Next: Experimental Validation
Up: Theoretical Validation
Previous: Object-Oriented Features
Weyuker[25] listed a set of properties (necessary
but not sufficient) that are
desired of a complexity measure for procedural programs. Although
these properties have been criticized
, Cherniavsky [4],
they do provide a basis for some validation of complexity metrics short
of using experimental data. As shown by Weyuker,
with such properties it is possible to filter out measurements with
undesirable properties.
We have not used all of the properties defined by Weyuker. These properties
were defined for metrics intended to measure procedural programs and, as such,
define some constraints that are not applicable to object-oriented software.
In particular, assuming a single entry, single exit module does not address the
object-oriented aggregation of methods into a class. Where there is an obvious
mismatch between our goals and the properties we have omitted the property.
In the list of properties below, E, F and G represent classes
and the complexity of E computed by an ideal measure
is represented by .
Classes can be concatenated either by inheritance
or composition (collaboration).
When a class F inherits from another class E, we depict
the resulting subclass as
Also, when a class E
collaborates with another class F, the collaborating class is shown by
. Two classes are said to be equivalent
if they have the same behaviour for the classes.
- Property 1: .
There exists two classes E and F such that the complexity of
E is not equal to the complexity of F.
The property requires that
a measure should not produce the same value for every class.
With our measure we can always come up with two classes with two
different complexity values. We can always construct a class F
which has a different number of data attributes or methods with different
signatures from those in class E, such that the Visibility Component is different.
- Property 2: Let c be a nonnegative number. Then there are
only finitely many classes of complexity c.
A measure has to be sufficiently sensitive, and this property
requires that a measure have a bounded range of values
that it can assign.
By the principle of number theory we can show that there is a finite
combination of series whose sum is equal to . Each series in the
combination represents a particular set of attribute Visibilities. Since
there is a finite number of distinct series, the number of classes with the
Visibility Component, c is finite.
- Property 3: There are distinct classes E and F such that,
A measure that assigns a unique value to every class is not
much of a measure. It would go against the principle of measurements
which requires that the number of objects that can be measured
be greater than range of the values of the measure.
Our measure clearly satisfies this property, since the Visibility Component
does not depend on the types of the attributes. Given a
class E, we can create a new class with a different number of attributes
and methods having high visiblities so that the
new class F has the same complexity value.
- Property 4:
There exist classes E and F such that E is equivalent
to F but the complexity of E is not equal to the complexity of F.
There are different implementations for the same functionality. Since our
metric does not depend on data types, it independent on class implementations.
Therefore this
property is satisfied by our metric.
- Property 5:
For all classes E and F, if F inherits from E then the
complexity of is greater than or equal to the
original complexity of F.
Due to the inheritance, class F has access to all the public and
protected data attributes of E.
This increase in the implicit parameters of class F making the
measure sensitive to inheritance.
Since our measure happens to satisfy all the above properties it
can be considered to have passed a significant part of the
theoretically validation process.
The measure has been tested againt those axioms proposed by
Weyuker that are applicable to both procedural and object-oriented
software systems.
Next: Experimental Validation
Up: Theoretical Validation
Previous: Object-Oriented Features
John McGregor
Sun May 5 14:43:24 EDT 1996