Program Chair
Niels Provos, Google Inc.
Program Committee
Kostas Anagnostakis, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
Hao Chen, University of California, Davis
Monica Chew, Google Inc.
David Dagon, Georgia Institute of Technology
Marius Eriksen, Google Inc.
Kevin Fu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tal Garfinkel, Stanford University
Thorsten Holz, University of Mannheim
Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin
Tadayoshi Kohno, University of Washington
Christopher Kruegel, Technical University Vienna
Wenke Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania State University
Fabian Monrose, Johns Hopkins University
Vern Paxson, ICSI/LBNL
Adrian Perrig, Carnegie Mellon University
Vassilis Prevelakis, Drexel University
Dug Song, Arbor Networks
Angelos Stavrou, Columbia University
Rebecca Wright, Stevens Institute of Technology
Paul Van Oorschot, Carleton University
Wietse Venema, IBM Research
Yi-Min Wang, Microsoft Research, Redmond
Invited Talks Committee
Bill Aiello, University of British Columbia
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Gary McGraw, Cigital
Poster Session Chair
Radu Sion, Stony Brook University