University of California, Berkeley

Election audits have the ability to establish an objective and quantifiable measure of confidence in an election. Unfortunately, in the U.S., there are no clear best practices (nor rigorous requirements) regarding audits. For example, of the states requiring audits, none specify how random selection must be done. This and other ambiguities are generally interpreted (to various degrees of success) at the local, county level, leading to practices that in many cases defeat the effectiveness of the audit. For instance, the requirement for an audit to be fully transparent to allow for public oversight, is jeopardized by the use of software to perform the random selection. To address this, we have proposed using well-known, physical methods of random selection—such as dice, or lotteries—to do the selection. In our analysis, though, each solution has its own (sometimes subtle and non-obvious) pitfalls. Contributing to the problem is the critical issue of public perception, which (ironically) is a source of resistance to accepting our proposals. For example, some election officials are wary of using dice because of a feared association with gambling, (while others have embraced it). Also because of perception, technically superior methods had to be turned down over simpler ones.

The work in progress talk will describe the problem and briefly cover some of the takeaway messages of our experiences.

The Joe-E Subset of Java
Adrian Mettler, University of California, Berkeley

Joe-E is a a subset of Java designed to build secure systems. The goal of object capability languages is to support the Principle of Least Authority (POLA), so that each object naturally receives the least privilege (i.e., least authority) needed to do its job. Joe-E is defined as a subset of Java that places additional restrictions on programs in order to eliminate sources of ambient authority that make enforcement of POLA impossible. The semantics of Java are preserved; any Joe-E program is a valid Java program. Since this allows use of the existing Java tool chain and programmer experience, we hope that Joe-E will support secure programming while remaining familiar to Java programmers everywhere.

A current draft of the specification and implementation are available at

Prerendered User Interfaces for Higher-Assurance Electronic Voting
Ka-Ping Yee, University of California, Berkeley

I will describe plans and work completed so far on a new electronic voting architecture in which the voting user interface is prerendered and published before election day as an "electronic sample ballot." The publishing of the prerendered UI as a separate artifact enables public participation in the review, verification, usability testing, and accessibility testing of the ballot.

Preparing the user interface outside of the voting machine also dramatically reduces the amount of security-critical code in the machine, thus reducing the amount and difficulty of software verification required to assure the correctness of the election result. Our prototype software for a high-assurance touchscreen voting machine can support a wide range of user interface styles. Its implementation, which includes a validator for the ballot file, the interaction with the ballot itself, and history-independent storage of the cast votes, fits in less than 300 lines of Python.

Fine-Grained Secure Localization for 802.11 Networks
Patrick Traynor, Pennsylvania State University

The erosion of well-defined network boundaries makes the use of identity a necessary but insufficient means of authentication in numerous contexts. In a number of settings, proving a user's location may in fact be more critical. In this work, we use standard 802.11 access points to broadcast cryptographic tokens at a variety of power levels. Clients attempting to prove their location report the overheard tokens to a controller. To improve certainty, the controller then requests that desktop machines with inexpensive wireless radios in the macro-vicinity broadcast an additional round of tokens. In so doing, we are able to develop a fine-grained, non-forgeable wireless localization system that is resistant to sophisticated attackers attempting to spoof their physical location.

Manigandan Radhakrishnan and Jon A. Solworth, University of Illinois at Chicago

The authorization system of computer is responsible for making decisions on whether operations which have external affect are allowed or not. It is critical part of the security architecture of computer system. Unfortunately, in most contemporary operating systems, common networking operations—like creating new socket, binding to port, accepting connection, etc.Ñare not tied in with authorization system. Therefore, barring few restrictions, these operations are nonprivileged (meaning, any process can perform these and there is no explicit authorization action performed). In addition, the systemlevel protection abstractions are very weak for distributed communications. KernelSecNet is intended to provide similar (and simple) abstractions to networking and distributed computing as traditional operating system based protection provide to singlesystems. These abstractions include user authentication and addressspace separation. KernelSecNet is designed to (1) extend KernelSec1 protections to networking and distributed computing, and also (2) be backported to Unixbased systems to apply the same protections. This project is being implemented as part of the Linux kernel.

Taking Malware Detection To The Next Level (Down)
Adrienne Felt (speaker), Nathanael Paul, David Evans, and Sudhanva Gurumurthi, University of Virginia

Several highly sophisticated rootkits have garnered media attention over the past few weeks, highlighting the vulnerability of current anti-malware techniques to layer-below attacks. These new rootkits are not the only area of weakness in traditional anti-malware techniques. For example, "morphing" viruses evade string scanning by altering their code structure between generations. Emulation techniques can sometimes detect these morphing viruses, but its effectiveness is limited by its high computational cost, imprecision, and the development of anti-emulation techniques.

Our solution to layer-below attacks and morphing viruses is low-level, behavior-based threat detection. As malicious software has grown more complex, disk drive processors have grown more powerful. We propose using this new, under-utilized processing power to augment traditional anti-virus and rootkit detection techniques with direct computation on the disk processor. Disk processors are privy to the low-level behavior of malware that alters data on its host, allowing us to identify threats based on patterns of I/O requests. The location and isolation of the disk make it well-suited for malware detection, since it can see all I/O requests and is immune to subversion by a rootkit. Additionally, signatures made from low-level behavioral patterns cannot be confused by equivalent code substitution (i.e., morphing viruses). As an added benefit, disk-level monitoring comes at a low cost: it requires little extra effort from the CPU because it observes the behavior of normally running programs.

Data Sandboxing for Confidentiality
Tejas Khatiwala and Raj Swaminathan, University of Illinois at Chicago

When an application that reads private information communicates on an output channel such as a file or a network connection that is visible, how can we ensure a policy that the data written is free of private information? We address this question for a practical setting in this work through the use of a technique called data sandboxing. Essentially, data sandboxing intends to use the popular technique of system call interposition to mediate operations in communication channels such as files. The problem with such interposition techniques is that they cannot distinguish between operations that intend to process sensitive information from those that do not. As a result, any confidentiality policy that blocks writes to public output channels will essentially fail to successfully execute programs. To distinguish between sensitive and public data in programs, we partition the application into two different programs (that are separated through standard address spaces) and enforce two different confidentiality policies on them. The first program performs operations on public output channels, and the confidentiality policy does not allow it to read sensitive information. The second program is allowed to read sensitive information, but is not allowed to write to public channels. This partitioning enables it to successfully enforce a confidentiality policy that in totality prevents leakage of sensitive information from the original program on publicly observable channels. We perform such partitioning based on techniques from program slicing. In this talk, we sketch the design, implementation and evaluation of a tool that enforces confidentiality policies on C programs using the technique described above.

To be presented at the Annual Computer Applications Security Conference (ACSAC), Miami, FL, December 2006.

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