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There are three options for the
lifetime of a Nickle name, as opposed to C's auto and static. This extra control is a natural consequence of the
distinction between global functions and
nested functions, which
is lacking in C. It manifests noticeably in the
times at which initialization occurs.
The three lifetimes for a Nickle declaration
- global The lifetime of the named value is the
lifetime of the interpreter evaluating the program. Objects
declared global are initialized once, when the
definition of the function containing them is first
- static The lifetime of the named value is the
lifetime of the function in which the definition occurs. Objects
declared static are initialized whenever the function
containing their definition is evaluated. In
the absence of nested scopes, this lifetime is the same
as global.
- auto The lifetime of the named value is
the lifetime of the current function. Objects declared auto are initialized whenever their definition is evaluated.
The default lifetimes are as in C: global for
top-level objects, and auto for those local to a function.
Note that lifetime is different than
scope: different function definitions, for example, may
have different global objects named x.
Figure 2 is useful illustrating the
difference between auto, global and static
scope. Imagine that the auto declaration of
Figure 2 was instead a static
declaration. In this case, x would be initialized
whenever the definition of g was evaluated, and thus
the second invocation of g() at top-level would return
2. If x was instead declared global, it would
be initialized only once, when the definition of
f was compiled, and
thus the successive invocations of g() would return
1, 2, and 3.
Figure 2:
A variable x with auto scope.
Next: Types
Up: Names, Lifetimes, Types and
Previous: Names
Bart Massey