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USENIX 2006 Annual Technical Conference Refereed Paper

[USENIX 2006 Annual Technical Conference Technical Program]

SMART: An Integrated Multi-Action Advisor for Storage Systems

Li Yin

University of California, Berkeley

Sandeep Uttamchandani

IBM Almaden Research Center

Madhukar Korupolu

IBM Almaden Research Center

Kaladhar Voruganti

IBM Almaden Research Center

Randy Katz

University of California, Berkeley


The designers of clustered file systems, storage resource management software and storage virtualization devices are trying to provide the necessary planning functionality in their products to facilitate the invocation of the appropriate corrective actions in order to satisfy user specified service level objectives (SLOs). However, most existing approaches only perform planning for a single type of action such as workload throttling, or data migration, or addition of new resources. As will be shown in this paper, single action based plans are not always cost effective. In this paper we present a framework SMART that considers multiple types of corrective actions in an integrated manner and generates a combined corrective action schedule. Furthermore, often times, the best cost-effective schedule for a one-week lookahead could be different from the best cost-effective schedule for a one-year lookahead. An advantage of the SMART framework is that it considers this lookahead time window in coming up with its corrective action schedules. Finally, another key advantage of this framework is that it has a built-in mechanism to handle unexpected surges in workloads. We have implemented our framework and algorithm as part of a clustered file system and performed various experiments to show the benefits of our approach.

1 Introduction

With an increase in the number of applications, the amount of managed storage, and the number of policies and best practices, system administrators and designers are finding it extremely difficult to generate cost effective plans that can satisfy the storage needs of the storage applications. Typically, system administrators over provision their storage resources due to lack of proper storage management tools. Thus, the vendors of file systems, storage resource management software and storage virtualization boxes are trying to have the ability to
Figure 1: Planning Issues
\centerline{\psfig{figure=figures/fig1.eps,height=2.7in, width=3in}}
automatically monitor resource utilization and workload SLOs, analyze the source of the problem, plan a corrective action, and invoke corrective actions to make the necessary changes.

Research prototypes and products that perform the above tasks are beginning to appear. However, these tools suffer from the following two key drawbacks with respect to the planning aspect of the solution:
Single Action Based: Existing effort has focused on using a single type of corrective action such as workload throttling, data migration, or adding more resources to correct SLO violations. These tools lack the ability to combine the different types of corrective actions to provide better cost trade-off points. When the SLO for a workload gets violated there will be situations where a combination of actions would provide the most optimum cost savings. For example, in Figure 1 (a), upon the violation of the SLO, it is desirable to throttle the workload until the data associated with the workload can be migrated to a less contended array rank, and if necessary can be eventually migrated to a new rank that is part of a newly provisioned array. Thus, there is a need for a planning tool that can advise the administrators to take the right action or a combination of actions at the right time. Currently, the storage management eco-systems from various vendors provide good domain specific planning tools such as network planning, storage controller planning, migration planning etc. However, most of these tools are not integrated with each other. For example, capacity planning (typically considered a long term action) is not well integrated with throttling planning (an instantaneous action). Lack of proper integration between the planning tools transfers the responsibility of integration to a system administrator. As discussed above, this becomes difficult as the system size scales up. Typically this results in solutions that are either grossly over-provisioned with excess capacity or under-provisioned to meet service level agreements (SLOs).

Single time-window based optimization: Another drawback of existing tools is that they take a ``one-size fits all'' approach to the problem. For example, the solution (workload throttling) that is the most cost effective for one week might be different from the solution (adding new hardware) that is the most optimum for one year. Time is an important aspect and often overlooked part of the planning process. That is, cost-wise different solutions could be optimal during different observation windows. Currently, most storage planning tools do not allow administrators to evaluate plans for different observation time windows. This results in the administrators not taking the right action at the right time. For example, as shown in Figure 1 (b), different solutions are optimal for different time windows: (1) If the optimization time window is five days, throttling is the most optimal solution. (2) If the optimization time window is one month, data migration is the most cost effective solution. (3) If the optimization time window is three months, addition of new hardware is the most cost effective solution.

In this paper, we propose an action schedule framework called SMART. The key contributions of SMART are: 
Integrated multi-action planning: We provide an action scheduling algorithm that allows combining seemingly disparate storage management actions such as workload throttling, data migration, and resource provisioning into an integrated framework.
Multi-granularity temporal planning: Our algorithm allows for the specification of optimization time windows. For example, one could indicate that they want the solution that is the most cost effective for either one day or one year.
Action selection for unexpected workload variations: Our core algorithm (contribution number 1) can determine whether the surge in the I/O requests is an unknown workload spike or a known trend and select corrective actions accordingly.
Deployment of the framework in a file-system: In order to validate the benefits described above, we have implemented our framework and algorithm as part of the GPFS: a scalable shared-disk file system [21]. GPFS performs its own logical volume management. We have evaluated our implementation and the results are presented in the experiment section. It is to be noted that the framework and algorithm are general enough to be deployed as part of storage resource management and storage virtualization software.

2 Framework for SMART

Figure 2: Architecture of Action Scheduler
{\epsfig{file=figures/archi_new.eps, height=1.5in}}
This section describes the framework of SMART (shown in Figure 2). SMART can be deployed in file systems, storage resource management software and storage virtualization boxes (details of the file system deployment are given in Section 4). The key components of SMART are:

Input modules: They include sensors monitoring the system state $ {\cal S}$, specifications for administrator-defined business-level constraints (budget constraints and optimization window), SLOs, utility functions, time-series forecasting of workload request-rate, and component models for the storage devices. Here, the system state represents the run-time details of the system and is defined as a triplet $ {\cal S} = \langle {\cal C}, {\cal W}, {\cal M} \rangle$, where $ {\cal C}$ is the set of components in the system, $ {\cal W}$ is the workloads and $ {\cal M}$ is the current mapping of workloads to the components.

Utility evaluator: It calculates the overall utility value in a given system state. It uses component models to interpolate the IO performance values which in turn map to the utility delivered to the workloads.

Single action tools: They decide the optimal invocation parameters for a corrective action in a given system state. SMART can leverage existing tools for individual corrective actions namely throttling [25,9,17], migration [10,16], and provisioning [5,3].

Action Advisor: This is the core of SMART that aims to improve storage system utility for a given optimization window and business-level constraints. It interacts with the single action tools and generates a time-based action schedule with details of what action to invoke, when to invoke and how to invoke. This is accomplished by feeding the action tools with different system states and collecting individual action options. The Action Advisor then analyzes the selected action invocation parameters using the Utility Evaluator (details of the algorithm are presented in Section 3). The Action Advisor can operate both reactively (when SLO has been violated) as well as proactively (before SLO violation happens).

This section covers the details of the framework. We will present the details of the algorithm for the Action Advisor in the next section.

2.1 Input modules

For the input modules described below, there are several different techniques that are available - the focus of this paper is to demonstrate how these building blocks work together to solve the problem, rather than their internal details.

Time-series Forecasting
The forecasting of future workload demands is based on extracting patterns and trends from historical data. There are several well-known approaches for time series analysis of historic data such as ARIMA [24] and Neural Network [8]. The general form of time-series functions is as follows:

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
 y_{t+h} = g(X_t, \theta) + \epsilon_{t+h}$ (1)

where: $ y_t$ is the variable(s) vector to be forecast. $ t$ is the time when the forecast is made. $ X_t$ are predictor variables, which usually includes the observed and lagged values of $ y_t$ till time $ t$. $ \theta$ is the vector of parameter of the function $ g$ and $ \epsilon_{t+h}$ is the prediction error.

Utility functions
The concept of utility function has been introduced to evaluate the degree of user's satisfaction. There are several different techniques to specify utility functions. For SMART, the utility function associates workloads performance with a utility value, which reflects the user's degree of satisfaction. The utility function for each workload can be (1) provided by the administrators; (2) defined in terms of priority value and SLOs; or (3) defined by associating a dollar value to the level of service delivered, e.g., $1000/GB if the latency is less than 10ms, otherwise $100/GB.

Component models
A component model predicts values of a delivery metric as a function of workload characteristics. SMART can in principle accommodate models for any system component. In particular, the model for a storage device takes the form:
Response_time = $ c(req\_size,
req\_rate, rw\_ratio,$
$ random/sequential, cache\_hit\_rate)$

Creating component models is an area of active ongoing research. Models based on simulation or emulation [12,29] require a fairly detailed knowledge of the system's internals; analytical models [22,19] require less, but device-specific information must still be taken into account to obtain accurate predictions. Black-box [4,26] models are built by recording and correlating inputs and outputs to the system in diverse states, without regarding its internal structure. Since SMART needs to explore a large candidate space in a short time, simulation based approaches are not feasible due to the long prediction overhead. Analytical models and black box approaches both work with SMART. For the SMART prototype, we use a regression based approach to bootstrap the models and refine models continuously at run time.

2.2 Utility Evaluator

As the name suggests, the Utility Evaluator calculates the overall utility delivered by the storage system in a given system state. The calculation involves getting the access characteristics of each workload, and using the component models to interpolate the average response-time of each workload. The Utility Evaluator uses the throughput and response-time for each workload to calculate the utility value delivered by the storage system:

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
 U_{sys} = \sum_{j=1}^{N}{UF_j(Thru_j, Lat_j)}$ (2)

where $ N$ is the total number of workloads, $ UF_j$ is the utility function of workload $ j$, with throughput $ Thru_j$ and latency $ Lat_j$.

In addition, for any given workload demands $ D_j$, the system maximum utility value $ UMax_{sys}$ is defined as the ``ideal'' maximum utility value if the requests for all workloads are satisfied. Utility loss $ UL_{sys}$ is the difference between the maximum utility value and the current system utility value. They can be calculated as follows:

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.15in}
UMax_{sys}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^N{UF_j(D_j, SLO_{lat_j})}$  
$\displaystyle UL_{sys}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle UMax_{sys} - U_{sys}$ (3)

where the $ SLO_{lat_j}$ is the latency requirement of workload $ j$. In addition, cumulative utility value for a given time window refers to the sum of the utility value across the time window.

2.3 Single Action Tools

These tools automate invocation of a single action. A few examples are Chameleon [25], Facade [17] for throttling; QoSMig [10], Aqueduct [16] for migration; Ergastulum [6], Hippodrome [5] for provisioning. Each of these tools typically includes the logic for deciding the action invocation parameter values, and an executor to enforce these parameters.

The single action tools take the system state, performance models and utility functions as input from the Action Advisor and outputs the invocation parameters. For example, in the case of migration, it decides the data to be migrated, the target location, and the migration speed. Every action has a cost in terms of the resource or budget overhead and a benefit in terms of the improvement in the performance of the workloads. The action invocation parameters are used to determine the resulting performance of each workload and the corresponding utility value.

2.4 Action Advisor

The Action Advisor generates the corrective action schedule - the steps involved are as follows (details of the algorithm are covered in the next section):
  • Generate and analyze the current state ( $ {\cal S}_0$) as well as lookahead states ( $ {\cal S}_1, {\cal S}_2$, ...) according to the forecasted future.
  • Feed the system states along with the workload utility functions and performance models to the single action tools and collect their invocation options
  • Analyze the cost-benefit of the action invocation options - this is accomplished using the Utility Evaluator module.
  • Prune the solution space and generate a schedule of what actions to invoke, when to invoke, and how to invoke.

3 Algorithm for Action Advisor in SMART

Action Advisor is the core of SMART: it determines an action schedule consisting of one or more actions (what) with action invocation time (when) and invocation parameters (how). The goal of Action Advisor is to pick a combination of actions that will improve the overall system utility or, equivalently, reduce the system utility loss. In the rest of this section, we will first intuitively motivate the algorithm and give the details after that.

The Action Advisor operates in two different modes depending on whether the corrective actions are being invoked proactively in response to forecasted workload growth, or reactively in response to unexpected variations in the workloads. The former is referred to as the normal mode, while the later is the unexpected mode.

In the normal mode, SMART uses an approach similar to the divide-and-conquer concept. It breaks the optimization window into smaller unequal sub-windows and uses a recursive greedy with look-back and look-forward approach to select actions within each sub-window.The motivation of divide-and-conquer is to reduce the problem complexity and to treat the near-term fine-grained prediction periods differently from the long-term coarse-grained prediction periods. The action selection for each sub-window is performed in a sequential fashion, i.e., the resulting system state of one sub-window acts as the starting state for the next consecutive window. The divide-and-conquer approach reduces the problem complexity at the cost of optimality: the sum of local optimal actions for each sub-window may not lead to the global optimal.

The unexpected mode selects actions defensively. It tries to avoid invoking expensive actions since the workload variation could go away soon after the action in invoked, making the overhead wasted. However this needs to be balanced with the potential risk of the high workload persisting and thus incurring continuous utility loss which may add up over time. We formulate this analysis as a decision-making problem with unknown future and apply the ``ski-rental'' online algorithm [15] to select actions.

Action Advisor uses a primitive mechanism to transition between normal and unexpected modes. It continuously compares the observed values against the predicted values (using any chosen predictor model, for example, ARIMA). If the difference is large then it moves into the defensive unexpected workload mode. While in that mode, it continuously updates its predictor function based on the newly observed values. When the predicted values and observed values are close enough for a sufficiently long period, it transitions to the normal mode.

In the rest of this section, we first present action selections for normal mode and unexpected mode respectively. After that, we discuss the risk modulation which deals with the future uncertainty and action invocation overhead.

3.1 Normal Mode: Greedy Pruning with Look-back and Look-forward

The Action Advisor takes as input the current system state, the workload prediction, the utility functions, the available budget $ B$ for new hardware and the length of the optimization window. The action selection begins by breaking the specified optimization window into smaller unequal sub-windows. For instance, a one year optimization window is split into sub-windows of 1 day, 1 month, and 1 year; The number and length of the sub-windows can be configured by the administrator. Within each sub-window $ [T_{k},T_{k+1}]$, the goal is to find actions that maximize the cumulative system utility in the sub-window. This process is formulated as a tree-construction algorithm (Figure 3) as described below.

Figure 3: Tree Based Action Schedule Generation
{\epsfig{file=figures/tree_new_simple.eps, height=1.8in}}

In the tree-based representation, the root corresponds to the entire sub-window, $ [T_{k},T_{k+1}]$. The branches originating from the root represent the candidate actions returned by single action tools. For $ m$ possible action options there will be $ m$ branches. The resulting node $ i$ for each action has the following information:

  • The selected action and its invocation parameters.
  • The action invocation time and finish time $ [invoke_i, finish_i]$.
  • The decision window start and end time $ [start_i, end_i]$. For nodes originating from the root, the value is $ [T_k, T_{k+1}]$.
  • The initial $ {\cal S}_{i}$ and resulting state $ {\cal S}_{i+1}$.
  • The predicted cumulative utility loss $ UL_i$, defined as the sum of system utility loss from $ start_i$ to $ end_i$ if action $ i$ is invoked.

Greedy Pruning: Using the basic greedy approach, the Action Advisor selects a first-level node in the tree that has the lowest utility loss $ UL_i$ and prunes the other $ m-1$ branches (circles crossed out in Figure 3). In addition, a threshold is introduced to ensure that the action gives sufficient improvement. The selected action will only be scheduled if the improvement exceeds the threshold. The threshold is configurable such that a higher value leads to more aggressive pruning. This greedy pruning procedure is referred to as function GreedyPrune in the pseudocode described later. 
Lookback and Lookforward Optimization: In real-world systems, it may be required to invoke more than one action concurrently. For example, if data migration is selected, it might be required to additionally throttle the lower priority workloads until all data are migrated. The Action Advisor uses the Look-back and Look-forward Optimization to improve the action plan. The look-back and look-forward are with reference to the selected action's finish time $ finish_i$. Look-back seeks action options in the time window $ [start_i, finish_i]$ (before the selected action finishes). Look-forward examines possible actions in the window $ [finish_i, end_i]$ (after the selected action finishes). Time $ finish_i$ is chosen as the splitting point because (1) the system state is permanently changed after the action finishes, making the cost-benefit of action options changed and (2) any action scheduled before the selected action finishes need to satisfy the no-conflict constraint (described later). Essentially, the look-back and look-forward optimization splits the time window recursively and seeks actions to improve the system utility further. In the tree-construction, the action candidates for look-back and look-forward are represented as left and right children (marked as solid circles in Figure 3). The pruning-lookback-lookforward procedure is recursively performed to construct an action schedule until the GreedyPrune finds no action option. The pseudocode for look-forward and look-back optimization is given in function Lookback and Lookforward respectively.

Function Lookback(i) {

  Foreach (Corrective_actions) { 

    If (!(Conflict(Existing actions)) {

      Find action option in (start_i, finish_i); 

      Add to Left_Children(i);




  If (Left_Children(i)!=NULL) { 





Function Lookforward(i) {

  Foreach (Corrective_actions) {

    Find action option in (finish_i, end_i);

    Add to Right_Children(i); 



  If (Right_Children(i)!=NULL) { 





When considering actions to be scheduled before another action finishes (in lookback phase), the actions should not conflict with existing selected actions. Two actions conflict if one of the following is true:

  • If they depend on the same resource.
  • If action $ j$ overlaps with an action $ k$ already in the schedule, and action $ j$ violates the precondition for action $ k$. For example, migration action 1 of moving data $ A$ from $ LUN_1$ to $ LUN_2$ will invalidate action 2 of moving data $ A$ from $ LUN_1$ to $ LUN_3$ because the pre-condition of action 2 that data $ A$ was on $ LUN_1$ is no longer true.
In summary, the Action Advisor generates the schedule of corrective actions using a recursive approach (the pseudocode is given below). The final action schedule for each sub-window is obtained by sorting the un-pruned nodes (solid circles in Figure 3) in the tree according to their action invocation time ($ invoke_i$).

Function TreeSchedule() {

  Foreach (Corrective_actions) {

    Find action option in [T_k, T_{k+1}];

    Add to Children(root);



  If (Children(root) !=NULL) { 





Finally, each sub-window is processed sequentially, i.e., the resulting system state of sub-window $ [T_{k},T_{k+1}]$ is the starting state of sub-window $ [T_{k+1}, T_{k+2}]$, and the action schedules are composed into the final action schedule according to the action invocation time.

3.2 Unexpected Mode: Defensive Action Selection

Optimizing for the unexpected workload mode is challenging since it is difficult to predict the duration for which workload variation will persist. The Action Advisor uses a strategy similar to the one used in on-line decision making scenarios such as the ``ski rental: to rent or to buy'' [15]. There the choice of whether to buy (at cost say $150) or rent a ski (at cost say $10 per trip) has to be made without the knowledge of the future (how many times one might go skiing). If one skis less than 15 times, then renting is better, otherwise buying is better. In the absence of the knowledge of the future, the commonly used strategy is ``to keep renting until the amount paid in renting equals the cost of buying, and then buy.'' This strategy is always within a factor of two of the optimal, regardless of how many times one goes skiing, and is provably the best possible in the absence of knowledge about the future.

The Action Advisor follows a similar online strategy. It selects the least costly action until the cumulative utility loss for staying with that action exceeds the cost of invoking the next expensive action. When SMART is in the unexpected mode, the Action Advisor first finds all action candidates under the assumption that the system state and workload demands will remain the same. For each candidate $ A_i$, the cost is initialized as the extra utility loss and hardware cost (if any) paid for the action invocation (shown in Equation 4):

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
Cost(A_i)=\sum_{t=0}^{leadtime(A_i)}{(U_{sys}(no\_action, t)}$      
$\displaystyle -U_{sys}(A_i\_ongoing,t)) + HW\_Cost(A_i)$     (4)

Where $ U_{sys}(noaction, t)$ is the system utility value at time $ t$ if no corrective action is taken and $ U_{sys}(A_i\_ongoing,t)$ is the system utility at time $ t$ if $ A_i$ is ongoing. For example, for throttling, $ Cost(A_i)$ will be zero because the leadtime is zero. For migration, the $ Cost(A_i)$ is the total utility loss over $ leadtime(A_i)$ due to allocating resources to move data around.

Action Advisor selects the action with minimum cost and invokes it immediately. Over time, the cost of each action candidate (including both the selected one and unchosen ones) is updated continuously to reflect the utility loss experienced if $ A_i$ had been invoked. Equation (5) gives the value of $ Cost(A_i)$ after $ t$ intervals:

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
 Cost(A_i) = Cost(A_i) + \sum_{j=0}^{t}UL(A_i, j)$ (5)

This cost updating procedure continues until following situations happen:
  • Another action $ k$ has a lower cost than the previously invoked action. Action Advisor invokes action $ k$ immediately and continues the cost updating procedure. For example, if the system experiences utility loss with throttling, but has no utility loss after migration, the cost for throttling action will continuously grow and the cost of migration will stay same over time. At some point, the cost of throttling will exceed the cost of migration and the migration option will be invoked by then.

  • System goes back to a good state for a period of time. The Action Advisor will stop the action selection procedure (exception has gone).
  • The system collects enough new observations and transitions back to normal mode.

3.3 Risk Modulation

In our previous discussion, action selection has been made based on the cumulative utility loss $ UL_i$. The accuracy of $ UL_i$ depends on the accuracy of future workload forecasting, performance prediction and cost-benefit effect estimation of actions. Inaccurate estimation of $ UL_i$ may result in decisions leading to reduced overall utility. To account for the impact of inaccurate input information, we perform risk modulation on the $ UL_i$ for each action option. Here, risk captures both the probability that the utility gain of an action will be lost (in the future system-states) as a result of volatility in the workload time-series functions (e.g., the demand for $ W_{1}$ was expected to be $ 10K$ IOPS after 1 month, but it turns out to be $ 5K$, making the utility improvement of buying new hardware wasted) and the impact of making a wrong action decision (e.g., the impact of a wrong decision to migrate data when the system is 90% utilized is higher than that of when the system is 20% loaded).

There are several techniques for measuring risk. Actions for assigning storage resources among workloads are analogous to portfolio management in which funds are allocated to various company stocks. In economics and finance, the Value at Risk (VaR) [11] is a technique used to estimate the probability of portfolio losses based on the statistical analysis of historical price trends and volatilities in trend prediction. In the context of SMART, $ VaR$ represents the probability with a 95% confidence, that the workload system will not grow in the future, making the action invocation unnecessary.

$\displaystyle \small 
 VaR (95\%\: confidence) = -1.65 \sigma \times \sqrt{T}$ (6)

where, $ \sigma$ is the standard deviation of the time-series request-rate predictions and $ T$ is the number of days in the future for which the risk estimate holds. For different sub-windows, the prediction standard deviation may be different: a near-term prediction is likely to be more precise than a long-term one.

The risk value $ RF(A_i)$ of action $ i$ is calculated by:

$\displaystyle \small 
 RF(A_i) = -(1+\alpha)*VaR$ (7)

where $ \alpha$ reflects the risk factors of an individual action (based on its operational semantics) and is defined as follows:
$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
\alpha_{thr}$ $\displaystyle =$ 0  
$\displaystyle \alpha_{mig}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{bytes\_moved}{total\_bytes\_on\_source}* Sys\_Utilization$  
$\displaystyle \alpha_{hw}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{hardware\_cost}{total\_budget}*(1-Sys\_Utilization)$  

Where $ Sys\_Utilization$ is the system utilization when the action is invoked.

For each action option returned by single action tools, the Action Advisor calculates the risk factor $ RF(A_i)$ and scales the cumulative utility loss $ UL_i$ according to Equation 8 and the action selection is performed based on the scaled $ UL^{\ast}_i$ (For example, in GreedyPrune).

$\displaystyle \vspace{-0.05in}
 UL^{\ast}_i = (1+RF(A_i))\times UL_i$ (8)

4 Experiments

SMART generates an action schedule to improve system utility. To evaluate the quality of its decision, we implemented SMART in both a real file system GPFS [21] and a simulator. System implementation allows us to verify if SMART can be applied practically while simulator provides us a more controlled and scalable environment, which allows us to perform repeatable experiments to gain insights on the overhead and sensitivity to input information errors.

The experiments are divided into three parts: First, sanity check experiments are performed to examine the impact of various configuration parameters on SMART's decision. Secondly, feasibility experiments evaluate the behavior of two representative cases in the sanity check using the GPFS prototype. Third, sensitivity test first examines the quality of the decisions with accurate component models and future prediction over a variety of scenarios using simulator. It then varies the error rate of the component models and time series prediction respectively and evaluates their impact on SMART's quality. In addition, SMART is designed to assist the administrators to make decisions. However, in order to examine the quality of SMART's decision (for example, what will happen if the administrator follows SMART's advice), selected actions are automatically executed in the experiments.

In the rest of this section, we first describe our GPFS prototype implementation and then present the experimental results of three tests.

4.1 GPFS Prototype Implementation

The SMART prototype is implemented on GPFS: a commercial high-performance distributed file-system [21]. GPFS manages the underlying storage systems as pools that differ in their characteristics of capacity, performance and availability. The storage systems can be accessed by any clients nodes running on separate physical machines transparently.

The prototype implementation involved sensors for monitoring the workloads states, actuators for executing corrective actions and an Action Advisor for decision making.

Sensors: They collect information about the run-time state of workloads. The monitor daemon in each GPFS client node tracks the access characteristics of the workload and writes it to a file, which can be analyzed periodically in a centralized fashion. Workloads are the unit of tracking and control - in the prototype implementation, a workload is defined manually as a collection of PIDs assigned by the OS. The monitoring daemon does book-keeping at the GPFS read/write function call invoked after the VFS translation.

Action actuators: Although the long term goal of the prototype is to support all corrective actions, as a proof of concept, we first implemented action actuators for three most commonly used corrective actions: throttling, migration and adding new pools.

  • The IO throttling is enforced at the GPFS client nodes using a token-bucket algorithm. The decision-making for throttling each workload is made in a centralized fashion, with the token-issue rate and bucket size written to a control file that is then periodically (20ms) checked by the node throttling daemon.

  • Similarly, the control file for the migration daemon consists of entries of the form $ <$file name, source pool, the destination pool$ >$ and the migration speed is controlled by throttling the migration process. The migration daemon thread runs in the context of one of the client nodes and periodically checks for updates in the control file and invokes the GPFS built in function mmchattr to migrate files.

  • Because the addition of hardware normally requires human intervention, we mimic the effect of adding new hardware by pre-reserving storage devices and forbidding the access to them until SMART decides to add them into the system. In addition, the storage devices are configured with different leadtime to mimic the overhead of placing orders and installation.
In addition, the daemon threads for throttling and migration run at the user-level and invoke kernel-level ioctls for the respective actions.

Action Advisor Integration: The SMART action advisor is implemented using techniques described in Section 3. The time-series forecasting is done in an off-line fashion, where the monitored access characteristics for each workload are periodically fed to the ARIMA module [24] for refining the future forecast. Similarly, the performance prediction is done by bootstrapping the system for the initial models and refining the models as more data are collected. Once the Action Advisor is invoked, it communicates with individual action decision-making boxes and generates an action schedule. The selected actions are on hold by the action advisor until the action invocation time (determined by SMART) is due. At that time, the control files for corresponding action actuators are updated according to SMART's decision.

Without access to commercial decision tools, we implemented our own throttling, migration and provisioning tools. Throttling uses simulated annealing algorithm [20] to allocate tokens for each workload; the migration plan is generated by combining optimization, planning and risk modulation. It decides what and where to migrate, when to start migration and migration speed. The provisioning decision is done by estimating the overall system utility for each provisioning option, which considers the utility loss before the hardware arrives, introduced by the load balancing operation (after the new hardware comes into place) and the financial cost of buying and maintaining the hardware.

4.2 Sanity Check

As a sanity check, the action advisor in the GPFS prototype is given the initial system settings as input, while the configuration parameters are varied to examine their impact on SMART's action schedule. The initial system setting for the tests is as follows:

Table 1: Access characteristics of workloads
Workload Request size [KB] Rd/ wrt ratio Seq/ rnd ratio Foot-print [GB] ON/OFF phase [Hour] ON/OFF [Iops]
$ W_{Trend}$ 16 0.7 0.8 60 12/12 150/100
$ W_{Backup}$ 16 1 1 600 8/16 250/0
$ W_{Phase}$ 8 0.8 0.9 6 14/10 150/100

Workloads: There are four workload streams: one is a 2 month trace replay of HP's Cello99 traces [18]. The other three workloads are synthetic workload traces with the following characteristics: 1) $ W_{Trend}$ is a workload with a growth trend - the ON phase load increases by 100 IOPS each day while the OFF phase load increases by 50 IOPS; 2) $ W_{Phase}$ is a workload with periodic ON-OFF phases; 3) $ W_{Backup}$ simulates a backup load with its ON-phase as an inverse of the phased workload. The access characteristics of these workloads are summarized in Table 1. Figure 5 (a) shows the IO rate of these workloads as a function of time. The default utility function for violating and meeting the SLO latency goals are shown in Figure 4 unless specified otherwise.

Figure 4: (a) Utility functions for violating SLO latency goals (b) Utility functions for meeting SLO latency goals
{\epsfig{figure=figures/,..., width=1.5in, angle=0}}\\

Components: There are three logical volumes: POOL1 and POOL2 are both RAID 5 arrays with 16 drives each, while POOL3 is a RAID 0 with 8 drives. POOL3 is originally off-line, and is accessible only when SMART selects hardware provisioning as a corrective action. The initial workload-to-component mapping is: [HP: POOL1], [Trend: POOL1], [Phased: POOL2] and [Backup: POOL2].

Miscellaneous settings: The optimization window is set to one month; the default budget constraint is $20,000 and the one day standard deviation of the load for risk analysis is configured as 10% unless otherwise specified. The provisioning tool is configured with 5 options, each with different buying cost, leadtime and estimated performance models. For these initial system settings, the system utility loss at different time intervals without any corrective action is shown in Figure 5 (b).

Figure 5: (a) Workload Demands (b) utility loss if no corrective action is invoked
{\epsfig{figure=figures/,..., width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

An ideal yardstick to evaluate the quality of SMART's decisions is by comparing it with existing automated algorithms or with decisions made by an administrator. However, we are not aware of any existing work that considers multiple actions; also, it is very difficult to quantify decisions of a representative administrator. Because of this, we take an alternative approach of comparing the impact of SMART's decisions with the maximum theoretical system utility (upper bound, Equation 3) and the system utility without any action (lower bound).

In the rest of this section, using the system settings described above, we vary the configuration parameters that affect SMART's scheduling decisions namely the utility function values (test 1); the length of optimization window (test 2), budget constraints (test 3), risk factor (test 4). In test 5, we explore how SMART handles unexpected case. For each of these tests, we present the corrective action schedule generated by SMART, and the corresponding predicted utility loss as a function of time (depicted on the x-axis).

Test 1: Impact of Utility Function

Figure 6: Action Invocation for different utility functions assigned to $ W_{trend}$ (a) Results for high utility value $ UF_{trend} = 20*Thru$ (default configuration) (b) Results for low utility value assignment $ UF_{trend}=540*log(Thru+1)$
{\epsfig{figure=figures/pro_result_m..., width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

SMART selects actions that maximize the overall system utility value, which is driven by the utility functions for individual workloads using the storage system. In this test, we vary $ W_{Trend}$'s utility function of meeting the SLO latency goal from the default $ 20*Thru$ to $ 540*log(Thru+1)$. As shown in Figure 6(a), the default utility assignment for $ W_{Trend}$ causes a fast growing overall utility loss - SMART selects to add new hardware. However, for the low value utility assignment, the latency violation caused by the increasing load results in a much slower growth in the utility loss. As a result, the cost of adding new hardware cannot be justified for the current optimization window and hence SMART decides to settle for throttling and migration. Note that as the utility loss slowly approaches to the point where the cost of adding new hardware can be justified, SMART will suggest invoking hardware provisioning as needed.

Test 2: Impact of Optimization Window

Figure 7: Action Invocation for different optimization windows (a) Results for 2 days optimization window (b) Results for 1 week optimization window
{\epsfig{figure=figures/pro_result_2..., width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

SMART is designed to select corrective actions that maximize the overall utility for a given optimization window. In this test, we vary the optimization window to 2 days, 1 week and 1 month (default value) - compared to the schedule for 1 month in Figure 6 (a), Figure 7 shows that SMART correctively chooses different action schedules for the same starting system settings. In brief, for a short optimization window (Figure 7 (a) and (b)), SMART correctly selects action options with a lower cost, while for a longer optimization window (Figure 6 (a)), it suggests higher cost corrective options that are more beneficial in the long run.

Test 3: Impact of Budget Constraints

Figure 8: Action Invocation for different budget constraints (a) no budget available (b) low budget ($5000)
...figures/, width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

Test 3 demonstrates how SMART responds to various budget constraints. As shown in Figure 8, SMART settles for throttling and migration if no budget is available for buying new hardware. With $5000 budget, SMART opts for adding a hardware. However, compared to the hardware selected for the default $20,000 budget (shown in Figure 6 (a)), the hardware selected is not sufficient to solve the problem completely, and additionally requires a certain degree of traffic regulation.

Test 4: Impact of Risk Modulation

Figure 9: Action Invocation for different risk factor. (a) Available migration option involves 20GB data movement (b) Available migration involves 1000GB data movement
{\epsfig{figure=figures/risk_result_..., width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

SMART uses risk modulation to balance between the risk of invoking an inappropriate action and the corresponding benefit on the utility value. For this experiment, the size of the dataset selected for migration is varied, changing the risk value (Equation 7) associated with the action options. SMART will select the high-risk option only if its benefit is proportionally higher. As shown in Figure 9, SMART changes the ranking of the corrective options and selects a different action invocation schedule for the two risk cases.

Test 5: Handling of Unexpected Case

Figure 10: Action Invocation for unexpected case (a) Workloads Demands (b) Result for a ``short'' spike (c) results for a ``long'' spike
{\epsfig{figure=figures/spike_iops.p..., width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

This test explores SMART's ability to handle the unexpected workload demands. Figure 10 (a) shows the sending rate of the workload demands. From minute 60 to minute 145, $ W_{Trend}$ sends at 1500 IOPS instead of the normal 250 IOPS. The difference between the predicted value 250 IOPS and the observed value 1500 IOPS exceeds the threshold and SMART switches to unexpected mode. For both cases, SMART invokes throttling directly. But for case 1, the migration option involves a 1000 GB data movement and is never invoked because the spike duration is not long enough to reach to a point where the migration invocation cost is less than the utility loss of staying with throttling. For case 2, a lower cost migration option is available (8GB data) and after 5 minutes, the utility loss due to settling for throttling already exceeds the invocation cost of migration. The migration option is invoked immediately as a result.

4.3 Feasibility Test Using GPFS Prototype

In these tests, SMART is run within the actual GPFS deployment. The tests serve two purposes: (1) to verify if the action schedule generated by SMART can actually help reduce system utility loss; (2) to examine if the utility loss predicted by SMART matches the observed utility loss. We run two tests to demonstrate the normal mode and unexpected mode operation.

Test 1: Normal Model

Figure 11: (a) cumulative utility loss comparison of without action and with SMART's decision (b) observed utility loss (c) difference in Utility Loss (after filtering): Observed value-Predicted
{\epsfig{figure=figures/action_uti_c...,width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

The setting for the experiment are the same as those used in the sanity check tests with two exceptions: the footprint size, and the leadtime of hardware addition. To reduce the experiment running time, the IO features are changed to run 60 times faster (every minute in the figure corresponds to one hour in the trace), and the footprint size is shrunk by a factor of 60, and the leadtime of adding hardware is set to 55 minutes (that maps to the original of 55 hours).

SMART evaluates the information and decides that the best option is to add a new pool. Because it takes 55 minutes to come into effect, SMART looks back to seek for solutions that can reduce the utility loss for time window [0, 55]. It chooses to migrate the $ HP$ workloads from POOL1 to POOL2 and throttle workloads until the new pool arrives. After POOL3 joins, the load balance operation decides to migrate the $ Trend$ workload to POOL3 and $ HP$ back to POOL1. The final workload to component mapping is: $ HP$ on POOL1, $ Backup$ and $ Phased$ on POOL2 and $ Trend$ on POOL3.

As shown in Figure 11 (a), compared to without any action, SMART's action schedule eliminates about 80% of the original utility loss and also grows at a much slower rate. Before time 20, the no action utility loss is slightly lower than with SMART because the SMART schedule is paying extra utility loss for invoking the migration operation.

It can be observed from Figure 11 (b) that there is a negative utility loss. This is because the maximum utility is calculated based on the planned workload demands, while the observed utility value is calculated based on the observed throughput. Due to the lack of precise control in task scheduling, the workload generator can not precisely generate I/O requests as specified. For example: the workload generator for the HP traces is supposed to send out requests at a rate of 57.46 IOPS at time 33 while the observed throughput is actually 58.59 IOPS. As a result, the observed utility value is actually higher than the maximum value and results in a negative utility loss. For a similar reason, the observed utility loss fluctuates very frequently around zero utility loss.

SMART schedules actions and predicts the utility loss to be close to zero. However, the observed utility loss (shown in Figure 11 (b)) has non-zero values. In order to understand the cause of this, we filter out the amount of observed utility loss due to imprecise workload generation (described above), and plot the remaining utility loss in Figure 11 (c). As we can see, the predicted and observed values match at most times except for two spikes at time 2 and time 58. Going into the log of the run-time performance, we found several high latency spikes ( +60ms compared to the normal 10ms) on the migrated workload during migration. This is because the migration process will lock 256 KB blocks for consistency purposes; hence if the workload tries to access these blocks, it will be delayed until the lock is released. The performance models fail to capture this scenario and we observe a mismatch between the predicted and observed utility values. However, these are only transient behavior in the system and will not affect the overall quality of SMART's decision.

Test 2: Unexpected Case

Figure 12: Spike Case: Cumulative Utility loss with migration invoked and without any action
{\epsfig{figure=figures/, width=3.1in, angle=0}}\\

Similar to the sanity check test (Figure 10 (a)), we intentionally create a load surge from time 10 to time 50. SMART invokes throttling immediately and waits for about 3 minutes (time 13) till the utility loss to invoke migration is lower than the loss due to throttling. The migration operation executed from time 13 to 17 and the system experienced no utility loss once it was done. Similar to the previous test, the temporarily lesser utility loss without any action (shown in Figure 12) is due to the extra utility loss for data movement. We skip other figures due to a lack of new observations for predicted and observed utility values.

4.4 Sensitivity Test

We test the sensitivity of SMART on the errors of performance prediction and future prediction in various configurations. This test is based on a simulator because it provides a more controlled and scalable environment, allowing us to test various system settings in a shorter time. We developed a simulator that takes the original system state, future workload forecasting, performance models and utility functions as input and simulates the execution of SMART's decisions. We vary the number of workloads in the system from 10 to 100. For each workload setting, 50 scenarios are automatically generated as follows:  

Workload features: The sending rate and footprint size of each workload are generated using Gaussian mixture distribution: with a high probability, the sending rate (or footprint-size) is generated using a normal distribution with a lower mean value and a low probability, it is generated using another normal distribution with a larger mean value. The use of Gaussian mixture distribution is to mimic the real world behavior: a small number of applications contributes a majority of the system load and accesses the majority of data. Other workload characteristics are randomly generated.

Initial data placement: the number of components is proportional to the number of flows. For our tests, it is randomly chosen to be 1/10 of the number of flows. In addition, we intentionally create an un-balanced system (60% of the workloads will go to one component and the rest is distributed to other components randomly). This design is to introduce SLO violations and therefore, utility loss such that corrective actions are needed.

Workload trending: In addition, to mimic workload changes, 30% of workloads increases and 30% decreases. In particular, the daily growing step size is generated using a random distribution with mean of 1/10 of the original load and the decreasing step size is randomly distributed with mean of 1/20 of the original load.

Utility functions: The utility function of meeting the SLO requirement for each workload is assumed to be a linear curve and the coefficients are randomly generated according to a uniform distribution ranging from 5 to 50. The utility function of violating the SLO requirement is assumed to be zero for all workloads. The SLO goals are also randomly generated with considerations of the workload demands and performance.

For a three month optimization window, the 500 scenarios experienced utility loss in various degrees ranging from 0.02% to 83% of the maximum system utility (the CDF is shown in Figure 13).

Test 1: With Accurate Performance Models and Future Prediction

Figure 13: CDF of percentage of overall utility loss
{\epsfig{figure=figures/, width=1.5in, angle=0}}

For this test, we assume both the performance prediction and the future prediction are accurate. The Cumulative Distribution Functions of the percentage of utility loss (defined as $ \frac{utility\_loss}{maximum\_utility}$) for both with and without corrective actions are shown in Figure 13. Comparing the two curves, with actions selected by Action Advisor, SMART is very close to the maximum utility. More than 80% scenarios have a utility loss ratio less than 2% and more than 93% have a ratio less than 4%.

Test 2: With Performance Model Errors

Figure 14: Impact of Model Errors (a) Observed_Utility_Loss / Predicted_Utility_loss (b) CDFs of Observed_Utility_Loss / Utility_Loss_Without_Action
...igure=figures/, width=1.6in, angle=0}}\\

Our previous analysis is based on the assumption that perfectly accurate component models are available for extrapolating latency for a given workload. However, this is not always true in real-world systems. To understand how performance prediction errors affect the quality of the decision, we perform the following experiments: (1) we generate a set of synthetic models and make decisions based on them. The latency calculated using these models is used as the ``predicted latency'' and the corresponding utility loss is the ``predicted utility loss''. (2) For the exact settings and action parameters, the ``real latency'' is simulated by adding errors on top of the ``predicted latency'' to mimic the real system latency variations. Because the residual normally grows with the real value, we generate a random scaling factor rather than the absolute error. For example, if the predicted latency is 10ms and the random error is 0.2, the real latency is simulated as 10*(1+0.2) = 12ms. The ``real utility'' is estimated based on this.

Figure 14 (a) shows the ratio of $ \frac{observed\_utility\_loss}{predicted\_utility\_loss}$, which reflects the degree of mismatch between the predicted and observed utility loss due to performance prediction errors. As we can see, there is significant difference between them - for a 20% model error, the average $ observed\_utility\_loss$ is 6 times of the predicted value. Next, we examine how does this difference affect the quality of the decision? Figure 14(b) plots the CDF of the remaining percentage of utility loss, defined as $ \frac{observed\_utility\_loss}{utility\_loss\_without\_actions}$. It grows as the model error increases. But even with a 100% model error, on average, the action selected by Action Advisor removes nearly 88% of the utility loss.

Test 3: With Time Series Prediction Errors

Figure 15: Impact of Future Forecasting Errors (a) Observed_Utility_Loss / Predicted_Utility_loss (b) CDFs of Observed_Utility_Loss / Utility_Loss_Without_Action
...g{figure=figures/, width=1.6in, angle=0}}\\

The future forecasting error is introduced in a similar fashion: the workload demands forecasting is generated first. Based on that, the ``real'' workload demands is generated by scaling with a random factor following a normal distribution, with the future forecasting error as the standard deviation. The predicted utility loss is calculated based on the ``forecasted'' demands and the observed utility loss is calculated based on the ``real'' workload demands. Note that, for this set of tests, we restrict the Action Advisor only operating in the normal mode because otherwise, Action Advisor will automatically switch to the unexpected mode.

Figure 15 (a) shows the ratio of the $ observed\_utility\_loss$ to the $ predicted\_utility\_loss$. It is much bigger than that of the model error: 560 vs 75 with 100% error. This is because the future forecasting error has a larger scale. For example, an error of under-estimating 10% of the future demands may lead to 100 IOPS under-estimated, which may offset the performance prediction even more than the one caused directly by model errors. Figure 15 (b) shows the CDF of remaining utility loss after invoking Action Advisor's action schedule. It shows that as the future forecasting error grows, the probability that the Action Advisor's decision is helpful reduces very quickly. It can even result in a utility loss higher than doing nothing. This confirms our design choice: when the difference between the future prediction and observed values are high, we should apply a defensive strategy rather than operating in the normal mode.

Comparing the results of model and future forecasting errors, the quality of the decision is more sensitive to future forecasting accuracy than to model accuracy. In addition, we have used the ARIMA algorithm to perform time-series analysis on HP's Cello99 real world trace and the results show that more than 60% of the predictions falls within 15% of the real value and more than 80% falls within 20%.

5 Related Work

Storage virtualization can be host based [7], network based [23] or storage controller based [28]. Storage virtualization can be at file level abstraction [13] or block level abstraction [14]. These storage virtualization solutions provide support for automatically extending volume size. However, these virtualization solutions do not offer multi-action based SLO enforcement mechanism and only recently single action based (workload throttling) SLO enforcement mechanisms are being combined with storage virtualization solutions [9]. SLO enforcement can also be performed by storage resource management software such as control centerer from EMC [1] and total productivity centerer from IBM [2]. These management software frameworks provide sensor and actuator frameworks, and they also have started to provide problem analysis and solution planning functionality. However, the current versions of these products do not have the ability to combine multiple SLO enforcement mechanisms.

Research prototypes that provide single action based solutions to handle SLO violations exist for a range of storage management actions. Chameleon [25], SLEDRunner [9], and Facade [17] prototypes provide workload throttling based SLO enforcement solutions. QosMig [10] and Aqueduct [16] provide support for data migration based SLO enforcement solutions. Ergastulum [6], Appia [27] and Minerva [3] are some capacity planning tools that can be used to either design a new infra-structure or extend an existing deployment in order to satisfy SLOs.

Hippodrome [5] is a feedback based storage management framework from HP that monitors system behavior and comes up with a strategy to migrate the system from the current state to the desired state. Hippodrome focuses on migrating data and re-configuring the system to transform it from its current state to the new desired state.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

SMART generates a combination of corrective actions. Its action selection algorithm considers a variety of information including forecasted system state, action cost-benefit effect estimation and business constraints, and generates an action schedule that can reduce the system utility loss. It also can generate action plans for different optimization windows and react to both expected load surges and unexpected ones. SMART's prototype has been implemented in a file system. Our experiments show that the system utility value is improved as predicted. Experimental results show that SMART's action decision can result in less than 4% of utility loss. Finally, it is important to note that this framework can also be deployed as part of storage resource management software or storage virtualization software. Currently, we are designing a robust feedback mechanism to handle various uncertainties in production systems. We are also developing pruning techniques to reduce the decision making overhead, making SMART applicable in large data center and scientific deployments.


We want to thank John Palmer for his insights and comments on earlier versions of this paper. We also want to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. Finally, we thank the HP Labs Storage Systems Department for making their traces available to the general public.


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SMART: An Integrated Multi-Action Advisor for Storage Systems

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