Technical Sessions
Wed., Feb. 16 |
Thurs., Feb. 17 |
Fri., Feb. 18 | All in one file | PDF Format
Wednesday, February 16
9:00 am - 9:15 am Opening Remarks & Best Paper Awards
De Clarke, UCO Lick Observatory, and Tom Poindexter, Talus Technologies Inc.,
Program Co-Chairs
9:15 am - 10:30 am Keynote Address
Tcl in AOL Digital City: The Architecture of a Multithreaded High-Performance Web Site
Jim Davidson, America Online, Inc.
Today's dynamic, high-performance, database-driven Web sites require a
platform that is fast, scalable, and provides for rapid application
development and publishing. To address these challenges, AOL's Digital City
uses a Tcl-enabled multithreaded Web server called AOLserver. This talk
will describe
the collection of optimized AOLserver Tcl extensions and the flexible
Tcl-embedded HTML template architecture which power the Digital City service
and publishing environment. In particular, it will highlight the
advantages and
pitfalls of scalable, mulithreaded Tcl application development.
Jim Davidson is Vice President of Technology at AOL's Digital City. Before
he came to AOL, he was chief architect of Navisoft's Naviserver, the
Tcl and database-driven Web server which has evolved into the latest
AOLserver. He has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of
California, Santa Barbara.
10:30 am - 11:00 am Break
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Middleware
Session Chair: Melissa Chawla, Scriptics Corp.
Rapid CORBA Server Development in Tcl: A Case Study
Jason Brazile and Andrej Vckovski, Netcetera AG
AGNI: A Multi-threaded Middleware for Distributed Scripting
M. Ranganathan, Mark Bednarek, Fernand Pors, and Doug Montgomery, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Introducing QoS Awareness in Tcl Programming: QTcl
Roberto Canonico, Maurizio D'Arienzo, Simon P. Romanao, and Giorgio Ventre,
Università di Napoli
CollabWiseTk: A Toolkit for Rendering Stand-alone Applications Collaborative
Hemang Lavana and Franc Brglez, North Carolina State University
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Tcl Update
John Ousterhout, CEO, and Jeffrey Hobbs, Tcl Ambassador, Scriptics Corp.
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Break
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Testing and Integration
Session Chair: Dave Griffin, SiteScape, Inc.
GDBTk: Integrating Tk into a Recalcitrant Command-line Application
James Ingham, Cygnus Solutions, Inc.
Tcl/Tk: A Strong Basis for Complex Load Testing Systems
Ahmet C. Keskin, Till I. Patzchke, and Ernst vonVoight, Patzschke + Rasp Software AG
Using Tcl to Build a Buzzword-Compliant Environment That Glues Together Legacy Analysis Programs
Carsten H. Lawrenz and Rajkumar Madhuram, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp.